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Prayer:Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and reveal your hand in our days. May those things be done that bring your future nearer and that let the world see you as the Savior who can lead us to our Father. Bless your Word within us. May our hearts be strengthened, and may we always live in your presence. We draw our life from your Word, from your promise, and we set our hope on you, our Lord and Savior. Show your might, Lord Jesus, and carry out the will of God over all the world, so that we may rejoice when we see God's glory appear and his will being done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Matthew 6:11Give us today our daily bread.
When the stock market crashed in 1929, J.C. Penney lost almost all of his material assets. Worry and anxiety set in. He became physically ill and deeply depressed. As a result, he had to be hospitalized.
Mr. Penney’s illness became so severe that on one particular night he thought he was dying. When he woke up, he realized he was still alive. As he walked down the hospital corridor that day, he heard singing coming from the hospital chapel. The words were “God will take care of you, through every day, o’re all the way.”
These words kindled a spark of hope in his heart. He went into the chapel where the prayers and reading of Scripture directed his focus from his problems to God who cared about him and was able to deliver him from his difficult circumstances.
This was the turning point for J.C. Penney. He made a complete recovery from his illness and went on to build one of the most successful retail businesses in the United States. He had heeded Jesus’ counsel to turn from worry to God.
On the surface, this simple request, “Give us today our daily bread,” is a simple straight forward request. However, yet, when you think about it, this prayer is very large in its scope.
1. It Is A Communal Prayer – Notice the two words “us” and “our.” This is not a prayer that can be prayed selfishly. It is not just about getting “my” needs met; but it is about praying for the needs of the family of God. We are challenged and commanded to have the best interests of our brothers and sisters at heart as we pass through this life and as we pray.
“Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”Phil. 2:4
Showing genuine interest in others is a positive step forward in maintaining unity among believers.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2
WHEN A woman is in labor, she’s hurting. In this situation, no one ever really knows exactly how long the pain is going to last. The husband is there, holding her hand, wiping her forehead, and patting her back. That’s all he can do. He’s limited. Holding her hand doesn’t change the pain. He’s just there to comfort her. God is birthing something in the life of every believer, and He wants believers to comfort one another, while we go through the birthing process.
“Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” 1 Cor. 10:24. THE HOOVER Dam produces enough energy for California, Nevada, and Arizona. It’s concentrated power under control, producing all this energy for three states. But if you ever let that water loose, it would bring disaster to those very areas it’s designed to help. When there’s power with no control, and therefore no meekness, you’re not blessed.
We are to pray for one another; for preachers; for teachers; for missionaries; for that single mother; for that struggling teenager; for the family that is suffering; for that sick one; for every conceivable need in the lives of others.
There have been many times when I could not pray for myself as I should have. But, I am thankful that God had others praying for me during those times. The prayers of God’s children are precious and should be offered one for another liberally!
(Ill. One day a preacher visited a bedfast member of his congregation. "I am sorry I am late today," said a clergyman visiting an aged parishioner, "but I have been all round the parish." "Why," said the old woman, "that's just where I've been!" "But you cannot walk," exclaimed the astonished minister. "Ah," said the old saint, "you see, my soul isn't bedridden! So I just go round the parish every day in prayer, while I lie here.")
1. It Is A Communal Prayer
2. It Is A Comprehensive Prayer – One commentator said this phrase could be expressed this way, “Give us this day the things sufficient for our subsistence.” This is more than a prayer for food on our plates. This is a humble request for God to provide everything we need to make it through day by day. If we could ever get to the place where we truly trust Him for all we need, day by day, and then worry would die out of our lives. We would be in a place of contentment and peace, knowing that out heavenly Father was in perfect control of all the situations of our lives, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7.
A MAN one day said to a friend of his, “Mister, you sure look worried.” The man responded. “Man, I’ve got so many troubles! If something else goes wrong with me today, I’ll have to wait two weeks to get around to worrying about it.
Let me quickly say that it is not wrong to pray for our needs. Some people will not pray for themselves, thinking it is fleshly and not spiritual. Jesus clearly commands us to pray for the necessities of life. Therefore, let us not be ashamed to bring every need, every matter to Him, knowing He will hear us, sustain us and supply us as we move through this world, Heb. 4:14-15.
Conc:1. It Is A Communal Prayer
2. It Is A Comprehensive Prayer
God did not save us to allow us to perish on the wild hills of sin! We are the children of the King and we have a right to approach the King for the things we need!
(Ill. One sharp winter day, so runs a nursery tale, a poor woman stood at the window of a king’s conservatory, looking at a cluster of grapes, which she longed to have for her sick child. She went home to her spinning-wheel, earned half-a-crown, and offered it to the gardener for the grapes, He waved his hand, and ordered her away.
She returned to her cottage, snatched the blanket from her bed, pawned it, and once more asked the gardener to sell her the grapes, offering him five shillings. He spoke furiously to her and was turning her out, when the princess came in, heard the man’s passion, saw the woman’s tears, and asked what was wrong. When the story was told she said, “My dear woman, you have made a mistake. My father is not a merchant, but a king; his business is not to sell but to give;” so saying, she plucked the cluster from the vine and dropped it into the woman’s apron.”
May the Lord help His people realize that we are to ask, and if we will ask, we will receive, Matt. 7:7-11; James 4:2b. God is not a tight-fisted, mean-spirited, heartless dictator Who delights in watching His children struggle. He is a gracious, loving; heavenly Father Who delights in giving His best gifts to those who know Him!)