Revelation 4
Revelation • Sermon • Submitted
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Revelation 4
Revelation 4
This chapter in Revelation begins more of the visions that John saw. We will actually be seeing visions in both chapter 4 and chapter 5. We are going to be seeing the things that John saw, trying to picture them in our minds. Now keep in mind, he had to write according to what he saw and when we look at this chapter, it can seem pretty strange to us. We are going to try to understand it. One thing we need to realize is that this is a heavenly scene, with God on His throne. All this takes place before the opening of the seals and the sounding of the trumpets. Not to make light of it, but if people heard this in John’s time, they probably thought that he was crazy! Let’s look at this chapter to see what I am talking about.
Verses 1-5
Verses 1-5
a. So we start off this section with a simple phrase of after these things. What things is he talking about? Well this would be after he saw things and was directed to record in the preceding chapters. We do not know how long after the preceding chapters, but we know it was after. But instead of seeing Jesus before him, the scene is moved to heaven and he is permitted to look in upon the throne of God and upon the worshippers there. We see that he looked. His attention was focused on one area. Almost like his attention was directed to that area. What did he see? He saw a door that was opened in heaven. This door was not being opened, but it was already open. This could have been just an opening, or a real door, but he was allowed to look in to it. Then he hears the voice that was like a trumpet telling him to come up there to see what will take place after this. Again, this would be after the letters were given to the seven churches.
b. So, in verse 2 was in the spirit. A lot of times when we think, or when I think of this, I think of it as an out of body experience, but that is not what this means. This describes John’s state of spiritual receptiveness in regard to the initial vision of this book as well as later visions. It is safe to assume that he was still in Patmos and these things were made to pass before his mind as a reality. They were appearing as if they were really there. But one thing to remember is that this is a symbolical representation of things occurring in heaven.
c. The first thing that John notices is a throne that is set in heaven. And we see that there was One that set on throne. So then John goes on to describe what this one looked like. We see that he was like a jasper and sardius stone. So, this is not describing so much as what he looked like, but more of his splendor. Jasper is “an opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and also of some dull colors, breaking with a smooth surface. It admits of high polish, and is used for vases, seals, etc. When the colors are in stripes or bands, it is called striped jasper” (Dana, in Webster’s Dictionary). Now we don’t know if it was red or yellow, but the common color worn by princes is red. And perhaps John was talking about that he appeared like a prince in his royal robes.
d. For the sardius stone or depending on your version, a sardine stone. This precious stone is of a blood-red or sometimes of a flesh color. It is also known as the name of carnelian. This stone corresponds with the jasper and this gives the idea in the mind of John that the appearance of him who sat on the throne was that of a prince in his scarlet robes. So, this suggests the idea of a prince or monarch and it gives a sense of majesty of Him who cannot be describe.
e. Next, we see a a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald. So a couple things about the rainbow, we remember that after the flood that God put a rainbow in the sky making a covenant to never judge the earth with a flood again, but this could perhaps mean that a different type of judgment will be coming. One thing that is interesting to me is that the wording of it means that it was a complete circle around it, not a half circle like we see today. It is also interesting that he focuses on the green, like an emerald. But the various colors of the rainbow, which combined form one pure ray, symbolize the various aspects of God’s providences uniting in one harmonious whole. The green, seemed to be shining like it was made from this precious stone.
f. Around the throne were twenty-four elders. Now, we don’t know for certain who these elders are. It is interesting to read different people’s thoughts on this as some think these could be angels, and others think it could be believers who have gone through conflict and endurance. I would have to lean more to that they are not angels, but perhaps they are the heads of the old and new testament churches and twelve apostles. A couple things to help think that they were those who went before, one they were robed in white robes. This imputes righteousness of the saints and their holiness. Two, they had crowns of gold on their head. When we get to heaven, what do we get as well? We get crowns of glory. Either way we look at this, it would have to be an amazing sight.
g. From the throne, this would be the throne in the middle, proceeded lightnings, thunderings, voices. This is showing the majesty and glory of the One who sat upon it. This is just like what happened at Sinai in Exodus 19:16 where “there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud.”
h. Finally, in this section we see seven lamps of fire which are the seven spirits of God. Now check this out, most of us will be like, wait, seven spirits of God, what does that mean? We are not looking at it like the Holy Spirit, but if we look at what Isaiah 11:2-3 we can get an idea. This scripture says “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. His delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decided by the hearing of His ears.” This also represents the fullness of the seven-fold character of the Holy Spirit. The seven lamps signify the unique role of the Holy Spirit in executing judgment.
Verses 6-11
Verses 6-11
a. So if the previous verses weren’t strange enough, now we see there was a sea of glass like crystal. So two things with this sea, one, it was smooth and there was no movement, and two, it was transparent such as glass. It was perfectly clear-stretching out in a wide expanse, as if it were a sea.
b. Around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and back. Ok, so again, not to make light but that is some nightmare material right there. To see a creature with eyes in the front and back. Then we have a description of each one, the first was like a lion, the second like a calf, the third a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle. So we know that Revelation has symbolism and metaphors. So with the eyes, this is John’s way of telling the readers that they are able to see everything. While the translations typically say beasts, this is really meaning creatures. Aside from that, we can just go based on what John has written as far as their description. But we do see that they were saying “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” We can imagine that they were saying this in unison.
c. He is praised as holy on account of His majesty that is about to display itself, His justice already displaying itself, His mercy that has displayed itself in time past. This is referring to the eternal nature of God, past present and future. . This is so awesome to see.
d. The elders cast their crowns before the throne, symbolizing the willing surrender of their authority in light of the worthiness of God as Creator. No one but God can create, He alone should be worshiped and recognized as sovereign.