Behold the Lamb!
Behold The Lamb!
John 1:24 – 34
FPBC December 4 2005 [AM]
The aircraft was low, much too low. As the engines strained to continue propelling the fighter jet closer to the safety of the carrier, the pilot wondered if he would be able to land his badly damaged craft. The controls fought against his every move. His landing gear was of no use, thanks to the missile that had done so much other damage to his day. Lining the plane up with the deck of the carrier, he began his approach. His fingers reached for the switch that would lower the tail hook into position.
YOU CAN’T DO THAT! The low fuel supply and damaged landing gear was forgotten. The pilot’s quickly turned to the source of this cry. The pastor was deep into his sermon and had made a strong point. But I missed it; and still do not know what he was warning us about not doing.
Throughout history great statements have grabbed our attention. One statement, however, turned the course of history. It summarized all that had been revealed up to that moment and summarizes all teaching from that moment on. John’s statement “Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world” turns the world from looking for spiritual life to finding the One they had been seeking.
The Look 1:24 – 30
The Pharisees looked at John’s actions
· Since John was not Messiah, why was he baptizing?
o Curious about religious implications of John’s activity. John’s baptism was different.
§ John baptized. Proselytes auto-baptized.
§ John compares his water baptism to the Coming One’s baptism. Matthew 3
o Why preparing people for a kingdom? Who gave authority? Why baptizing Jewish people?
§ To prepare the people for HIM.
· Pharisees greatest concern was not their need for repentance; but who gave John authority to speak in such a manner and baptize!
o How often is God’s message missed by questioning the manner in which it comes?
§ When God clearly speaks, respond!
o As a “voice” John was stern & comforting
§ Showed need & pointed to the One Who could satisfy
§ Encouraged hearers to “make straight” lives.
§ Those ignorant of the Coming One would have John’s assistance to know Him!
§ Even his denials of Messiah-ship were part of his positive witness of the Coming Messiah.
· Disciple not permitted to touch Teacher’s shoes. Beneath his station as a disciple.
· A servant did all the bidding of the Master.
· John shows feeling of unworthiness to claim even servant status to the Coming Messiah!
John looked at Jesus’ actions
· An expression caused by the sight of Jesus
o John’s greatest response was not to the repeated questions of the Pharisees, but to the sight of Jesus!
· With one word, John focuses attention on Jesus.
o Seismologists are aware of this phenomenon. After years of study in their fields, it takes only a glance at a set of dials or a brief look at a list of data for them to KNOW that a disruptive event is pending. They know because they’ve trained for it all their careers.
o You don’t have to be a rock scientist! You often walk outside and KNOW if what you are wearing is sufficient for the day’s weather. You have spent a lifetime gathering the information that goes into that instantaneous evaluation.
o On what are you focusing? Do you see Jesus at every intersection of your life? Do you look for Him, to direct the attention of others to Him? Are you too busy with any one of a thousand other things to display Jesus to those who need Him desperately?
The Lamb 1:29
Historical significance
· Final fulfillment of Abraham’s prophecy Gen. 22
· Fulfillment of the Passover picture prophecy Ex. 12
o The cry of the Jewish nation “Where is the lamb?”
· Fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy Isa. 52, 53
o Aramaic word for ‘lamb’ also translated as ‘servant’
o A greater connection between the Lamb as Savior and Messiah is about to be given!
Relational significance
· Literally, God’s Lamb
o “This lamb is not only innocent but also perfectly holy.” (Hastings)
o Why does John use the title “Lamb of God”?
§ Used in a context of Jesus’ power and glory
§ Jesus has authority to not only remove sin but baptize with the Holy Spirit.
§ “Lamb” does not normally carry the affiliations of ‘tenderness, love and glory’ – but they do here, because that is what John assigns to them.
· Which Lamb?
o Many suggestions as to which sacrificial lamb John has in mind.
o All lambs are inadequate when compared to Christ!
The Life 1:29 – 34
· Airw means to take away, lift, carry for another
o This lamb would do more than cover sin!
o This lamb would REMOVE sin
o Only possible by bearing sin
· Sin is “missing the mark of divine law.”
o An accurate depiction of our failure to meet God’s expectations of holiness and purity!
o Sin – not sinS – is important
§ “The whole mass of human transgression was bound together, in one … awful bundle, and laid upon the unshrinking shoulders of this better Atlas who can bear it all and bear it all away.” – (Maclaren)
o John points to Jesus as Lamb of God, since Jesus will effect the reconciliation of the world to God!
o The implication is staggering! Every sin can be forgiven; no sin is too egregious in the sight of God; all sin is removed by this Lamb of God.
Confirmation 1:32 – 34
· John did not know Jesus was the Coming One until signs confirmed it.
o Descent and indwelling of Holy Spirit
o Fulfillment of prophecy Isa. 42:1; 61:1 (Lk. 4:21)
§ Jesus is God’s chosen Son to be the Savior!
o Proof of ability to baptize with HS Ezek. 36:25 – 27
§ Repentance & confession of sin necessary
Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:2; 5:16 - 25
· This IS the Son of God!
o John’s definite conclusion after serious study and consideration.
o Without this knowledge, why would any disciples of John follow Christ?
Martin Luther said “Sin has but two places where it may be; either it may be with you, so that it lies upon your neck, or upon Christ, the Lamb of God. If now it lies upon your neck, you are lost; if however, it lies upon Christ, you are free and will be saved. Take now whichever you prefer.”
Today, Behold the Lamb of God (Great Savior) who takes (Perpetual Savior) away the sin (Complete Savior) of the world (Almighty Savior).