Bibliology Session 1-Uniqueness of the Bible
Bibliology: The Study of the Bible
Personal Testimony
I was probably 9th or 10th grade
when I gained a serious
understanding of what we are about
to study.
I can say will all honesty, this topic on
the origin, nature, authority, and
authenticity of the Bible changed my
I became so confident in my Bible
that it lit a fire in me to study it. I have
only grown in my confidence and love
of this book since then.
Historic Testimony
Mid- Late 1700s Europe was under
the influence of powerful philosophers
such as Voltaire and Rousseau. These
men exalted Reason.
The Cult of Reason rejected the Bible
as inerrant and authoritative and
exalted human thought over the Bible.
The physical result of their
philosophies was the French
Revolution, and the Reign of Terror, in
which 16,594 official death sentences
were passed as those in power tried to
maintain control.
Historic Testimony
America also experienced a revolution
in 1776, yet of a very different sort.
More on the influence of the Bible in
American politics in a moment.
Yet the in early 1800’s the cult of
Reason was coming out of Europe and
hitting America. Students at Yale began
to call one another by the nicknames of
“Voltaire and Rousseau.”
Timothy Dwight the then president of
Yale University, who was the grandson
of Jonathan Edwards, began a lecture
series on the inerrancy of the Bible.
Historic Testimony
Dwight’s lecture series is credited
with sparking off the 2nd Great
Awakening in North Eastern
America. This “Awakening” spread
throughout the country and huge
percentages of American’s were
As a result of the Awakening, Yale
University became a bastion for
truth in that generation, and also
became a nursery for the modern
missions movement in America.
Why Study The Bible?
The Bible is the single most unique
& important book in Human history.
In fact the word, “Bible” is a Greek
word that literally means “book.”
Matthew 1:1 opens with the phrase,
“This is the book [Biblos] of the
generations of Jesus Christ…”
There are lots of “books”
throughout history, but there is only
one “BOOK.”
Why Study The Bible?
The Bible is Unique in 5 ways…
1. Unique in its Composition &
2. Unique in its Circulation
3. Unique in its Survival
4. Unique in its Influence
5. Unique in its Teaching
Unique in its Composition &
- The Bible has 40 different human authors, from
various walks of life including kings, peasants,
philosophers, prophets, military leaders, and
- The Bible was written over a span of about 1,600
years, from a multitude of different geographical
locations including 3 continents!
Unique in its Composition &
- The Bible was originally written in three distinct
languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek. The Bible
includes writing from every literary genre such as
Prophecy, Poetry, Law, Song, Satire, Biography,
Epistle, Apocalyptic etc.
- Yet the Bible completely agrees with itself in spite of
these seemingly insurmountable barriers. No other
book in all of history can claim this level of uniqueness.
Unique in its Circulation
- Though exact statistics are impossible to track, estimates of how
many Bibles have been printed throughout history sums to over 6
billion. The next 15 most printed books in history, some of which
include Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Book of Mormon, the
Quran, and many many more still do not equal one billion when
- In fact the Bible was first book ever printed on the Gutenburg
press in the 1430s.
- The Bible yearly tops the best seller list by a huge number, so it
is never included. Ironically, the Bible is also the most frequently
shoplifted book according to
Unique in its Circulation
The Bible is the most widely translated book in history.
- All or parts of the Bible exist in nearly 2,200
languages, with hundreds more in progress.
- It is calculated that 98% of the world’s population has
access to part of or a whole Bible.
- The next closest book is believed to be Pilgrim’s
Progress, which is translated into some 200 languages.
Unique in its Survival
The Bible is incredibly ancient. It was written at a time when
everything was hand-copied, and there was no such thing as a
printing press. Some of history’s greatest figures from the ancient
world (eg. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, or Cyrus the
Persian), and most precious writings from the ancient world have
scarcely any documentation in comparison with the Bible.
Theologian Henry Thiessen points out, “When we recall that only
a very small percentage of books survive more than a quarter of a
century; that a much smaller percentage lasts for a century; and
that only a very small number live a thousand years; we at once
realize that the Bible is a unique book.”
Unique in its Survival
- 5 copies currently exist of Aristotle’s writings, yet he was born
1,000 years after Moses, whose writings exist in great numbers.
- 10 copies currently exist of Julius Caesar’s “Gaulic Wars,” yet
the copies we possess were written 1,000 years after the
- 647 copies currently exist of Homer’s works yet they were
made 1,300 years after the originals.
- The New Testament alone has over 24,000 manuscripts in
existence, some of which date to within 35 years of the originals.
Unique in its Survival
Yet the Bible is not only unique in its survival
against time, but perhaps even more unique in
its survival against enemies. Numerous historic
figures and events have tried to capture or
destroy written copies of the Bible.
Unique in its Survival
A.W. Pink informs us that, “When we bear in mind the fact that the
Bible has been the special object of never ending persecution the
wonder of the Bible’s survival is changed into a miracle… For two
thousand years man’s hatred of the Bible has been persistent,
determined, relentless, and murderous. Every possible effort has
been made to undermine faith in the inspiration and authority of the
Bible and innumerable enterprises have been issued to the effect
that every known copy of the Bible should be destroyed, and when
this measure failed to exterminate and annihilate God’s Word then
commands were given that every person found with a copy of the
Scriptures in his possession should be put to death.”
Unique in its Survival
- Antiochus Epiphanes (167 B.C.)
- Emperor Diocletian (284-305 A.D.)
- Julian the Apostate (361 A.D.)
- Council of Toledo (1229 A.D.), placed the Bible on Rome’s
Forbidden books list.
- William Tyndale was burned at the stake (1536 A.D.) for translating
the Bible into English.
- In 1543 an act was passed forbidding absolutely the use of
Tyndale’s version, and any reading of the Scriptures in assemblies
without royal license.
Unique in its Survival
The Bible outlives critics…
- Voltaire, the French philosopher, was one of the most celebrated
figures of his day. He used wit and worldly wisdom to ridicule
Christianity and the Bible. But as He lay on his deathbed for two
months, he turned against his flatterers with rage: “Begone! It is
you that have brought me to my present condition…What a
wretched glory is this which you have produced to me!”
- This French infidel, who died in 1778, predicted that the Bible
would be long forgotten within 100 years of his death. While many
today do not know of Voltaire, the Bible still stands.
Unique in its Influence
- So dominant has been the influence of the Bible upon the English
language that it has shaped much of our use of grammar, vocabulary,
and idiom.
Social Reform:
-English and American reforms such as Abolition of Slavery, workers
rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, prison reforms, and the civil
rights movements were all begun by Christians.
- Some of the most horrendous practices in history such as gladiatorial
games, wife burning in India, or cannibalism in Africa were stopped
because of the influence of Christianity and the Bible.
“The N.T. is the very best book that ever was or
ever will be known in the world.”
-Charles Dickens
“That book accounts for the supremacy of
-Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
“It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a
Bible reading people. The principles of the Bible
are the groundwork of human freedom.”
-Horace Greeley (1811-1872)
Unique in its Influence
- Beginning with Judaism, from which Christianity was derived, there has
been an emphasis on the written word. Historically the Jews, and later
Christian societies, have maintained the highest literacy rates. Much of the
modern educational systems find their root in the Protestant Reformation,
which strove to make the Bible readable for the commoner.
- Several world languages did not have a written form until Christian
missionaries wanted to translate the Bible into those languages.
- In America, the first law to require education of the masses was passed by
the Puritans. The law was called "THE OLD DELUDER SATAN ACT." This
name was a reference to the devil, who Christians believe gets his foothold
into people's lives because of their ignorance of Scripture.
Unique in its Influence
Modern Science:
- Francis Schaeffer in his book, “How Should We Then Live?”
notes that the modern scientific revolution that began in the
wake of the Reformation & Renaissance was led by men such as
Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, & Faraday, who had a Biblical
worldview, which motivated their belief in an orderly creation.
Governmental Systems:
- Historic documents that have led the western world such as
the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, and later, the U.S.
Constitution were founded upon principles from the Bible.
“There are more sure marks of authenticity in
the Bible than in any profane history.”
-Sir Isaac Newton
“It is impossible to rightly govern the world
without God and the Bible.”
-President George Washington
“That book, sir, is the rock on which our
republic rests.”
-President Andrew Jackson
“I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever
given to man. All the good from the Savior of the
world is given to us through this book.”
-President Abraham Lincoln
“Democracy in America”
In 1830 Alexis Tocqueville conducted a remarkable
study of American life on behalf of the French
government. He was sent to America to study
American society, beliefs, and to discover the reason
there was so little crime, and so few prisoners at that
time. America seemed a paradise in comparison to
the corruption that swept France during the period
following the French Revolution. This study resulted
in his work, “Democracy in America.”
“I sought for the greatness of the United States in her
commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and
boules forests-it was not there. I sought for it in her rich
mines, her vast world commerce, her public schools system
and in her institutions of higher learning-and it was not there.
I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless
Constitution-and it was not there. Not until I went into the
churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with
righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and
power. America is great because America is good, and if
America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be
- Alexis Tocquerville
Unique in its Teachings
The Bible is also unique in its content. No other book
-The Existence of an Infinite, Triune, & Personal God…
-Prophecy with such authority & accuracy…
-History with such precision that it corrects other historic
-Character so lofty that it produces the greatest societies in
the world…
Unique in its Teachings
The History of the Bible is so accurate that it has been known to
correct secular historians. The famous Israeli archeologist Nelson
Glueck took the O.T., read where it said their were wells, and found
water for the new struggling nation of Israel in the 1940’s.
Glueck made another important contribution to Israel’s economy
based on Deuteronomy 8:9, which describes Israel as “a land whose
stones are iron, and out of whose hills you may dig brass.” At the
time, Israel was not known for its vast mineral deposits. Many though
Glueck was on a wild goose chase. Yet leaning on passages from 1
Kings, which described Solomon’s copper mines, Glueck discovered
these sources of raw materials in southern Israel near Elat.
Unique in its Teachings
The prophecies of the coming of Jesus that have already
been fulfilled where written down hundreds of years
before they occurred, yet they were literally, and
perfectly fulfilled. Many examples of Biblical prophecy
exist, which we will examine further in our study.
“Other books claim divine inspiration, such as the Koran,
the Book of Mormon, and parts of the [Hindu] Veda.
But none of those books contain predictive prophecy.”
- Norman Geisler & William Nix
Where We are Headed
1.Revelation: From the mind of God to the Mind of the
2.Inspiration: From the Mind of the Author to the
3.Canonicity: Which Documents are, or are not from
God? Is the Bible Complete?
4.Preservation: From the original Documents down
through the centuries to the present.
5.Translation: From the languages original
Documents to the language of the reader.
6.Interpretation & Illumination: From the
Document to the mind of the reader.
7.Application / Animation: From the mind of the
reader to the life of the reader.