Return of Immanuel

Emmanuel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Introduction - Story to Life

Imagine with me for a moment a king who has graciously ruled over his realm. He is a good king. One who always does his best and willingly helps and sacrifices for his people. Now, one day this king leaves his kingdom on an unknown quest. No one knows exactly where he is going or exactly what he is doing. They do not wish him to go, but go he must.
After the king leaves the days turn into weeks and months and years. Soon, those left to watch over the kingdom begin to wonder if he will ever return. Various people step up, but their leadership is always lacking. Factions begin to develop and people begin to take sides. It isn’t what the king would want, but what are the people to do? They follow the ones who promise to make life easiest for them, although life never seems easy. A new generation comes on the scene and while they heard of the king, they never really knew him.
The grandparents reminisce about how good he was, but it only sounds like stories. we need to move ahead. We need to take more lands. We need toestablish new rules. The elders balk as the decisions would not please the king, but alas, they eventually get in line. The kingdom no longer looks like what the king left or imagined.
Then one day the king returns. He expects a parade, a joyous welcome, oh there are some, but many of those now in leadership don’t recognize him. They question if he is who he says he is. And even if that is the case, they are in charge now, and they aren’t stepping down.
He tells his loyal subjects that his kingdom is even greater than it was. He has conquered new lands and has more to offer to those who will remain faithful. However, he can’t force anyone to follow. However, he will get his kingdom back. He now is going to leave and bring his army back to conquer those who have stolen his throne. He will destroy the systems they have established and bring order back to his realm. And so he leaves with the promise of a return.
His loyal followers are not sure what to do. They try to warn others of his return and judgment, but many simply scoff at them and tell them to forget him and move one. They try to remain faithful, but the opposition grows and grows.
What will happen when the king return? Will justice be served? Will he regain control of the kingdom? How severe will the punishment be for those who have turned their back on him? What about those who never really knew him?

Text Intro

Merry Christmas! Over the past few weeks, we have seen how Immanuel, God With Us helps us with our fears, our trials and our sin. This is a great reminder in a year where many of us have been more isolated than normal.
This morning we want to share the ultimate, God With Us.
Jesus is no longer here on earth. Immanuel humbly came as a baby, lived as a righteous man, and died as a voluntary sacrifice for our sin. But then He left this world to go back to the Father. John 14.1-3 tells us this,
John 14:1–3 NIV
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
He went away to prepared a place for those who will be with Him forever. Here on the Sunday before Christmas 2020, with all the craziness that this year has been, are you ready for Immanuel, God With Us, to be with us again? This time, forever. Now more than ever, we should be aware of the fragility of life. Are you prepared for the life that is to come?
Open Bibles to Revelation 21.1 (p. ). In Revelation, John the Apostle was given a glimpse of the hereafter. Of how this world will end. Of how Satan will ultimately vanquished.
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