Bibliology Session 3-Special Revelation
Special Revelation
God not only reveals Himself in general ways
through Creation, Conscience, & History, but God
also reveals Himself in specific ways.
The Means of Divine Revelation
1. Natural, or General Revelation
1. Creation
2. Conscience
3. History
2. Special, or Specific Revelation
1. Appearing
2. Speaking
Extent of Natural Revelation
1. God exists (Acts 17:28).
2. God is Powerful (Rom. 1:20)
3. God is Intelligent (Acts 17:29).
4.God is Good (Acts 14:17).
A Prayer to Every god!
The tablet comes from the library of Ashurbanipal, 668–
633 b.c. (probably about the 4th Assyrian King since days
of Jonah), and was copied from an older original. There
are, however, numerous features of the Sumerian text
which are characteristic of the late period, and it is
probable that the original composition of the text is not
much older than Ashurbanipal.
Pritchard, J. B. (Ed.). (1969). The Ancient Near Eastern Texts
Relating to the Old Testament (3rd ed. with Supplement, p. 391).
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
May the fury of my lord’s heart be quieted
May the goddess [who has become angry with
toward me.
me] be quieted toward me. (10)
May the god who is not known be quieted toward
(lines 11–18 cannot be restored with certainty)
May the goddess who is not known be quieted
toward me.
May the god whom I know or do not know be
quieted toward me;
May the goddess whom I know or do not know
be quieted toward me.
In ignorance I have eaten that forbidden of my
In ignorance I have set foot on that prohibited by
my goddess.
O Lord, my transgressions are many; great are
my sins.
O my god, (my) transgressions are many; great
May the heart of my god be quieted toward me;
are (my) sins.
May the heart of my goddess be quieted toward
O my goddess, (my) transgressions are many;
great are (my) sins.
May my god and goddess be quieted toward me.
O god whom I know or do not know, (my)
May the god [who has become angry with me] be
quieted toward me;
transgressions are many; great are (my) sins;
O goddess whom I know or do not know, (my)
transgressions are many; great are (my) sins.
The transgression which I have committed,
indeed I do not know;
The sin which I have done, indeed I do not
The forbidden thing which I have eaten, indeed
I do not know;
The prohibited (place) on which I have set
foot, indeed I do not know.
The lord in the anger of his heart looked at me;
The god in the rage of his heart confronted
When the goddess was angry with me, she
made me become ill.
The god whom I know or do not know has
oppressed me;
The goddess whom I know or do not know has
placed suffering upon me.
Although I am constantly looking for help, no
one takes me by the hand;
When I weep they do not come to my side.
I utter laments, but no one hears me;
I am troubled; I am overwhelmed; I can not see.
O my god, merciful one, I address to thee the
prayer, “Ever incline to me”;
I kiss the feet of my goddess; I crawl before
thee. (40)
(lines 41–49 are mostly broken
The transgression which I have committed, let
the wind carry away;
and cannot be restored with certainty)
My many misdeeds strip off like a garment.
How long, O my goddess, whom I know or do
not know, ere thy hostile heart will be
quieted? (50)
O my god, (my) transgressions are seven
times seven; remove my transgressions;
Man is dumb; he knows nothing;
Mankind, everyone that exists,—what does
he know?
Whether he is committing sin or doing good,
he does not even know.
O my lord, do not cast thy servant down;
He is plunged into the waters of a swamp;
take him by the hand.
The sin which I have done, turn into
O god whom I know or do not know, (my)
transgressions are seven times seven; remove
my transgressions;
O goddess whom I know or do not know, (my)
transgressions are seven times seven; remove
my transgressions.
Remove my transgressions (and) I will sing thy
May thy heart, like the heart of a real mother,
be quieted toward me;
Like a real mother (and) a real father may it
be quieted toward me.
Psalm 19
Psalm 19 is one of the classic
places in the Bible that
describes both general &
specific revelation from God.
Psalm 19:1-6 notes general
revelation, i.e. the Works of
Psalm 19:7-14 notes specific
revelation, i.e. the Words of
Nature of Special Revelation
The Instruction of the LORD is without spot
(Ex. 12:5), convincing or enlivening the soul.
The Testimonies of the LORD are verifiable
(Gen. 42:20, 26), giving wisdom to the simple.
The Procedures of the LORD are consistent
with Him and with one another, which cheers the
heart (Neh. 8:12).
Nature of Special Revelation
The Commandments of the LORD are clearly
understood, granting insight and discernment
between good and evil (Heb. 5:14).
Fearing the LORD results in an (Prov. 16:6)
uncontaminated life, causing one to endure.
The Verdicts of the LORD always right, He
never makes a wrong decision (Deut. 32:4).
Value of Special Revelation
More Valuable than Gold.
• Long been used for a medium
of exchange…
More Pleasurable than Honey.
• Especially valued in the
ancient world as one of the
few natural sweeteners (Gen.
43:11 & 1 Kings 14:3).
Means of Special Revelation
1. Works
1. Directly working through Theophanies
2.Indirectly working through Miracles
1. Directly speaking through an Audible Voice
2.Indirectly speaking through the use of another Agent
Theophany: A Visible Appearance of God
Garden of Eden (Gen. 2); Mount Sinai (Ex. 19);
Cloudy & Fiery Pillar (Ex. 13 & 40; 1 Kings 8).
Incarnation: Embodiment of God
Read Hebrews 1:1-3 & Phil. 2:5-11
Miracles are an Indirect form of an
Appearance of God (Ex. 9:14; Deut.
4:32-40; Acts 26:26).
God Has Spoken Directly
In Eden (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:16-19); To Moses (Ex. 3, 6
etc.); To Samuel (1 Sam. 3), or a voice from heaven
(Matt. 3:17). Note Psalm 115.
God Has Spoken Indirectly
Through Dreams & Visions (Num. 12:3-5);
Through Lots (Prov. 16:33) or the Urim & Thummim (i.e.
Ephod, Ex. 28);
Through Messengers like Angels or Prophets (Dt. 18).
God Has Spoken Fully & Finally in
the “Holy Scriptures”
2 Timothy 3:14-17
“Holy Scriptures”
“Hieros Graphia” is a
fascinating term in the Greek.
“Hieros” is the adjective form
of the noun “Temple,” i.e. the
place made sacred because
the presence of God is there.
Don’t miss the point…The
Glory of God has taken up
residence in the Bible. It is in
and through the Bible that we
behold His glory!
“Holy Scriptures”
In the O.T. when one asked
“where do I go to see God?” The
answer was “Jerusalem.” In the
N.T. the answer is “the Bible!”
Also Recall 2 Corinthians 3:18.
Through the reading & teaching
of the “Holy Scriptures,” we not
only behold the glory of the
Lord, but are thereby changed
from glory to glory!
Accurate Teaching of Scripture
Read 2 Tim. 3:15-4:2 & Note the
historic context of the impending
death of the Apostles.
• Teach the Word (Acts 20:27).
• Reprove; appeal to the Mind.
• Rebuke; appeal to the Conscience.
• Exhort; appeal to the Will.
• Manner (long-suffering) & Means