A Trip To Calvary

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Do you like road trips? I do sometimes. Of course the term "road trip" can be relative. Some people will drive for hours others just go for a little drive.
I want us to go for a little trip this morning - I want us to go visit Mount Calvary. Now we aren't going to drive there - we are going to go in our minds and hearts.
Buckle up, listen up, and think about what was gone through for us to be here today.
Luke gives just a brief blip in his gospel, that could be so easily read over and missed - but look at this verse -
Luke 23:33 (KJV)
33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
Just a couple of things I felt about this verse this morning:
Calvary Was Real - I Believe in Mount Calvary The Place - Calvary is also known as Golgotha - it means "the place of a skull" According to the New Testament it was close to Jerusalem (Jn. 19:20) But outside the gates (Heb. 13:12) According to Mt. 27:39 it was close to a main road, and was a spot visible from afar (Mk 15:40; Lk 23:49) I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary
I believe in a hill called mount Calvary I believe whatever the cost And when time has surrendered and Earth is no more I'll still cling to the old rugged cross
Ok we are getting closer look out your spiritual windows and take a look at the scene around you -
Look up ahead see that group of people here they come: four guards and in the middle a man beaten, and bloodied beyond recognition. Here they come.
Calvary Was Cruel - Calvary was the place of extermination. A place of death. A place of execution.They would start with an arrest - Jesus was arrested in the middle of the night dragged to a mock trial they couldn't get the witness to agree - They sent him to PilatePilate had him scourged - This was a process they would take a whip with bits of bone or stone in the ends of the cords. It would not only hit with great force but would rip the skin open - sometimes revealing internal bones and organs. He was beaten, he was slapped, he was spit on, he was cursed, he was tortured. He bled nearly to death, was starved, was dehydrated, was beyond recognition.Then he was taken down the Via Delarosa the way of Christ and Suffering - Can you see him coming this way - bloody and bruised, a crown of thorns driven into his head. Now watch they will take him and nail his hands and feet to that cross - he will suffer there for six hours. fighting for every breath - Calvary was cruel The guards are coming they will break the legs of the prisoners to hurry their deaths. But look Jesus has already given up the ghost - he has already bowed his head and died. Calvary Was an Accomplishment - Paul declares in 1 Cor. 1:23 - "We preach Christ crucified" It is the grounds for Salvation - If it wasn’t for this vicarious, atoning act - there could be no salvation. If it wasn't for Jesus going to the cross - we would never know the Love of GodIf it wasn't for Jesus going to the cross - we would never know salvationIf it wasn't for Jesus going to the cross - we would never know forgivenessIf it wasn't for Jesus going to the cross - we would never be able to make heavenWhen he cried it is finished he not only opened up the way in the holy of holies - he opened the way to HEAVEN!!!
Have you ever been to Calvary - and met Jesus for yourself? Have you ever let his blood wash over you cleansing you from all your sin?
Won't you come to him this morning -
Salvation is not hard - or as complicated as people make it sound.
Jesus says "Come unto me"
He says "Repent"
He says "Believe" On Him for salvation - Won't you do that this morning.
I believe the Christ who was slain on the cross has the power to change lives today And by changed me completely a new life is mine That is why by the cross I will stay I believe in a hill called mount Calvary I believe whatever the cost And when time has surrendered and Earth is no more I'll still cling to the old rugged cross
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