The Resurrection of Christ
Tragic consequences if there is no resurrection from the dead… (vv. 13-19)
You can’t believe in the resurrection of Christ and deny the eventual resurrection of believers, for resurrection is a single package.
In our preaching
In our faith
In our salvation
Why so? Most likely because we are living a lie! We have a hope that will turn out to be a false hope, and that on which we set the entire focus of our lives will come to nothing. That would indeed be very sad!
Glorious consequences if there is resurrection from the dead… (vv. 20-28)
In Adam or in Christ?
God has raised Jesus from the dead, and this changes everything.
King Jesus will return.
King Jesus is presently reigning.
God will reign forevermore.
Practical consequences of the doctrine of resurrection (vv. 29-34)
And if this life is all there is—to put it bluntly and directly—then it does not matter what we do, or how we live. We are free to sin with impunity, provided we can get away with it. There is no reason to do good, no reason to love our neighbor, and no reason to deny ourselves any sort of pleasure.
Ministry practices
believers are being baptized because they realize they are dead in sin and are being raised to a new life in Christ.