A Man of Few Words
A Man of Few Words
Matthew 3; John 1, 3
GBC Sonora 5/27/01
FBLG 10/6/05
I would dare say no one here is an expert on President Coolidge. What we know of him is based on reports we have heard. That he was a man of few words is what makes him unique.
Coolidge’s curt answers to reporters’ questions were legendary. A reporter once told the President he bet his editor he could get the President to say more than two words. Coolidge quickly replied, “You lose!” When news of his death reached the Speaker of the House, the Speaker replied, “The President has died? How can you be sure?”
In Scripture, there are men of few words. The words we have recorded coming from their lips are few and far between. But in that scarcity, we find the uniqueness of their personality. One such man is John the Baptist. The forerunner of Christ, it was John’s God-given responsibility to prepare the way for the Lord. He did it with a few well-chosen words. Tonight, look at several of those few words and learn vital lessons for your life.
“Repent” Matthew 3:1 ff.
The message
· A turning from sin Acts 14:15; Ez 18:30 – 32
o Change of mind and principles. Giving up foolish notions and wrong assumptions.
· A turning to God Isa 45:22; 1 Th 1:9
o Placing self under new authority; total alteration of mind and actions
· Prompted by God’s activity 2 Tim 2:25; Acts11:18
o Not possible apart from the Holy Spirit Zech 12:10
The manifestation Luke 3:10 ff.
· Changed attitude Eph 4:20 – 22
o Oreo theology – renewed mind!
· Changed actions
o Know~Be~Do practically evidenced
§ Concern for others
§ Regard for justice
§ Contentment with position and pay
“Behold” John 1:29
The Lamb
· God’s Lamb, the promised holy sacrifice
o OT cry = “Where is the Lamb?” Gen 22:8
o Each OT sacrifice a picture prophecy of the coming Lamb Ex. 29:38; Lev 14
o The Lamb is now present!
The Life
· Takes away sin Heb 9:26
o Removes what offends a holy God.
o ‘Sin’ = the entirety of offenses; “one large ugly lump placed on the back of this Lamb”
· The whole world 1 Jn 2:2; Rev 1:5
o All who turn in response to God will find their sin has been removed!
o “Sin has but two places where it may be: with you – on your neck, or upon Christ the Lamb of God. If it lies on your neck, you are lost and hopeless. If it lies on Christ, you are free. Take whichever you will.” - Martin Luther.
“Him” John 3:22 – 30
The right relationship
· Not the Messiah
o Repeating a theme “I am not He!” 1:19 – 23
o I am the one who tells of Him
· The friend of the bridegroom
o Christ, the bridegroom, loves the bride – the church and is the One who receives her love. Mt 9:15
o John served the bridegroom and shows all the joy and gladness a “best man” would at a wedding.
o This is why his joy is fulfilled – the bridegroom has come!
The right response
· He must increase
o Not in knowledge, wisdom or stature
o Increase in credit, reputation and honor
o An increase that will eventually be revealed to include all creation. Rev. 11:15
· I must decrease
o “If our diminution in the least contributes to the advancement of Christ’s name, we must cheerfully submit to it, and be content to be any thing, to be nothing, so that Christ may be all.” – M. Henry
o A position of service and submission Col 1:18
o A proper estimate of value Rom 12:3
John spoke more than the three words we looked at this evening. However, these were the hallmarks of his ministry. When all was said and done; when time removed the full memory of his exact delivery; when those who heard him thought back on his life, these words characterized John:
Repent. Behold. Him.
Let those be the words by which you remember me. Let those be the words by which this world remembers you.
This sermon is not about my legacy. This sermon is not about the loss we feel as we part from each other. This sermon is about Jesus Christ; and your duty to Him. What have you done with Jesus? Have you turned from your sin? Have you beheld the Lamb of God that takes away your sin? Is He increasing while you decrease? Are you willing to turn, willing to behold, willing to decrease?