Bibliology Session 8-Supernatural Knowledge of Science
Defending Inspiration
Advanced Scientific Knowledge of the Bible
Defending Inspiration
We have been defending the idea of inspiration by
using two main angles…
1. The Historic Nature of the Bible
2. The Supernatural Nature of the Bible
Evidence of the Supernatural
Many elements about the Bible evidence that it is not
merely a human book, but that it is of divine origin.
1. Advanced Knowledge of Medicine
2. Advanced Knowledge of Science
3. Advanced Knowledge of History (a.k.a. Prophecy)
4. Advanced Intricacy of Design in the Original Texts
5. Evidence from Personal Testimonies
Resource Recommendation
Areas of Advanced Scientific
Knowledge in the Bible
1. Biology
2. Astronomy
3. Earth Science
1st & 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
These laws are highly significant in that no known
exception to these laws exist. As far as we know they
are constants.
1. Energy can be transferred from one place to another, or
transformed from one form to another, but it can be
neither created nor destroyed.
2. All systems and elements in our Universe tend to
disintegrate (fall to a lower order of available energy or
organization). This law is also known as Entropy.
1st & 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
Several statements in the Bible reveal a clearly
advanced knowledge of these two laws.
1. Genesis 2:2-3; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3; 4:10.
2. Psalm 102:25-26; Isaiah 34:4; 50:9; 51:6; Romans
8:22; 1 Cor. 7:31; Hebrews 1:11.
Genesis 2:7
“And the Lord God
formed man of the
dust of the ground,
and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of
life; and man became a
living soul.”
“Scientists were recently startled to discover that the
clay and Earth found in the “dust of the ground” do
contain every single element found in the human body. A
Reader’s Digest article in November 1982 described this
fascinating discovery by the researchers at NASA’s Ames
Research Center in California that confirmed the Bible’s
account that every single element found in the human
body exists within the soil. The scientists concluded,
‘We are just beginning to learn. The Biblical
scenario for the creation of life turns out to be
not far off the mark.’”
- Grant Jeffreys
The Seed from the Father
1 Corinthians 11:8 “For the man is
not of the woman; but the
woman of the man.”
Only in recent decades has
science caught up with the Bible
in the discovery that the gender
of a child is completely
determined by genetic
information from the father. This
was not the common
understanding through history.
Blaming Wives for the Gender
Under the Tudor family,
which ruled England
through the 1500s and
early 1600s, England
broke with the Papacy in
Rome. Henry VIII famously
had 6 different wives until
he was able to sire a boy
to continue the Tudor line.
The Foundations of the Earth
• Job 38:4 & 6 “Where wast thou
when I laid the foundations of
the earth? Declare, if thou hast
understanding. Whereupon are
the foundations thereof
fastened? Or who laid the
corner stone thereof?”
• Granite is the main “foundation”
of the earth, in that it makes up
the majority of the earth’s crust.
The Foundations of the Earth
Polonium is a radioactive
element, which is a byproduct of
uranium. It has a very short
existence before it decays into
another element.
Yet Polonium halos, as they are
called, are “frozen” within
granite, thus indicating that the
granite encasing the short-lived
polonium had to be formed
nearly instantaneously.
The Foundations of the Earth
An equivalent illustration of
this would be trying to
instantly freeze a cup of water
in order to preserve the fast
dissolving alka-seltzer in the
water, before in completely
Earth is a Sphere
Isaiah 40:22 “It is he that sitteth
upon the circle of the earth, And
the inhabitants thereof are as
grasshoppers; That stretcheth
out the heavens as a curtain,
And spreadeth them out as a
tent to dwell in.”
Job 22:14 “Thick clouds are a
covering to him, that he seeth
not; And he walketh in the circuit
of heaven.”
Time Zones?
Luke 17:30-36 is largely believed
by Bible scholars to reveal an
advanced understanding of what
you and I call today, “time
Speaking of the return of Christ,
this passage details how people
will be simultaneously be “taken”
at night, morning, and mid-day.
This is possible only because of
the the earth’s spherical shape.
Yet the Earth has “Four Corners”
Revelation 7:1 “And after these things
I saw four angels standing on the
four corners of the earth, holding
the four winds of the earth, that the
wind should not blow on the earth,
nor on the sea, nor on any tree.”
Revelation 20:8 “And shall go out to
deceive the nations which are in the
four quarters of the earth, Gog and
Magog, to gather them together to
battle: the number of whom is as the
sand of the sea.”
“This verse has long been derided as reflecting a naive
“prescientific” concept of the earth structure, one that
supposedly viewed the earth as flat with four corners… In terms
of modern technology, it is essentially equivalent to what a
mariner or geologist would call the four quadrants of the
compass, or the four directions… Parenthetically, accurate
modern geodetic measurements in recent years have proved that
the earth actually does have four “corners.” These are
protuberances standing out from the basic geoid, that is, the
basic spherical shape of the earth. The earth is not really a
perfect sphere, but is slightly flattened at the poles. Its
equatorial bulge is presumably caused by the earth’s axial
rotation, and its four “corners” protrude from that.”
Henry M. Morris.
Circuit of the Sun
Psalm 19:4-6 “Their line is gone
out through all the earth, And
their words to the end of the
world. In them hath he set a
tabernacle for the sun, 5
is as a bridegroom coming out of
his chamber, And rejoiceth as a
strong man to run a race. 6 His
going forth is from the end of the
heaven, And his circuit unto the
ends of it: And there is nothing
hid from the heat thereof.”
Recent discoveries by astronomers working with the
Hubble telescope have confirmed the accuracy of the
Scriptural account as they proved that the Sun is actually
moving through space in a circuit covering an enormous
orbit that will take over 260,000,000 years to complete.
God Hung the Earth on Nothing
Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the
north over the empty place,
And hangeth the earth upon
This basic understanding of the
orbit of the earth is dramatically
contrasted by the Hindu belief
that the world rested on the
back of elephants, which rode
on the back of a giant turtle.
Stretched the Note over the Empty
Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the
north over the empty place,
And hangeth the earth upon
Recent discoveries have
revealed that the area directly
north of the axis of our Earth is
relatively “empty” in comparison
with other directions.
Mitchell Waldrop wrote the following statement in an article in
Science magazine…
“The recently announced ‘hole in space,’ a 300 million-lightyear gap in the distribution of galaxies, has taken
cosmologists by surprise…”
This relative emptiness of stars in the direction to the north of
our solar system is not visible to the naked eye. It is only as the
result of very careful observation by telescopes that scientists
have recently seen this. How did Job know?!
Hydrological Weather Cycle
Job, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, & Jeremiah all describe details
about the complexity of the weather system far beyond the
knowledge of the people living at the time.
(Job 36:16, 27-29; 38:34; Eccl. 1:7; Jer. 10:13)
Complex Weather Patterns
Ecclesiastes 1:6 “The wind goeth toward the south, and
turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually,
and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.”
Complex Weather Patterns
Job 38:24 “By what way is
the light parted, Which
scattereth the east wind upon
the earth?”
Come to find out, light
actually causes the wind.
Sunlight heats the ground and
expands the air, which creates
A Way for the Lightening
Job 28:26 “When he made a
decree for the rain, And a way
for the lightning of the
Discovered recently, because
of the use of highly quality slow
motion cameras, lightening
actually sends out a “leader”
that “plans” its path, before
striking from the ground up.
Paths of the Sea
In 1786, Benjamin Franklin published the information he
gleaned from conversations with ocean-going captains namely that huge currents, such as the Gulf Stream, ran like
deep rivers far beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
This massive Gulf Stream carries more than five thousand
times as much water as the great Mississippi.
In the mid 1800s Matthew Fontaine Maury, who was
fascinated by Psalm 8:8, became the head of the U.S. Navy’s
Department of Charts and Instruments. He later became the
official “discoverer” of ocean currents.
Psalm 8:6-8 “Thou madest him to have dominion over the
works of thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet:
All sheep and oxen, Yea, and the beasts of the field; The
fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, And whatsoever
passeth through the paths of the seas.”
Springs in the Sea
Job 38:16 “Hast thou entered
into the springs of the sea? Or
hast thou walked in the search
of the depth?”
Only within the last few decades
has underwater exploration of
the ocean depths revealed the
remarkable phenomenon of
numerous springs of fresh water
pouring out of the ocean floor.
Treasures of Snow
• Job 38:22 “Hast thou entered into
the treasures of the snow? Or hast
thou seen the treasures of the hail?”
• Scientists have discovered that
snowflakes have an extreme intricacy
of design. Elaborate & complex
patterns always appear in a hex
structure, yet no two are alike. They
are as distinct as a fingerprint.
• Manmade snow has never been able
to reproduce these unique features.
Discovery of Snowflake Design
Wilson A. Bentley became fascinated with the crystalline structure of
individual snowflakes on his parent’s Vermont farm. By adapting a
microscope to a bellows camera, and after years of trial and error, he
became the first person to photograph a single snowflake in 1885.
In 1903, he sent 500 prints of his snowflakes to the Smithsonian, hoping
they might be of interest to Secretary Samuel P. Langley. These images
are now part of the Smithsonian Institution Archives.
Bentley’s book of Snow Crystals, with more than 2,400 snowflake images,
was published in 1931. This photomicrograph and more than 5,000 others
supported the belief that no two snowflakes are alike, leading scientists to
study his work and publish it in numerous scientific articles and magazines.
Dimensions of Noah’s Ark
Genesis 6:15 “And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of:
The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the
breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”
Dimensions of Noah’s Ark
In 1609 at the port of Horn in Holland, biblically
minded Christian shipbuilders created a ship after the
same pattern Noah followed in constructing the ark.
The inspired dimensions of Noah’s ark more than
4,500 years ago was 300:50:30. It was discovered
that the length of a perfectly stable oceangoing vessel
should be six times the width. Most large oceangoing
vessels today are made to this dimensions.
Glory of the Search
Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to
conceal a matter, but the glory of
kings is to search out a matter.”
God has gloriously “concealed” His
wisdom in creation. It is our glory to
find what He has put there.
Much of modern science owes its
origin to a Biblical worldview that
believed the orderly universe is the
result of an orderly Creator. So we
ought in the end credit all to God.