Family Care and Communication
Family Care & Communication
1 Timothy 5:1 – 16
FPBC December 11 2005 [SS]
What does real religion looks like? [Read James 1:26 – 27] Why are a controlled tongue, compassionate care and pure life better indicators of real religion than church attendance numbers, great preaching, and fabulous outreach and in-reach ministry programs?
It is because they are better indicators of a healthy believer. Personal godliness was the focus of our last two lessons. How is godliness practically lived out? Paul instructs Timothy in that very area!
Communication in the family 1 Tim 5:1 – 2
Four guidelines for dealing with problems
· Older men:
o Not rebuke – confrontational communication; verbal assault
o Exhort – a gentle loving communication
o Treat as you would your father.
o What attitude should a younger man have toward his father? Ex 20:12; 21:17; Prov 30:17
· Younger men
o Not rebuke
o Exhort
o Treat as you would a brother
o Put him first Gal. 6:1; Rom 12:10; 2 Thes 3:14 – 15
· Older women
o Not rebuke
o Exhort
o Treat as you would your mother
o Gentle and courteous treatment 1 Thes 2:7
· Younger women
o Not rebuke
o Exhort
o Treat as you would a sister
o Gentleness and purity
General principles
· Deal with problems according to God’s Word
o Use His standards for what is important
o Use His guidelines to approach those with problems.
Compassion in the family 1 Tim 5:3 – 16
An obligation to care
· Our compassion must extend to those with the greatest need – widows.
o Read Ex 22:22 – 24; Deut. 10:17, 18; 24:17 – 22; Jeremiah 7:6 – 7; Acts 6:1; 1 Timothy 5:3
The options for caring
· Family Care 1 Tim. 5:4 – 8
o Family to care for widowed mothers, grandmothers as a demonstration of godliness
o Failure to do so proved worse than an unbeliever
o Those who have experienced God’s love bear the responsibility to display that love in all aspects of life.
o The reasons for Family Care
§ Repayment for the investment they have previously made
§ To please God
o How far does our faith extend? All the way into the family care we provide?
· Church Care 1 Tim. 5:3 – 10
o This option is for those widows without an extended family.
o Church is obliged to care for “really widows”
§ “Left alone”: desolate, no means of support v.5
§ “trusts in God”: a life of faith v.5
§ “regularly prays”: shows devotion to God v.5
§ “blameless”: not a worldly lifestyle v. 6, 7
§ “over 60”: in need of assistance v.9
§ “wife of one man”: faithful to spouse v.9
§ “reported for good works”: hospitable, humble, caring, diligent v.10
o Church responsible to identify and assist these women!
· Marriage Care 1 Tim. 5:11 – 14
o Younger widows were not automatically under the church’s care
o Potential dangers (not automatic)
§ May desire to marry a man who does not walk with the Lord 5:11 – 12
§ Idle; too much time on hands 5:13
§ May wander from house to house, intruding on the lives of others 5:13
§ May not keep confidences 5:13
§ May become a busybody, talking about matters that are not her business 5:13
o Consider remarrying godly men 5:14
· Friend Care 1 Tim. 5:16
o Those who were able to support a widowed friend were encouraged to do so
o Allows the church to focus on others with need
o Provides great blessing for the assisting friend, as well as for the friend assisted.
The emphasis in this passage is practical demonstration of godliness. Those who live godly lives are to be cared for by others as a demonstration of godliness. This self-perpetuating cycle teaches not only young believers but unbelievers as well what godliness “looks like.” How well are you doing?