Mark 4:25-41 Storm Warning / The God in the Midst of the Storm

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Famous Bible stories with great opposition and trouble and ultimate victory
Jonah and the (whale)
Daniel in the (lion’s den)
David and (Goliath)
Hannah and (Pe nin ah)
But the truth is the story is not about the whale, the lions, Goliath, or Penninah
Nor is it really about the person in trouble Jonah, Daniel, David, or Hannah
The story is really about the one behind the scenes, there with them in the midst of their storm. Storms reveal God Himself. Through the storms He does radical things in lives
Jonah – about the God who desires the nations to be reached
Daniel – about the God who is able to protect and honor those who are faithful to Him
David – about the God who is powerful enough to do the impossible so that His name is honored
Hannah – about the God who hears and responds to those who cry to Him
Our stories are the same. A major opposition / trouble occurs. We typically focus on the problem. We encounter the storm. But it is about more than the storm. It is about the one who is there in the midst of the storm. He desires to do radical things in our lives in the midst of the storm.
Today we will look at another well known story. It tells the story of the disciples in a storm. But it is not about the disciples . Nor is it about the storm / it is about the God that is there in midst of the storm doing radical things in their lives
(ESV) Mark 4 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. 37 And a great windstorm arose, …

I. The God in the midst of the Storm: Uses storms to apply our knowledge

Knowledge alone is insufficient – must apply that knowledge and make it real

A. So Storms after times of teaching

(ESV) Mark 4 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.”

1. Unusual expression for Mark

a. Emphasis that the following events occur at the end of that day

2. Knew Jesus teaching but more than knowing is needed

3. The coming event is tied to the days teaching

a. Did they get the teaching about the sower and the seed – other parables
1) Did they understand and internalize or will the truth be taken away 2) How deep are their roots - Will they be distracted by things 3) What will happen when anxious weeds spring up - will they be overcome by anxiety / cares 4) Or will their lives produce fruit?
b. Will their faith shine forth?

4. Classroom knowledge isn’t enough - Learning only occurs when truth is exercised

5. Internalization may require great storm – our barriers to inner change are great

B. So Storms after promises / commands

(ESV) Mark 4 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.”

1. Knew his promise but more than knowing a promise is needed

2. Tired after a busy day – likely saw it as a promise of rest / a break – actually it was a promise of safety as the chaos would increase

3. Promises are no guarantee that they would not face trouble. – but if we are in the midst of His will we can rest in His promises

4. Had to face a situation to have an opportunity to have faith in the promise – called faith

5. Would they believe Him? Would they obey? Would they demonstrate trust in His promise?

C. So Storms after initial responsiveness

(ESV) Mark 4 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him.

1. Knew they should obey Jesus but more than initial obedience is needed

2. Obeyed Jesus – even when it meant leaving successful ministry behind

3. Obeying does not prevent trouble – may cause it – key is to keep obeying – even when it gets hard

4. Easy to sprint faith / harder in marathon – lap 10 vs. lap 1

5. Storms reveal motives for our response / ask us to continue to obey even when is seems to be of no benefit

D. So Storms to experience His presence in a deeper way

(ESV) Mark 4 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him.

1. Enjoying His presence with them

2. Knew He was with them but what about when you don’t feel He is there

3. But when storms come there is a brand new appreciation for His presence – Is His presence enough?

a. Enjoyment of His presence only comes if they trust Him in the midst of danger/trouble
b. Ultimately will they discover if I am with you – that is enough --- must rip away everything else to see if this is true

II. The God in the midst of the Storm: Uses storms to push us beyond ourselves

We are insufficient and incapable on our own – Need Him

A. So Storms come unexpectedly

(ESV) Mark 4 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. …

1. We are insufficient to anticipate what will happen next

2. Storm without warning – unexpected – there it is

3. Happened more rapidly than can deal with it

B. So Storms come with intensity beyond one’s capability

(ESV) Mark 4 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. …

1. We are incapable even in the areas of our strength

a. Experienced fisherman – faced storms
b. Given an opportunity to try to succeed in their own strength
c. Will they try to fix it on their own without His help or seek Him 1st – will they say, ‘I can handle this’
They had no hope in their own strength – went beyond it – reveal they are not capable to handle things on their own

2. Events are intense beyond anyone’s ability to stand

(ESV) Mark 4 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. …
a. Forceful attack - Word used of a whirlwind – waterspout/tornado? (other gospel uses word like an earthquake) – Satanic like monster
1) Never anything like this
b. Repeated attack - The repeated blows would not let up
c. Successful attack – they were losing - absolute destruction seemed certain - 3-4 feet deep boat)

3. Did not want them to succeed on their own - A test of dependence

C. So Storms come without any apparent help

(ESV) Mark 4 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. …

1. Don’t see Him or feel Him involved – Has He forgotten them?

2. They appear to be on their own – Jesus is asleep

3. Situations arise that push the limits of our faith

III. The God in the midst of the Storm: Uses storms to reveal our level of faith

Only in the face of trouble do we discover the extent of our faith

A. Storms can create panic instead of faith

(ESV) Mark 4 38 … And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

1. The storm revealed their reaction to intense trouble – what would they do - fear

2. Continuous actions

a. Shook Him awake
b. Kept shouting at Him

B. Storms can cause doubt of God’s concern instead of faith

(ESV) Mark 4 38 … And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

1. The storm revealed their doubt of the God’s concern for them

2. Said “teacher” but did not understand they were being taught (like calling Him Lord but not obeying)

3. Don’t you care

a. Okay to say it when you feel it – but don’t stay here (Psalmist struggle – all but one turns in trust at some point)
b. Did He care that they were faced with a storm?
c. Did He care that they were struggling?
d. Did he care about their anxiety and pain?

C. Storms can reveal doubt of God’s character instead of faith

(ESV) Mark 4 38 … And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

1. The storm revealed their lack of understanding of God’s character

2. What is wrong with you Jesus?

3. Know His characteristics

a. He is all knowing
b. He is all powerful - Must trust in His power
c. He is in control

4. Problem

a. Not omniscient -don’t you know
b. Not loving – don’t you care
c. Not powerful – can’t you do something

5. This is called faith to trust in the midst of the conflicting situation

6. Circumstances lie / Must trust in His character

IV. The God in the midst of the Storm: Uses storms to demonstrate who Christ is

Christ reveals Himself to be the all powerful God

A. The one with authority over the storm

(ESV) Mark 4 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

1. Addressed the storm

a. Commanded (technical term for rebuke of demon) – an attack by Satan?
b. Be muzzled – shut up (scolded the wind – be still to the sea – that’s enough -like to a child when you’ve had enough)

2. The storm responded

a. Radical change (not just died down) (computer room failure)
b. Wind was worn out
c. Sea complete stillness immediately – no accident
d. Quiet / Peace / Unlike the disciples

B. The one with authority over people

(ESV) Mark 4 40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

1. Challenged their reaction

a. Fear “cowardous” rather than trust
b. Doubt rather than faith
c. Need to be confronted )– so that will turn

2. Do you still have no faith? – Had not internalized what they had seen/heard

a. In who He is / In His care / In His ability to handle impossible situations
b. In a trust in His character even when events don't confirm it

C. The one we can choose to trust

(ESV) Mark 4 41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

1. Fearful rather than peaceful

2. Contrast their reaction to the storm – easier to still the storm than quiet His disciples – at rebuke storm was peaceful and quiet

a. Disciples did not have peace
a) Fearing they feared greatly – cognate accusative + adjective – extreme expression
b) More awe inspiring than the problem
b. Disciples did not have quiet

3. Kept asking each other

a. Had no real clue about who He is / What He can do -- inside
b. Amazed at what He could do

4. Yet Jesus continues to love / teach / move them to faith

a. Failed - They needed a savior. So He will die for them.
b. He will help them to trust in Him – and they will

V. Epilogue

A dramatic lesson to readers – Why did they not trust in the storm?
And “why do we not trust in our storms?”
In this storm Mark leaves them having failed to grasp all of what Jesus was teaching them after this storm. but the storm served its purpose. They were forced to see Christ in way they had never seen Him before.
The good news - Jesus continues to teach them and grow them – put them in the same kind of situations. He will need to die for them. Be their Savior.
His desire is to mature them and their faith – the common means is through the storms.
Some truths to learn about storms in the life of a disciple

1. Storms come suddenly and fiercely

2. But storms have purpose

3. Christ is sufficient in the midst of the storm

4. Trusting Christ frees from anxiety and fear

5. A storm can be transformed from a trial to an opportunity to bring glory to Christ as He gives an inner peace because of trust in Him

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