The Pain of Porneia

The Pain of Porneia  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Foundation

God Created Our Sexuality
We are image-bearers
Our understanding of morality, of our sexuality, is from a reverence for the creator’s design
God created our sexuality - we desire to honor and glorify God through our sexuality
What God creates is “good”
Tov - something is tov when it has within it“ the potential of life embedded in it by God when the creation brings it forth with the seeds of future life in it.
When God creates something - like our sexuality, it has the life of God embedded in it
It has the seeds of future life within it
God’s Love Doesn’t Mean He Ignores Our Sin; He Saves Us From It
There’s been a change in our culture - even in the church,
It gives us the liberty to live however we want
Sin is not sin
We don’t need to change
God’s grace accepts us
His love accepts us
Every interaction Jesus had with someone he loved them right where they were at … and then called them to a life set apart for God glory
We are called to be holy - set apart because Jesus is holy
Col 3 - Paul tells to put to death - sexual immorality, impurity, evil desires, coveting, greed anger, wrath, slander
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness
In other words - is the life your living - tov, good
Jesus is Lord
Yes, he is our savior
Yes he is our friend
But, let’s not forget - he is our Lord
Meaning - if we are part of the Kingdom of God - we must submit to the Lordship of Jesus in our lives
Luke 6:46 (NLT)
46“So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?
If I’m going to call him Lord - I will do what he says - all of it.
We are made for Covenant Relationships
Covenant relationships are binding agreements
They are relationships that are meant to last - be long-term
They are never to be broken
That is what we are made for
That is how God created us
Covenant relationship with God through Jesus Christ
We are created as image-bearers
Covenant relationship with other believers
We are called the body of Christ
It’s Jesus’ prayer in John 17 - unity
So the world may know
It’s Paul’s call to harmony - unity
Covenant relationship between a man and a woman
Remember the focus of the story of the creation of Eve is on the rib
Chiasm - writing tool used often in the OT
The feminine was taken from Adam
Helper fit for him - Ezer-kenegdo
The picture is of a man and woman standing face to face
The covenant relationship is the masculine and feminine coming back together again
The Voice We Listen To
Bertrand Russel - four main desires that drive humanity
Greed - the desire to possess as much as possible
We are never really satisfied
Rivalry - the desire to be better than someone else
Narcissism - or vanity - the desire to be seen
Look at me
Social media is narcissism at its best
Stronger desire than greed or rivalry
Love of Power - the desire to be in control
These desires impact our lives
They are what drive us
As humans - we are able to discipline these desires, to control these desires
God speaks to us about truth - His truth
We are to obey His truth
Our culture - truth
It is subjective - what is your truth may not be my truth ...
The question becomes - what voice are you going to listen to?
The desires within you
The voice of God outside you


For the most part, this is Paul’s world view. These are some foundational truths that he was viewing life from.
God Created our Sexuality - It Is Tov (good)
God’s Love Doesn’t Mean He Ignores Our Sin; He Saves Us From It
Jesus Is Lord
We are Made For Covenant Relationships
Are we listening to the voice of God
we need to hold and understand as we talk about anything in our culture - even as we talk about human sexuality.
We are going back to our text:
1 Corinthians 6:12–20 (NIV)
12“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
13You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.
14By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.
15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!
16Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”
17But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.
18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
19Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

The Problem - Porneia

Paul is tackling the arguments that the church in Corinth is making - that it’s ok to use prostitutes.
There were probably over 1000 temple prostitutes
It was normal, it was legal
it was normal for the men of Corinth to go to prostitutes
Let’s remember - Corinth is a harbor city
Thin strip of land
Would haul things by land between two different seas
That way you wouldn’t need to sail around
diverse, 1000’s of people traveling through
men who have been ships or traveling
it’s time to party!!!
Men of Corinth also used these prostitutes.
For these new believers - this was part of the culture they lived in
They grew up living in a society that prostitution was ok
That sex outside the marriage relationship was ok
As Paul proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ
As people began surrendering their lives to Jesus
Some of these issues began to creep into the church and Paul needed to address them
The culture was impacting the church
When it should be the other way around
6:7 - Do you not know - wrongdoers will not inherit the Kingdom of God
Paul lists examples - sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, greedy, slanderers, swindlers
That is what you WERE
Emphasis on WERE
Now you are washed, sanctified, justified, in the name of Jesus
Jesus is LORD
This is all part of the conversation about leaven infecting the whole lump of dough - chapter 5
We can’t have that.
Because - the body of Christ is the temple of the Holy Spirit
Where the Holy Spirit dwells, it needs to be set apart.
In other words - Paul says - stop
This is not who you are anymore
You are not people who live by whatever desire you have inside you.
You live by your desires being directed by the voice of God - the Holy Spirit
By the Word of God

The Church’s Argument

Vs. 12 - I have the right to do anything …
This sounds familiar doesn’t it.
This is the argument of our culture
If it feels good do it
This is my truth - you live by your truth and I’ll live by my truth
Vs. 13 - My body and food will all be gone when Christ comes again
It doesn’t matter what I do with my body because God will destroy my body
All that matters is my spirit, my soul

Paul’s Response

Do You Not Know …
Six times in chapter six we see this response from Paul - “Do You Not Know …”
It’s almost like Paul expects them to know this stuff
Like maybe Paul taught them this stuff when he was with them in the beginning.
Or, at least, it should have been taught and discussed as a church.
Vs. 15 - Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute?
This fits with Paul’s teaching elsewhere
Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me …
The live I now live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me
2 Cor 5:17 - I am a new creation - the old is gone
Col 3:3 - For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God
The live we live as followers of Jesus - in this flesh, in this body, is to be lived for Christ
Since your bodies are members of Christ - you should never unite with a prostitute
Vs. 16 - Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”
Unites himself - Joined - gk - kollao - to glue together, cement, to join or fasten firmly together, to cleave
To emphasize the point, Paul quotes Genesis 2:4
man shall leave his father and mother and kallao - join together, hold fast, to his wife and the two shall become one flesh
This brings us to one of our foundational points - we are created for covenant relationships
the covenant relationship between a man and woman is one that is glued together.
Remember - a covenant is not supposed to be broken
the covenant relationship is glued together when a man “knows” his wife
We talked about - Adam knowing Eve
There is a depth of knowledge that comes through sexual intimacy
Remember what Adam said about Eve
She is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
Woman came from man and when they come back together it is a uniting again of the masculine and feminine
In today’s culture - along with the culture in Corinth - sex is a casual passing event.
it’s for pleasure only
our culture - have sex, before you get intimate
In vs 18 comes these words from Paul that are hard to understand
I with Paul would have taken more time to explain
Vs. 18 - Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
Flee sexual immorality - porneia
The gk - porneia - means any kind of sexual activity that is outside the covenant relationship of marriage between a man and woman
Gk - porne - means prostitute
Paul earlier addressed the issue of prostitution
But here expands the message to include all porneia - all sexual immorality
Whoever sins sexually - porneia ...
Gk for all sexual sin outside of the covenant relationship between a man and woman
… sins against their own body
What does Paul mean - sins against their own body
It’s hard to grasp - but here are some thoughts on that.
Remember what Paul said


Kalao - unite - glue together
Hebrew - cleave
Man shall leave his father and mother and cleave - unite, be glued, to his wife
Sex unites two people like glue uniting two pieces of wood.
They become one
Issue - divorce
This is why it’s so painful
It divides that which has been united - glued - become one
Issue - multiple partners
When two people have sex - there is a gluing that happens
It’s a mystery
Just like so many other mysteries
The trinity
The relationship between Jesus and the church
There is a bonding that happens
God’s design was for one man to unite - be glued, to one woman
Name tag - multiple uses - loses it’s stickiness
People who have multiple partners will find that they have a harder time sticking with one person
Band Member of sex pistols
Sex addict - yes extreme
When he has sex with a woman - he has to leave right away
Unable to be glued
Rape vs being mugged or robbed
There is pain when being mugged, beat up
There is a deeper pain when someone is violated sexually.
The Pain of Porneia …
It is not that sex is bad - it is good - tov - created by God
It’s that when sex is used for something other than what God designed it for, it can cause pain
Pain of broken relationships
Pain of unable to be in covenant relationship
This is what I think Paul is talking about when he says - porneia - sexual immorality, is a sin that is agaisnt your own body.

Paul’s last “Do You Not Know ...:”

Vs. 19 - Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Paul wraps up this part of his letter reminding the church in Corinth - and us, that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
We are set apart
We are to be Holy
We are not our own
This goes back to the Lordship of Jesus
Vs. 20 - you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
You were bought with a price
Jesus died on the cross for you.
He died to set you free from sin and death
The fleeing sexual immorality is not about keeping you from experiencing some pleasure.
It is helping you see that as a follower of Jesus - you are set apart
God has something more for you.


So, there are some of you sitting here listening to this message going - well, I already screwed that up.
I’m divorced
I’ve had multiple partners
What do I do?

Finding Freedom & Healing

There is good news.
Is 61:1-4 - The Spirit of the sovereign Lord has anointed me ...
1 John 1:9 - Confess our sins -
2 Cor 5:17 - I am a new creation
The old is gone - the new is come
John 10;10 - Thief comes to steal kill and destroy
I come to give life - and give it abundantly
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