Follow The Lamb
I read an article some time ago about Chris the sheep. He is the new world record holder for having the heaviest fleece. in September 2015 they sheared 89 pounds of wool from this sheep. The most amount to be shorn from a single sheep. 89 pounds - that's enough to knit 30 sweaters.
He was found wandering in Australia and was rescued. The weight of the wool made walking hard for the lost sheep. Christ had never been trimmed. It took 42 minutes to shear Chris.
A couple of things I want to point out to us from this passage -
A Lamb is the first thing noticed - Standing on the Mount Sion
The Lamb is not alone - he is with the 144,000
Who are these 144,000?
Read Rev. 7:1-8 They are a group of individuals 12,000 from each of the listed tribes of Israel
Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Nepthalim, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph, Benjamin,
Here we are told they are sealed with their “Father’s Name” in their foreheads – Just as the mark of the beast which is the name of the beast will seal it’s bearers to eternal damnation – these are sealed with their “Father’s name” sealing them to eternal life.
A Voice from heaven – sound of many waters, with thunders – Identifying the speaker as the one who spoke from the midst of the Lamp-Stands in chapter 1 – The Lamb Himself
We are not told what was said – but it produces rejoicing and worship
The voice of harpers harping with their harps – singing and playing also meaning it was articulate and sweet.
They sing a new song
So amazing – wonderful – and personal that no heavenly creature, Elder, or man could learn to sing it except the 144,000 sealed ones.
Some more characteristics of the sealed ones
Virgins (Could refer to celibacy but more likely a spiritual purity)
Redeemed from Among Men
The Firstfruits unto God and the Lamb (firstruits of the restored nation of Israel – not of the Church
Without guile and fault
Follow the Lamb wherever He Goes – The Lamb becomes The Shepherd
I want to hone in on the thought this morning - these 144,000 "Follow the Lamb wherever he goes" That is what they are doing in this vision. They are following him in loyalty, obedience, and triumphant victory.
I want to talk about this "Lamb" This morning -
I want us to see Jesus - The Prefigured Lamb, Jesus the Practicing Lamb, Jesus the Permanent Lamb
Jesus The Prefigured Lamb -
The term "Lamb of God" is found in the New Testament in the Gospel of John. Twice John the Baptist calls attention to Jesus with the words, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" In one place even adding "He who takes away the sin of the world."
The phrase "Lamb of God" is a messianic title for Jesus. Every other time this title is used it is simply as a "Lamb." What John the Baptist is doing, is uniting Jesus with the LAW! Showing Him to be the fulfillment of it.
Peter reiterates this in 1 Peter 1:19 as redeeming us with his "precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or defect."
Jesus is Prefigured as the Lamb in the Law - The Sacrifice of Atonement - A lamb without spot or blemish, Jesus fit that bill.
Adam and eve sinned – God substituted a lambAbraham had to sacrifice Isaac – God provided a ramHe is prefigured as the Lamb in Gen. 22:7 when Abraham replies to Isaac's question about the wood and the fire but where is the sacrifice, "My son God will provide Himself a lamb." Not provide for himself, but provide himself.
Children of Israel Sinned God gave the law substituted sacrifices Lambs are specifically mentioned in connection with sacrifices more than eighty times in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. This sacrificial motif reaches its fulfillment in Christ
Jesus the Practicing Lamb - The Lord Jesus is often compared to a lamb, and for many reasons.
The lamb was used for food, and the Savior has told us to eat of Him.
The lamb is used for growing wool to make warm garments, and so we are clothed with Christ that we may be accepted by God in Him.
The lamb was an acceptable sacrifice to God, and so the Savior offered Himself to God as our sacrifice. The lamb was used as the Passover sacrifice, and the Scripture says, "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us."
The lamb is a gentle creature, and our Lord said he was "meek and lowely in heart."
The lamb does not object to being sheared or killed, and so "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearer is dumb, so He opened not His mouth."
Rev. 5:6 (a) Throughout the book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus is presented under the type of "a lamb as it had been slain." It appears that Christ constantly bears the marks of the crucifixion, and that He still has the wounded hands, feet, side, back, head and face.
Jesus the Permanent Lamb - The Lamb Becomes The Shepherd The grand climax is the book of Revelation, where “the Lamb” as an epithet for Christ appears twenty-eight times.
There the lion-lamb portrays Christ in His future victory as crowned because of His redemptive work (Rev. 5:12-13; Rev. 7:9; Rev. 22:1, 3).
The term “marriage of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:7-9) symbolizes the union of Christ and His church in glory previous to His second coming to earth to destroy His enemies, cast out satanic power, and set up the long-awaited mediatorial kingdom of Israel (Rev. 19:11-17).
symbolic reference to Christ and unites the two ideas of redemption and kingship.
On one side are statements about a Lamb that has been slain (5:6, 12);
those who "have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (7:14);
those who "overcame [the accuser of our brothers] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" (12:11); and
"those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" (21:27).
The stress here falls upon the redeeming work of Christ as the Lamb of God.
On the other side, connected with the title is the idea of sovereignty.
When John the beloved looked upon that scroll - the title deed to earth, and no one was found worthy to open the book - he wept. But who was able to prevail and loose the seals? It was a Lamb The Lamb!!!
It is the Lamb who was slain who has power to take the scroll and loose its seals (5:6-7);
there is reference to the wrath of the Lamb (6:16);
and the Lamb is seen at the center of the throne (7:17); the throne in heaven is the throne of God and the Lamb (22:1, 3);
the wicked make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb is victorious (17:14).
In the general term Lamb, then, two ideas unite: victorious power and vicarious suffering. At the heart of God's sovereignty there is sacrificial love.
They follow the Lamb - That is yet to happen - they will follow him wherever He goes - This is now - We must follow him here and now. Remember the two that came to Jesus - They wanted to sit next to him in heaven - Jesus said - you must be willing to be baptized with what I am baptized with. Now Jesus wasn't referring to him stepping in the Jordan river with John the baptist - he was referring to his torture and crucifixion.
He tells us over an over that if we are going to be his disciples - we must follow him - whersoever he goeth.
We need to watch the lamb - follow the lamb
I wanted to end with this poem - I've read it before but felt led to do so again - I think it takes this thought to a whole new level - I have only heard the late Tim Dotson do this poem but I want you to listen to these words
Watch The Lamb
Walking On the Road To Jerusalem, one day
The time had come to sacrifice, Again.
My two small sons, They walked beside me down the road,
The reason that they came, Was to watch the lamb.
"Daddy daddy, What will we see there?
There's so much that we don't understand,"
So I told them of Moses, And Father Abraham,
And then I said dear children, "Watch the lamb.
There will be so many, In Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb Doesn't run away,"
And once again I told them of Moses, And Father Abraham,
And I said "Dear children, Watch the lamb."
But When we reached the city, I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshippers No joyful worship songs.
I stood there, With my children, In the midst of angry men,
Then I heard the crowd cry out, "CRUIFY …. Crucify Him!"
We tried to leave the city, But we could not get away.
Forced to play in this drama, A part I did not wish to play,
Why upon this day were men condemned to die? Why were we all standing here, When soon they would pass by?
I looked and said, "Even now they come,"
The first one pleaded for mercy,The people gave him none.
The second one was violent,He was arrogant and loud,
I can still hear his angry voice, Screaming at the crowd.
Then someone said, "There's Jesus," I scarce believed my eyes,
A man so badly beaten, He barely looked alive.
Blood poured from His body, From the thorns on His brow,
Running down the cross, And falling to the ground.
I watched as He struggled, I watched Him as He fell,
The cross came down upon His back, And the crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony, In that moment I felt such loss,
Till the roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed, "YOU! Carry his cross!"
At first I tried to resist him, But his hand reached for his sword,
So I knelt and I took The cross from the Lord.
I put it on my shoulders And started down the street
The blood that He'd been shedding, Was running down my cheek.
They led us to Golgatha They drove nails, Deep in His feet and hands.
And on the cross, I heard him pray, "Father, forgive them..."
Never have I seen such love In any other eyes
"Into thy hands I commit my spirit," He prayed, And then He died.
I stood for what seemed like years, I lost all sense of time,
Until I felt two tiny hands Holding tight to mine.
My children stood there weeping, And I heard the oldest say
"Father please forgive us, The lamb, Ran away.
Daddy daddy, What've we seen here,
There's so much that we don't understand,"So I took them in my arms,
We turned and faced the cross. And I said, "Dear children Watch the lamb."