Fallen Man and Sin.

Fallen Man and Sin.  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Fallen Man and Sin.
Question: "What is the definition of sin?"
Easy answer: Sin is just saying No to God. Joke: Right that’s us what’s next. No Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7Joshua 1:18). Sin had its beginning with Lucifer, probably the most beautiful and powerful of the angels. Not content with his position, he desired to be higher than God, and that was his downfall, the beginning of sin (Isaiah 14:12-15). Renamed Satan, he brought sin to the human race in the Garden of Eden, where he tempted Adam and Eve with the same enticement, “you shall be like God.” Genesis 3 describes Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God and against His command. Since that time, sin has been passed down through all the generations of mankind and we, Adam’s descendants, have inherited sin from him. Romans 5:12 tells us that through Adam sin entered the world, and so death was passed on to all men because “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
The Bible tells us how this happened.
Man disobeyed God and His command (Genesis 3 v1-8;Romans 5:12–19;1 Corinthians 15:21–22; 1 Timothy 2:13–14).
This disobedience was sin—and as a result man fell from his
original innocent state and became a sinner (Genesis 3:7–12).
The temptation to sin came from without—from Satan through
the serpent (Genesis 3:1–5) and not from within. Man did not, as yet, have a sinful nature.
Eve was deceived and yielded. Adam was not deceived but yielded (1 Timothy 2:14 ) The Bible gives clear teaching about sin—what it is and what it does:
Sin is against God (Psalm 51:4)
Sin is transgression of God’s Law () 1 John 3:4
Sin must be punished ()Romans 6:23
Sin is universal ()Romans 3:23
We are sinners by nature ()Ephesians 2:3
We are sinners by practice ()Matthew 15:19
The Bible tells us the immediate consequences of man’s sin and fall.
For man and woman—physical and spiritual death (Genesis 2:17 Genesis 3:19 ), a fear of God and a hiding from His presence (Genesis 3:8), shame because of sin (Genesis 3:7) and expulsion from the garden (Genesis 3:24
For the man—the ground was cursed and he became subject to
exhausting physical labour (Genesis 3:17–19)
For the woman—sorrow and pain in child bearing and subjection to the man (Genesis 3:16
For the serpent—it became a reptile which repels (Genesis 3:14)
For Satan—judgment through the future death of Jesus Christ (Genesis 3:15)
The Bible tells us the results for the whole human race.
The reason why the human race became sinful.
The federal headship of the human race had been invested in Adam. What he did was therefore representative of the whole human race. We were in Adam, so when he sinned we all sinned. His sin and the results of it were imputed to all his posterity (Romans 5:12 Romans 5:15–19; )1 Corinthians 15:21–22 This is known as original sin. Each man and woman born into the world is therefore born with a sinful nature (Ephesians 2:3 is spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1–5 and will die physically (Romans 5:12 Romans 6:23). The only exception was the Lord Jesus Christ.
A description of sinful man.
Every person born into the world since then (except for the Lord Jesus Christ) can be described in four ways:
􀀁He is spiritually dead Ephesians 2:1–5 )
􀀁He is spiritually blind (2 Corinthians 4:4
􀀁He is controlled by sin (Colossians 1:13
􀀁He is an enemy of God (Romans 5:10 Romans 8:7–8)
It is obvious from this biblical description that sinful fallen man is helpless as far as salvation is concerned. Being dead, blind and controlled he has no ability to be saved or even to take the first step in salvation. Being an enemy of God he has no desire to be saved, unless God first works in his heart and life.
It is therefore God who must take the first step in salvation—not man. Fallen man has a free will in the sense that he is free to do what he wants to do. But he is not free to do what he ought to do—unless God gives him that ability. In other words he has complete freedom of choice—but not complete freedom of will.
The results for sinful man.
As a consequence fallen man has two basic problems
􀀁He is guilty before God (Romans 3:19) His standing and position are wrong. This is a legal problem which needs a legal answer.
􀀁He is polluted by his sin (Romans 3 v9-18). His state and personality are wrong. This is a moral problem which needs a moral answer.
􀀁 The needs of sinful man.
Fallen man has therefore two basic needs
􀀁He needs to be forgiven (Acts 2:38; Acts 13:38). This will solve
his guilt problem.
􀀁He needs to be changed (John 3:5–7 ). This will start to solve his pollution problems.
􀀁 God’s answer for sinful man Jesus Christ died for fallen man on the Cross. His Death had two main purposes and consequences:
􀀁To justify him (Romans 5:1 ). This gives him a new position and solves his guilt problem.
• all his sin is forgiven
• God sees him as pure as Jesus Christ.
􀀁To change (regenerate) him (2 Corinthians 5:17). This makes him a new person. The process of sanctification begins and will continue until he is glorified.
He can now, increasingly, live a life which is well pleasing to God because the basis of the pollution problem is solved.
Both of these happen instantaneously when a sinner repents and trusts Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour.
Mans problem:1 Guilt 2 Pollution
Christs Death : To forgive To change.
Faith and repentance.
God’s work: Justification,Regeneration.
Our Evangelism: He will forgive you He will change you.
Do you want to be forgiven and changed?
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