Mark 6:34 / Luke 5:36-39 Focused Ministry
The Pharisees are a lesson for us all.
These were the heroes of the faith. They became the enemies of the faith.
During the times of the Greeks’ domination of Israel trouble came. Antiochus ruled that the God’s people must give up their God, their walk with Him, the things that made them distinctive.
Stop being circumcised. Eat pork. Worship pagan gods at the temple.
But a group arose that said no. We will not turn from our God. We will serve Him and walk as He had commanded. There would be no compromise.
This group save Judaism from compromise. This was the Pharisees of the early days. They remained faithful even if it meant death.
Skip forward almost two hundred years.
They forgot their God. They forgot the principles that drove the actions that they embraced. The actions and rituals became formalized into ridged traditions
These traditions replaced real truth.
When Jesus comes, their traditions will be a major obstacle.
Jesus teaches and provides correction. He returns to the principles and rejects the traditions.
Would they adapt based on the true principles – or would they hold on to the traditions while rejecting the truth? We know the answer. The would not adapt. They held to the old way even when it meant they would have to crucify the Savior.
Jesus focused His ministry – streamlined and effective – focused on the essentials laying aside all that interferes with these essentials.
Lets look at His ministry in its simplest form
I. Focused Ministry: A ministry pleasing to the Father
I. Focused Ministry: A ministry pleasing to the Father
(NKJV) Mark 1 9 It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. 11 Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” 12 Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. 13 And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.
A. In accord with the Father’s Plan
A. In accord with the Father’s Plan
1. Word of God directs / bounds ministry --- never just pragmatic / what works to attract people (avoid sin / feel good messages / purely people oriented)
1. Word of God directs / bounds ministry --- never just pragmatic / what works to attract people (avoid sin / feel good messages / purely people oriented)
B. Directed and empowered by the Spirit of God
B. Directed and empowered by the Spirit of God
1. Empowers / even in the wildernesses / sustains / supports encourages
1. Empowers / even in the wildernesses / sustains / supports encourages
II. Focused Ministry: A ministry driven by compassion for people
II. Focused Ministry: A ministry driven by compassion for people
(NKJV) Mark 6 34 And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. …
A. People everywhere had needs
A. People everywhere had needs
B. Jesus saw the needs
B. Jesus saw the needs
C. Jesus was heart-broken about the needs
C. Jesus was heart-broken about the needs
1. – broken by sin and hardship – undeserving and alienated
1. – broken by sin and hardship – undeserving and alienated
D. Jesus took action to address those needs
D. Jesus took action to address those needs
1. Wisely / tough love (refused to help those who were in for the sign)
1. Wisely / tough love (refused to help those who were in for the sign)
2. Tough love also
2. Tough love also
III. Focused Ministry: A ministry focused on connecting people with God
III. Focused Ministry: A ministry focused on connecting people with God
A. He shared God’s Word to meet their real need
A. He shared God’s Word to meet their real need
(NKJV) Mark 6 34 And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.
B. Meeting felt needs did not cause Him to lose focus on the real need
B. Meeting felt needs did not cause Him to lose focus on the real need
(NKJV) Mark 1 34 Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; … they said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.” 38 But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”
C. He gave Himself to meet the real need
C. He gave Himself to meet the real need
(NKJV) Luke 13 22 And He went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.
1. Real Need – a living relationship with the Father
1. Real Need – a living relationship with the Father
IV. Focused Ministry: Adapted methods from the past to move into the future
IV. Focused Ministry: Adapted methods from the past to move into the future
(NKJV) Luke 5 36 Then He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old. 37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. 38 But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
A. Abandoned some methods
A. Abandoned some methods
1. Temple worship
1. Temple worship
2. A layer of laws to follow
2. A layer of laws to follow
3. Traditions finally interfered with the real truth
3. Traditions finally interfered with the real truth
B. Adapted some methods
B. Adapted some methods
1. Synagogue – model for the church – forms / leadership / style
1. Synagogue – model for the church – forms / leadership / style
a. Didn’t throw it all out – but adapted it to various cultures and people ---- still doing that today
a. Didn’t throw it all out – but adapted it to various cultures and people ---- still doing that today
C. Implemented new methods
C. Implemented new methods
1. Some radically
1. Some radically
2. The means to reach the world meant radical changes to ministry forms
2. The means to reach the world meant radical changes to ministry forms
3. Unnecessary to go to the temple – met outdoors
3. Unnecessary to go to the temple – met outdoors
4. Discern the principles behind the rules – let go of the rules and embrace the principles
4. Discern the principles behind the rules – let go of the rules and embrace the principles
5. Focused on the things that result in a real relationship with God
5. Focused on the things that result in a real relationship with God
6. Be willing to adapt the entire structure (synagogue way but different – now the church – similar but different)
6. Be willing to adapt the entire structure (synagogue way but different – now the church – similar but different)
D. Regardless of the method He remained focused
D. Regardless of the method He remained focused
1. All about Christ
1. All about Christ
2. Love for people compelled action
2. Love for people compelled action
3. The message was the unifier
3. The message was the unifier
Change can be good – in fact change can be critical
Don’t change the essentials
1) The essentials of the gospel 2) The Word of God
b. Focus
b. Focus
1) Honor the Father and worship Him 2) Teach truth/doctrine found clearly in the Word of God 3) Ministry to people – with compassion meet people’s needs – address felt needs, but focus on the real needs of Knowing the Lord and growing in Him
Be totally willing to let go of traditions that interfere with ministry
4) Many things sacred for us (meaningful from our own journey) 5) But there may be a time to let them go
Must be willing to change things that are not essential – focus on the critical things not on the forms of ministry.
Must ask
a) What do we desire to accomplish for the Lord – How best can be do it?
b) Is this ministry necessary
c) Is this ministry effective
d) Is there other ways to do ministry that would be better accomplish what Christ desires in people’s lives
Do you want things to be the same ol same ol. Or do you want to reach your community in a fresh new way. Do you want people to grow in a vibrant relationship with Christ. May look way different than it has in the past.
With a new pastor you need to begin to pray and ask hard questions. And then adapt and change as you focus on essential ministry.