Confidence in God
Paul and Barnabas sent out from Antioch
Sailed North from Cyprus, now moving around modern day Turkey
Read Acts 14:1
Iconium is north of the harbor where they landed from Cyprus
Iconium is where Timothy is from, might have heard Paul on this trip
Jewish synagogues allowed anyone qualified to speak. Paul was qualified.
“They” spoke - Paul and Barnabas
They were so well spoken gentiles heard about it. Mixed community.
Read Acts 14:2
More Elymas
Read Acts 14:3
They spent more time there because of the opposition
Read Acts 14:4-5
The apostles. Apostle means, someone who is sent with the authority to represent another.
Read Acts 14:8-10
Lystra is back towards Antioch
Stand up on your feet, command
Saw he had the faith to be healed
Confirmed the message through miracles
Read Acts 14:11-13
Lycaonian language - Paul and Barnabas didn’t understand
Grecian myth about Zeus and Hermes visiting 2 families
Read Acts 14:14-18
Zeus and Hermes are worthless gods
If you want to worship a pastor after he’s done speaking either he failed in his presentation or you weren’t listening
Jews came from ANTIOCH and ICONIUM
That was quick, from “gods” to “stoned”
“In this early stage of the church’s development, the Roman government still viewed Christianity as a form of Judaism, and Rome’s toleration of teh established religiouns of its conquered populations postpones official persecution until the empire perceives Christianity as a new religion, distinct from Judaism.”
Confidence recognizing the movement of God.