Untitled Sermon (23)
The Jews had “fat hearts” and had closed off their eyes and ears
Descrepancy between Isaiah and Acts?
Messenger typically serves to strengthen the people’s stubborness
The gospel sower can only do so much, it is up to the hearers to open their ears and eyes
Parable of the sower
Enemies of the Gospel:
Sadducees- Wealth/status
When we are doing well, it’s easier not to see the people who are not doing well (World)
Pharisees- complacency/comfort; wanting to keep things the way they are/always have been
When we are comfortable, we fail to see the problems our habits have created (Church)
Essenes- Self-righteousness/pride
When we are self-righteous, we cannot see the things we need to change in ourselves (Self)
Are we comfortable with the way the world is?
Are we comfortable with where our church is?
Are we comfortable with where we are?
Gospel Solutions:
Poverty- Give it all away, live generously, hold onto nothing
Justice- God’s kingdom places the poor and less powerful first. The least of these must become the greatest, and all must become servants
Repentance- The gospel calls us to acknowledge the ways we have failed, and to acknowledge how we fall short
The gospel takes everything away, which is painful. But in return, it offers something better:
A better world: peace and joy
A better community: equity and justice
A better self: true righteousness