Praying, Proclaiming, Partnering

The Supreme Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Supreme Life
Praying, Proclaiming, and Partnering
Paul is beginning to wrap things up. He is going to give some last words to the church at Colossae. These would be the words that stick. They are wonderful yet challenging.
We are to be prepared and praying: Vs.2-4
A. Prayer is one of the greatest weapons a Christian has. Prayer is our communication line with God
B. Paul knew this and encourages them to be continually in prayer
C. Why? Because as we communicate with God, He communicates with us.
D. Paul encourages them to watch and be thankful
watch - watch for outside threats to the church, be watchful for the return of Christ. Jesus had promised to return and the return could happen at any time. Be watchful and be vigilant. Neh.4:7-9 walls went up, enemies came, Neh. Set watch so they would be prepared and they got busy. Old pastor in Ga. Use to say, when a farmer prays for a good corn crop, God expects him to say Amen with a hoe. If you are praying about a certain matter, get busy with it.”[1]
thanksgiving - it's a joy to know Christ. It's a joy to be in His Kingdom. It is something to be thankful for. Are you thankful that you are part of the Kingdom of God? This week is Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?
E. Paul is encouraging them to be praying for each other and as they do, God would bless.
F. Vs.3-4 Paul asks for prayers. Look for what he asks prayers for. Not removed from situation but opportunity to share the gospel message.
G. He knew the power of prayer. It was like the infantry calling in an airstrike.
G. Paul's sole purpose in life was to spread the gospel. To share the good news no matter where He was
H. Paul knew H.S. opened the door to share the gospel.
I. The gospel is a powerful message. It changes hearts and lives and there will always be opposition to it.
Satan doesn't want the gospel to spread and he'll do everything he can to stop it.
K. He had a love for God and a love for people that compelled him to share the good news. It was unstoppable.
We are to be prepared and proclaiming Vs.5-6
A. Know your people. Get to know the people in your neighborhood.
G. Know the culture you are in. We have to know and understand the people we are dealing with. What works in one place, may not work for another. Paul and Jesus used different approaches.
H. Paul used many approaches.
Religious leaders - debated the Word
Gentiles - explained the Word, sin, salvation, how to be saved
Jews - fulfillment of the Word - Jesus is the fulfillment of the Word.
G. Paul says we are to redeem the time. Redeeming = to buy up, to rescue from loss.
H. Ever go to the store and find a deal you just couldn't pass up? You buy and say I got a good deal today...That's what it's about
I. We see the opportunity and take the opportunity and realize it was the best deal ever.
J. Then we come to Vs.6 - Grace - our objective is to share the grace of God. God extends grace to all who will accept it.
K. Then we see seasoned with salt - it was a preservative used to preserve food. Also used to season things like today. Salt enhances the flavor of things but too much can overpower.
L. Think about what Paul is saying. It takes just the right amount of the gospel when we are talking with people. Too much and it can turn them off. Too little, and they walk away. Just right, and they see, hear, and respond to the gospel.
We are to be prepared and partnering: Vs.7-18
A. Paul had a team. Each had their part. All were friends of Paul. To be a friend of Paul could lead to imprisonment.
B. We’ll look at a few of his team.
a. Tychicus – Vs.7-8 – beloved, faithful, fellow servant. Ministered behind scenes and faithful to Paul
b. Onesimus – Vs.9 – beloved and faithful, one of them. Philemon’s runaway slave that Paul intervened
c. Aristarchus – Vs.10 – fellow prisoner, Arrested in Ephesus Ac.19:29, riots over Jesus
d. Epaphrus – Vs.12-13 – the praying one – he prayed fervently, powerfully, perfectly (will of God)
C. There were some on Paul’s team. Each had different roles. Some messengers, some prisoners, some prayers all are important
D. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More
Notice each of the names end with US
[1] (J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee [Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1981], 5:362–63).
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