Oh What a Savior
The Sick - vs. 1-10
The Sick - vs. 1-10
The Centurions’ friends called him worthy - vs 4
Jesus was willing - vs. 6
The Centurion knew he was unworthy - vs. 6
Jesus was moved by the Centurion’s faith - vs. 9
Everyone saw Jesus’ healing - vs. 10
The Sorrowful - vs. 11-17
The Sorrowful - vs. 11-17
The woman was in desperate straights - vs. 12
Jesus was moved by the woman’s suffering - vs. 13
Jesus touched the coffin and called the dead to life - vs. 14
Jesus gave him back to his mother - vs. 15
Everyone saw Jesus’ power over death - vs. 16-17
The Searching - vs. 18-35
The Searching - vs. 18-35
John was doubting - vs. 19
Jesus invited them to consider the testimony of His life’s work - vs. 22-23
The messengers went back to John with the good news - vs. 24
Jesus questioned the motives of those watching - vs. 23-28
Sinners saw God’s justice, the religious rejected it - vs. 29-30
The Sinner - vs. 36-50
The Sinner - vs. 36-50
The sinner was determined - vs. 36-38
Simon, the pharisee, was dumfounded - vs. 39
Jesus simplified the question - vs. 40-47
Jesus forgave the woman’s sins - vs 48
The people were left with a decision - vs. 49-50