Luke 20:45-21:6 - Those Who Pray and Those Who Pay

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Jesus concludes his confrontation with the religious leaders by exposing their hypocrisy to the public. What He notices causes us to consider what may be blinding us to what we’re missing out on.

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friends I hope you're well this morning. It's fun to be joining you this morning at 9:30 service my beautiful wife, Amy, and I normally are at the 8 and during 9:30. I'm usually with my livestream crew in the car. Hello everyone. I also want to welcome those who are TuneIn on the internet. Welcome. Thank you for joining us this morning. Today, I want to tell you about story important conversation that I will remember for a long time took place during my time at Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario. I was at a friend's house and the topic of this Grand Story the Lord of the Rings a rose something that having read the books and love them. I felt quite passionate about it including how the films have. Deviated from the books in some way shape and form in one particular area. I'm quite passionate and invoice to everyone how the romance between Aragorn. What are the main characters in Darwin this other elf Seem to kind of be this arbitrary and inflated romance just to get more people to come to a movie. and my friend Ryan he confronted me and said no John you don't really understand. Arwen was the motivation for everything. He did. The romance is Central to his motivation and I was back at him. I couldn't believe what he was saying. He hadn't even read the books from cover to cover. How could you say this to me? So we had to agree to disagree on this point that is until I spend some time reading some supplementary literature at the back of the last novel and I realized to my shock and dismay that even JRR Tolkien the writer of the story head. In fact intended for our went to be the chief motivation behind everything Aragorn had done. I was dismayed having thought that I knew the story. Well inside better than my friend. I had totally missed the point. And that's something that many of us may be in danger of in reading this book and it's something we're going to talk about today from Luke Chapter 20, if you're interested in finding out what you may be missing out on this missing piece, please join us in Luke chapter 20. We've been studying Luke Chapter 20 over the last several weeks. As Jesus is teaching people in the temple of Jerusalem. People are coming up to him and hearing his authoritative words and yet the chief religious leaders are not really interested in giving him any Credence. They think that he is an imposter and they mean to expose him publicly. So over the last three weeks we've seen a number of different confrontations first the Pharisees come up to him and say what will he do with this political debate? Should we pay taxes to Caesar or not? And Jesus responds wisely by saying you give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God the things that belong to him. Having refuted the Pharisees the Sadducees step up to confront Jesus as Pastor to preach two weeks ago giving him a theological dilemma something that didn't seem to line up for them. How can the resurrection really be possible? And again, even in the face of this dilemma, Jesus wisely answers showing that they don't understand the scriptures or the power of God and that even the enemy of death. He himself will defeat with his own resurrection. And then just last week he turns the tables on them and says, you tell people that the son of man and The Chosen One of Israel the chosen one of God, that is to redeem Israel. Is a descendant of David but he is no mere descendant of David. He himself is even David Lord and Master. Throughout these confrontations Jesus and engaging directly with his opponents, but now having silence them. He turns his attention to those who are listening to these debates to the crowds and specifically his disciples and we'll pick up at the very end of chapter 20 starting at verse 45 and seeing a little bit of what they themselves had, Miss. Luke Chapter 20 verses 45 to 47

Anime hearing of all the people he said to his disciples Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in Long robes and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts who devour widows houses. And for a pretense make long prayers, they will receive the greater condemnation.

Before we explore the meaning of these words. Let's take a minute to pray together dedicate this time to God.

Father in heaven

all things belong to you and we thank you for generously giving us what we need through your word and I pray that just as snow falls to the ground and doesn't return to the sky again until it has accomplished its purpose that you do the same thing with your word this morning. Please give life to ask that we may live for you in Jesus name. Amen. So again having confronted throughout chapter 20 confronting these religious leaders Jesus now turns his attention to those who have been listening and he gives a list of these religious leaders crimes follow along with me from vs46 where he's listing them Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in Long robes and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts who devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers. the scribes were people who being part of the religious community had not only read and understood or studied but even transcribed what we would call the Old Testament today they had written it out word by word and known it probably better than anyone else in their day and yet it's them that Jesus has offered this list of crimes and there is a thread of continuity between all of these crimes they are public displays of what isn't true on the inside take a look with me walking around in Long robes these elaborate and beautiful uniforms that could be recognized by other people and these people who recognized them would greet them in the marketplace when they're out to see them Here There and Everywhere and when it's time to gather together in a place of worship but they call a synagogue here and gather together and who gets the best seats these religious leaders the scribes that they're paying honor and attention to places of honor at feasts and then at the very end it adds for a pretense make long prayers this word pretense is actually the key Central thread behind all these things but in case you don't know what pretense means I brought along a friend This is my friend Webster and he's going to help us understand what Jesus means when he uses the word pretense. pretense means a deceptive and false action or appearance a false purpose Jesus is accusing these men not necessary for doing these things for being acknowledged and walking a long row, but that these are mere outward displays of religious behavior that actually have no bearing on the way they live they are concerned about their title their connections their reputation, but they do not concern themselves with the things of God. No, Jesus makes this accusation, but there is one crime in this list that catches my attention. Because it doesn't seem to fit the others and those of you who study the Bible with me on a Tuesday or Wednesday night know this that the details of each text are very important and seeing what the author means to communicate so look with me closely at verse 47. This crime that seems to stand out from the others who devour widows houses. I don't know about you, but that does not bear a whole lot of similarity to what they're wearing or what people are calling them or where they're sitting in a place of honor this seems to stand out and he needs to say that despite all this impressive presentation that there's something going on behind the scenes that these religious leaders the scribes who know the scriptures best are taking advantage of the most vulnerable and their society widows were in a unique place in society during those days because of the way Society worked. As a young woman would grow up in her family. She would be under the care and protection of her father. But upon reaching the age where she can marry and does Mary then she's under the protection and care of her husband. Under the tragic situation of a husband passing away before his wife. This woman would have to take care of herself and perhaps our family who's with her on her something that many of you know, either by experience or relationships with others is difficult in and of itself today, which was even more difficult then and yet we look at the crimes that are here. That they're recognized as being religious and yet Jesus accuses them of devouring widows houses and covering it up with a nice sounding prayer. Display their religious uprightness. The first thing we need to notice from this passage is Jesus sees through disguises. He is not fooled by pretentious Behavior. He sees to the root of what's going on. He sees through act and no disguise. Can Shadow it from him? It's like what what is said in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 13. Nothing in all creation is hidden from his sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Jesus sees through disguises. It's at this moment that he stops talking and looks up and sees something happening right there in the temple where they are. But before we see what he sees, I want to make a quick observation about what is likely and most of your Bibles and that's a giant number 21 take a look with made. You see the number 21 chapter 21. I have an important piece of information for you when Luke was writing his gospel. He did not include a big number on going to add a chapter break in here going to write a big number 21 in the may know I'm moving on to another thought just like many of you who might be writing essays or papers. I don't know about you when I was in school. I did not number my sentences or my headaches. I just wrote the paper and in the same way these texts when they were first written did not come with all these numbers but are rather more modern conventions to help us make reference to these different passages. An example of this is two weeks ago when Jesus and the Sadducees were talking together about the resurrection. You could see this in chapter 20 verse 37 where Jesus does not refer to a passage by its number but rather by its contents saying, you know about the past about Moses and the bush right? He doesn't say all you guys remember Exodus chapter 6 Exodus chapter 3 verse 6, right? These are more modern conventions to help us navigate a fairly large large piece of literature similar to the way we refer to roads or neighborhoods in our society. So I lived with my family in South London for a long time on a crescent off of Ernest Avenue. Which by the way if you go a little bit further down is known as Nixon Avenue or upper Queen Street or Ridout Street South right up Street North and later Blackfriars. So take your pick out what you want to call this road. I think it in the same way about these people who are Paving the road or laying down the curbs and things like that when it was first put down. They didn't care what it was called the road went from one end to the other and then names help us refer to it in it whether we're using it for mail or for directions or just referring to our infrastructure. It's a reference tool but it isn't the reality in and of itself and we need to be careful that these numbers while they're very helpful and I'm going to continue using them this morning by the way, they're not evil. They're helpful reference tools, but we shouldn't let them break up the thoughts and ways that the author was intent to communicate especially this morning because we see a chapter break but this scene isn't over and we're going to see it play out in a minute and what Jesus looks up and sees when he's done speaking. So are these numbers helpful? Yes, but let's not allow them to distract us from what the author means to say deal. Okay, let's press on into chapter 21. What does Jesus see after? He says what he says about the scribes that they are pretentious and doing evil Deeds behind the scenes. What does Jesus see in the temple? Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box and he saw a poor Widow put in two small copper coins, and he said truly I tell you this poor Widow. Has put in more than all of them for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty. Put in all she had to live on.

Let's stop here this Widow. Has become famous for this action that she takes let's talk a little bit about what happens here. Jesus is in one of the inner courts of the temple those who are not Jews wear on the outside and then Jews both men and women could go into what was known as the women's court and in the women's Court there were a series of boxes and at the top of a large brass trumpet like funnel that when people would pour their offerings into this horn there be a loud metallic rushing sound at the muddy plummeted into the box. What was different about the Widow's offering though? It's not large enough to generate some kind of sound for all to hear and be impressed by all that would have been heard was a subtle clink clink. And that's all that was heard. Whoever could hear it through that inner Court would know that whatever. She gave was not impressive but Jesus could see further. He saw that this was the culmination of all her assets everything she owned with put into that offering box and she has become famous around the world for her selfless generosity of giving all she has for God's work in the temple. Many people even correlated with the lesson of the Rich Young Ruler who approaches Jesus asking what must I do to inherit eternal life and after saying that he had obeyed all the Commandments of the law. Jesus says you still lack one thing. Sell all you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me. And that same young man he went away sad because he had great wealth and held onto that possession. Some people have compared them instead. Look at the way. She has selflessly given the way that this young man had selfishly hung onto his possessions, but I think that Jesus in pointing out this Widow actually had something else in my to share her first because if we look at the passage of the Rich Young Ruler, we see that Jesus has given him some direct instructions to sell all he has give to the poor. And then come follow him. We also see this young man's heart that inside he is reluctant and he can't bring himself to separate himself from his possessions. We actually get no such Clues from this passage about the Widow. We actually don't understand her heart motivation weather good bad eager reluctant generous or even coerced. We don't have any idea of her motivation. We don't even know if God is our if Jesus is even commending this Behavior. He doesn't say your faith is pleasing to God or to his disciples go and do likewise. In fact, we really only have one clue for going off of this passage. And that is the backdrop that Jesus has painted in chapter 20 namely that the religious leaders in that day had not only set up this really isn't an impressive display of religious Deeds, but they behind the scenes were consuming the livelihoods of poor widows. I'm in Jesus shows in the play light of day in the public eye for everyone to see that. It's happening in front of their eyes. In junior high and Senior High we're going through the Book of James and something that the students will remember is that it doesn't take a lot sometimes to really distinguish something that's real from something. That's fake. Whether a dollar bill with its reflective qualities in the raised ink or sports card that you can seal on The Frayed edges and whether or not the printing is done rightly or again reflective coloring even real gold. When you see it, there are ways to tell from simple observation and Jesus offers not only this accusation of the scribes but then explicit observable evidence of what he saying to be true that these religious leaders though. They are outwardly impressive and righteous are inwardly evil. And have totally missed God's heart towards the needy and he is not happy keep reading with me in chapter 21 verses 5 and 6 and you'll see what I mean. Verse 5 says this and while some were speaking of the temple how it was adorned with Noble stones and offerings. He said as for these things that you see the days will come when there will not be left there one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.

Sin will be exposed and punished and Jesus does just that he exposes the sin of the scribes and he pronounces the judgment and the coming punishment many people were impressed by even the architecture of the temple. It's large marble columns and gold plating that had been funded by offerings and he says, A day will come when not one brick will be left on another a truth that the Jews in his day would in a few short decades later. Come to realize the truth of what he said. When a Roman legion led by Titus himself in 70 AD would destroy Jerusalem and break down the temple Brick by Brick. He was not happy. This is judgement was coming because the scribes who had studied the word diligently studying it thinking that in those words. They had eternal life. It was testifying about Jesus the one they rejected right in front of them and they had missed God's heart for those who are vulnerable instead. They had harvested this widows livelihood for their building project. And Jesus says it's time to stop the building. It's time for it to come down. The irony of all this is the scribes those who knew red studied and even transcribe the law had somehow missed God's heart for the vulnerable because they would have not only read not only studied but transcribed these very words from Isaiah chapter 1 When God says when you come to appear before me who has required of you this trampling of my quartz ring, no more vain offerings incense is an Abomination to me new moon and Sabbath in the calling of convocation. I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They had become a burden to me. I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands. I will hide my eyes from you even though you make many prayers. I will not listen your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves make yourselves clean remove the evil of your Deeds from before my eyes cease to do evil learn to do good seek Justice correct? Oppression, bring Justice to the fatherless plead the Widow's cause God heart had always been for the vulnerable and not for impressive or even Valium displays of worship at the expense of those for our most vulnerable. Jesus was not impressed. It was as if the scribes and Pharisees with their self-righteousness had flashed around a platinum class bank card and approached the register where Jesus was and their card was declined for lack of funds. They had nothing of what Jesus really wanted. And even though they concerned themselves of God's word. They had no concern for God in his heart and what he was concerned about.

And they would answer for their every sin. Just like it says in verse 6 that the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down. Jesus can see through disguises and sin will be exposed and punished. but do not be deceived because

if we follow in their footsteps. We will not Escape either. that if we rely on our religious displays before others people's impressions of us are titles. Our networks are Behavior, but we don't concern ourselves with God or what he is doing we will likewise be destroyed.

Sin will be exposed and punished in God's judgement will come and it is fair. It is Dreadful and it is Unstoppable and God has provided a way of Escape. I even think of this same passage in Isaiah. Listen to God part as he finishes his rebuke of those who totally missed his heart. He says this now let us reason together. Says the Lord though your sins are like Scarlet. They shall be white as snow. Though they are red like Crimson. They shall become like wool God's judgment is coming. It is fair. It is Dreadful and it is Unstoppable. But God did provide a way of escape and it was in the generous gift of his son that we will celebrate in a few short weeks at Christmas or nothing will make us a fright.

God sent his son into the world having come from Heaven to be a human like us and he lived a life of perfect obedience to him. Unlike us who though we are rightly his being the creator of the universe the builder of the earth and the universe. We owe him our Allegiance and yet we have all lived our own way under our own authority and so have committed treason against the king of the universe and we deserve to suffer capital punishment for our sins and yet Jesus living a perfect life of obedience to his father died on a Roman cross suffering in his body on that cross bearing all the sins that Humanity has ever carried. And then three days later he rose again from the dead having not only punished and judge the sense of humanity, but having defeated that final enemy death so that anyone who joins themselves to him in faith cannot only be forgiven of their sins, but have eternal life their life of righteousness before God becomes theirs. Their sins before God have been judged in Jesus body on the cross. And they in Jesus New Life have a new chance to live.

Being joined to Jesus. We have everything and without him we have nothing I implore you to trust him today. Those who trust in him who believe in him have a special invitation something that he alludes to in the Gospel of John. First Jesus talks about him and his father saying I tell you the truth the son can do nothing on his own but only what he sees his father doing for what the father does the son likewise does later in the book. He says this whoever believes in me will do the things I am doing. I have no longer call you servants, but I have called you friends because everything the father has made known to me. I have made known to you. He has done with his father wanted him to do and he invites Us in this new life attaching ourselves to him being forgiving and having a New Life to Live the way that pleases him and to do the things that he is doing. Minecraft Mighty was this join yourselves to Jesus and his mission. Join, Jesus and his mission because it's only in him that we can be saved.

It was the point of Paul writing in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 or he says this for the love of Christ controls us because we have concluded this that one has died for all and therefore all have died and he died for all that those who live might no longer live for themselves, but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

the Pharisees scribes and those who knew the law well Do the words but did not know God of his heart for others.

I am for you to join yourself to Jesus and then knowing him concern yourself with the things that he knows about now that you know, this good news. Don't just be in the know but in the do. Let your faith transform itself into works not because what you do make you right before God nothing that the scribes did impressed God in and of themselves, but in knowing Jesus and living the way that he wants us to live. We have true life and peace. How close is this?

Some of you hear these words and feel intimidated and tempted to question every single motivation and religious act that you will take from here on out. That is not the point of this lesson either. If you have not trusted in Jesus, then you have great reason to fear but if you have trusted in him. She is your righteousness and ways that you cannot make up for on your own the great well-known reformer Martin Luther ran into this predicament that every righteous thing. He ever did was somehow tainted by his sin even his own repentance and he could not bring forth one sincere action until he realized the solution for him is the saying that it is for us that Jesus is our righteousness and in finding our life in him and having new life we participate In him and in what he's doing and that is where we could find true life and peace. Let's pray together.

Father in heaven, we thank you for the gift of your son who is made us right with you?

Please grant us Faith to believe in your son. and prompt us to not only believe but to participate in what you are doing and so show that we really are your disciples. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

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