Nehemiah: An Introduction to a Leader: Prayer, Plan, Act

Ezra-Nehemiah: A Theology of Revitalization: • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 50:31
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Book Introduction:
Book Introduction:
Overview:Remember parallels with Ezra: Nehemiah is sent as Governor with a mandate to rebuild the walls. The book is the account of this achievement and the problems overcome in the process.
Many of the themes are the same as in Ezra:
Physical and spiritual restoration for a remnant.
calling the people back to covenant faithfulness via the Word.
Section: Text intro
1:1-2:20 this section shows Nehemiah’s burden and first steps in rebuilding jereusalem:
1:1-11 learns of condition & prayer
2:1-16 Preparation & Act
2:17-20 First wave of opposition
Movement creates friction :-)
Contribution to the Bible/ Redemptive History
Contribution to the Bible/ Redemptive History
Rebuilt Temple, Altar & walls
for centuries these play a key role in Jesus Life & Ministry
until Christ removed the need for a physical temple.
Gal 4 “Born under the law”
in order for this to happen
Nehemiah was doing fo teh Lord not know in how God would use it in the future.
Pool of Soloam - Jesus Micracle
App: we are building / remodeling for those yet to come. Those who are not here yet, those young ones who are here.
The ones who will be replacing us as leaders. When we turn it over to them.
What’s the point of Nehemiah Theologically?
Theme: Rebuilding in preparation for God’s program, and that program is centered around the work of Christ.
The great hope of mankind since the fall and especially for Old Testametn Israelites, the children of Abrahan, is the coming messiah.
God can restore His people against all human expectation, if His servantt will faithfully keep his comands.
Nehemiah knew that the biggest need of God’s peopel was not physical walls, but spritual dedication to God. - He poins toward a greater rebuilder who will come and save his peopel form thier sin and deliver thme from their spirutal bondage and excile once and for all.