The Supremacy of God

Our God Reigns  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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There is not a single square inch that exists in the universe where our God is not, at every moment, providentially and sovereignly ruling. Our God reigns. He alone reigns in supremacy.

Have you ever noticed that people have more boldness to do something when someone goes with them? A person is more willing to sign up for that challenge if a friend does it with them. A child is more willing to try the ride if a parent goes with them. An employee is willing to keep company policy on an issue if their employer backs them up. So it is with us and God. We are more willing to fulfill a task as people if we know that God is with us. God told Joshua he’ll go with them. God has told us that he’ll be with us wherever we go too (Hebrews 13:5).
Theme Statement
There is not a single square inch that exists in the universe where our God is not, at every moment, providentially and sovereignly ruling. Our God reigns. He alone reigns in supremacy.
1. God's Supremacy is on display over the Gentile Nations
A. The landscape of the nations just prior to Daniel's exile in Bablyon
“Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.” (1) (Show a slide of the Babylonian Empire)There are, in the days prior to the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem, two warring entities in the Middle East: Babylon to the East of Jerusalem and Egypt to the West of Jerusalem. Pharaoh Neco is the ruling Pharaoh in Egypt while King Nabopolassar is the ruler in Babylon. His son and future King, Nebuchadnezzar is the commander of the Babylonian army at that time. Jeremiah is the Major Prophet of Israel at this time in history. Read Jeremiah 25:8-12Nebuchadnezzar is the servant of God. He is God’s instrument, who will bring divine discipline upon the people of Judah, the Southern Kingdom and will carry away exiles into Babylon. Those exiles will be servants in the King’s court – Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael – to name 4 of them. Isaiah also prophesied of the time when God would raise up a King from Babylon to carry away the people of Judah about 100 years before it happened: Isaiah 39:1-8…cross reference Daniel 1:2-3 pertaining to the temple treasures and Daniel and the others.
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes tiems and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.
Daniel, 2:20-22
The presiding truth on display in the book of Daniel and throughout prophetic history is this: Our God is reigning in Supremacy over the nations of the world.
He raises up Kings and Governors and Presidents to fulfill his purposes on the grand stage of human history. He also brings down Kings and Governors and Presidents to fulfill his purposes on the grand stage of human history.
He also raises up and brings down Nations in order to fulfill his purposes on the grand stage of human history.
Shall the God of all creation not do what is right according to his will? Shall the people who claim to be the people of God not continue to trust him and walk in faithfulness during times of upheaval on the world stage?
The answer to the first question is a resounding YES! Our God who reigns supreme will do what is right according to his will! The answer to the second question is a decision that is left hanging in the balance.
2. God's Supremacy is on display over Judah
A. The landscape of the Kings of Judah just prior to Daniel's exile into Babylonian captivity.
As I noted earlier the contemporary prophet during this time of history (7th century BC or the late 600’s) was Jeremiah. The contemporary Kings of Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry can best be seen in this chart. Hezekiah reigned during Isaiah’s prophetic ministry. When Hezekiah dies there are two Kings who reign before Josiah takes the throne of Judah and Jerusalem. Both Manasseh and Amon are evil kings. Josiah comes to the throne at the ripe old age of 8 years old. He is a godly King. He reigns over Jerusalem for 31 years and we are told that it is in his 13th year as King that Jeremiah begins to prophecy of God’s coming judgment against Judah. There is a bit of hope in the days of Josiah. The book of law is found by the High Priest Hilkiah. It was read in the presence of King Josiah and he tore his clothes in repentance for the Nation and ordered religious reforms in the southern kingdom. For his own part, King Josiah committed himself to walk in the statutes of the Lord and to keep his commandments with all his heart. He ordered the high places of idolatry throughout the land to be torn down and destroyed. Child sacrifices to pagan gods were ordered to cease. Josiah defiled the altars to the god of Molech in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom where those child sacrifices were taking place. The high places all around the city of Jerusalem which were set up to worship the pagan deities of Ashtoreth and Chemosh and Milcom were all defiled and torn down. Josiah even restored the celebration of the Passover and in his 18th year as King the Passover was celebrated in Jerusalem. Josiah put away the fortunetellers and ordered the false household gods in Judah to be destroyed. There was hope in Israel for a short time. Josiah though was killed by Pharaoh Neco of Egypt at the age of 39 and his son, Jehoahaz began to reign, but only for 3 months. Jehoahaz was indeed evil in the sight of the Lord, however it was not politically expedient for Pharaoh Neco’s purposes to have him on the throne is Jerusalem, so he was bound and carried away captive.Josiah’s second son, Eliakim, better known as Jehoiakim, was put in place as King by Pharaoh Neco, who then enforced a tax on the land of Judah. So, Jehoiakim begins his reign as a vassal or puppet King of the Pharaoh Neco. He reigned for 11 years and was a wicked King. Not only was he a puppet to the Egyptian Pharaoh, but he had a palace built for himself from the tax money of the people and then refused to pay the workers (Jeremiah 22:13-14)Not only that but Jehoiakim violently opposed the prophets of Judah. During this time Jeremiah is prophesying of a coming invasion of Babylon and the destruction of Judah. Jeremiah is threatened with death in the first year of the reign of Jehoiakim, but is spared. The prophet Uriah was not so fortunate. Jeremiah 26:20-23.By the 4th and 5th year of Jehoiakim’s reign Jeremiah has not increased in favor before the King. In Jeremiah 36, in a scene similar to the one where the book of the Law was read in the presence of Jehoiakim’s father Josiah and he tore his clothes, Jeremiah’s prophecy of coming destruction from Babylon is read to the King and rather than repenting he simply and methodically tears the scroll in half page by page and throws it a fire.Meanwhile, as Jehoiakim’s heart is hardened against God and his prophets, things came to a head between Egypt and Babylon in 605 BC. Pharaoh Neco leads his army in a confrontation with the Babylonian army led by its commander Nebuchadnezzar at what is known historically as the battle of Carchemish. In God’s divine plan the Egyptians are defeated and the Babylonians exact their first invasion into Judah. During that invasion however, Nebuchadnezzar’s father, King Nabopolassar gets sick and dies. With the throne of Babylon in jeopardy, Nebuchadnezzar retreats back to Babylon to become King, but not before he forces Jehoiakim to be a loyal subject to him (2 Kings 24:1), which he does for 3 years. It is during this first invasion of Judah by Babylon that Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael are carried away as captives and brought into the King’s court and trained to be his advisors.
Chronology of Jeremiah
(Full resolution image can be found in the Media folder of your export.)
For thus says the Lord: ‘When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’
Jeremiah, 29:10-11
In all of that history, God’s sovereign plan is being carried out. A plan that even 100 years before it takes place was prophesied by Isaiah the prophet to King Hezekiah.
The people of Judah were being disciplined by the Lord because they had failed to honor him and serve him and to keep the Sabbath rest for the land. Therefore for 70 years the Jews would remain in Babylonian captivity before the Lord would eventually raise up a foreign deliverer in King Cyrus (also prophesied by Isaiah almost 200 years prior in Isaiah 44 & 45) who would allow a remnant of Jews led by Ezra to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and then King Artaxerxes would allow Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls.
Daniel proves that God is sovereignly working in the history of his people. His purposes and plans will be carried out.
Today, God is sovereignly working not only in the history of Israel, but also in the events of the Church. Israel belongs to the Lord. The Church belongs to the Lord. Our God reigns in Supremacy. There is ALWAYS a faithful remnant whom God is using in the midst of uncertain and chaotic times. We the Church are that remnant today!
3. God's Supremacy is on display over Individual Believers
A. God places his people in the right place at the right time to carry out his purposes.
All of this history now sets the stage for the providential and sovereign hand of God to work in and through his choice servants right in the midst of a pagan and unbelieving people in order that the glory of the God of heaven would be put on display so that the world may know that our God reigns. That is the account of Daniel. It is the account of our God reigning in supremacy over the affairs of Babylon on the ground, in the King’s palace day-by-day. It is also the prophetic account of our God reigning in supremacy over the affairs of future Kingdoms and Nations of the Earth, and that includes our day. God has sovereignly placed Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael in the King’s court for such a time as this. Just like he placed Joseph as second in command in Egypt way back in Genesis to spare the house of Jacob during famine. Just like he placed Esther as Queen in the King’s palace during the later days of this exile to spare the Jews of annihilation at the hands of Haman. Just like he placed Ezra to rebuild the Temple and Nehemiah to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. Just like he intercepted the Christian killer Saul on the road to Damascus and converted him and made him a missionary to the Gentiles. Just like he intercepted your life and mine and made us his servants for such a time as this. WHY?
Jesus, John 17:22-23
John 17:22–23 ESV
The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
God is Sovereign – God is at work in the history of the human race. He raises up Kings and Kingdoms and he tears down Kings and Kingdoms. Daniel 2:20-22
God is Providentially Working – The book of Daniel assures us that God is providentially working in the midst of this captivity for the good of his people and his justice among the nations.Hope for a Better Country – In the prophetic scriptures of Daniel we will see God’s plan for Israel and the Nations unfold and we are exhorted to keep our eyes on the Lord and his better promises for his better country.
Believers have Responsibility – Daniel teaches us that it is possible to live in a culture opposed to God and to thrive in faith-filled courage…but it takes intentionality, conviction, and uncompromising determination. It will take Courageous Faith – We are going to be challenged to live with courageous faith in our oppositional culture. It will take Day-by-day Grace – God provides grace for his people in the moment they need it as they each walk in a faith relationship with God.
Your Life is a Part of a Bigger Story – God’s work of redemption is the ongoing theme of the entire narrative of human history, including our time.
Often, when we decide to be an agent of change for God, fear will rise up against us. Throughout the Scriptures, God encourages his people not to be slaves to fear, but rather, to live boldly and courageously (see Joshua 1:9). If we allow fear to hold us back and paralyze us, we cannot function as agents of change for God’s purposes in the earth. Oswald Sanders stated, “A great deal more failure is the result of an excess of caution than of bold experimentation with new ideas. The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution” (Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways [Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2016], 19).
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