Group Serve Outline
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Excited about group serve
Gal 6:10 “10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Groups that are serving together are maturing together.
Our Wedding Day
We are one body, filled by one spirit, called to One Lord and on One Mission to bring the One Hope of Jesus Christ to the City, Nations and Generations.
Our Sunday services is one way we accomplish this mission
GroupServe is about two or more groups coming together to make a Sunday Service happen.
We want groups to come and serve together
setup/teardown, greeting & ushering.
There is a joy of accomplishing this together to serve the church and the community.
Groups that are serving together are maturing together.
How it works:
Sign your group up to serve on a Sunday
Church Center App or
You’ll be contacted with details.
Show up to serve on Sunday
Pray together, serve together, worship together, grow together.
I’m excited to see us come together as the church to serve one another by providing the opportunity to worship together for the church, and for those looking for hope.
Sign your group up for GroupServe and let’s watch God work.
Excited about GroupServe
We are one body, filled by one spirit, called to One Lord and on One Mission to bring the One Hope of Jesus Christ to the City, Nations and Generations.
Corporate Worship is one of the ways we live out that mission.
God uniquely gifted each of us to accomplish that mission.
Romans 12:4-8 , one body, many members — beautiful picture of the church.
Ephesians 4 says “when each part working properly the body builds itself up in love”
One of the main ways we can love one another is to serve one another.
10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Believe in Biblical Community
One element that has been missing is the opportunity to serve together.
Groups that serve together endure together
GroupServe is an opportunity to serve together as a group to make a Sunday Worship Service happen.
Wedding Night
Vision for Group Serve — community actually grows out of serving together with a common purpose and goal.
This actually strengthens community.
Groups that serve together endure together
How it works:
Sign your group up to serve on a Sunday
You’ll be contacted with details.
Show up to serve on Sunday
Pray together, serve together, worship together, grow together.
I’m excited to see us come together as the church to serve one another by providing the opportuntiy to worship together for the church, and for those looking for hope.
Sign up for GroupServe and let’s watch God work.