Where You Belong - It's the End of the World as We Know it

Where You Belong  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The election has many people upset. It’s by no means over yet, but there are many people left, right, and center who are very nervous.
One of the problems is that people are saying that the “Fabric of our Democracy” is being torn away at by BOTH SIDES of the aisle.
One thing is for certain: These are unprecedented times…
People act like its the end of the world. And for many who have only known the United States’ democratic republic, I can see why they might be nervous about things.
Now, you may feel a certain way politically, but let’s not get too flustered about this. We can go too far.
I’ve heard people say almost every election “If so and so get’s elected it will be the end of the world.” And some actually believe that they are seeing the “signs of the end times” when things go against the direction they perceive they should.
I’ve had people pull me aside and tell me they have cracked the code of when the world will end, and pull some amazing acrobatics of biblical interpretation to show me that some politician is the anti-Christ or that this date is the end of the world.
I’m not saying they are all snake oil salesmen, but most are good hearted and misguided.
Why am I mentioning all of this?
Well first, because it’s relevant. Right Now, you will talk to people like this. Be prepared.
Second, in today’s text we are going to discuss Jesus’ words on the end of a Generation. The destruction of the Temple and the Jewish world as a whole. And his teaching on the end of the world as well.
We are starting a new series titled “Where you belong” — as we approach the holiday season, I want you to think about what and where “home” is. Where are the places you feel comfortable?
And in today’s lesson, we examine first the world.


Jesus loved to talk about the end of things. The ends of his parables we have read lately all have dealt with the end of time itself! And now Jesus is going to talk about the end of the Temple and the Jewish way of worship.
Now, to the Jews, that would have been the end of their world. With the imagery that Jesus even presents in today’s text you can easily see it might feel like that as well!
But let’s look at some of what the conversation looked like. I want to cover the entire chapter today, but we won’t read it all, so please allow me to summarize some parts, and I encourage you to study the chapter for yourselves at home this evening to make sure you don’t just take my word for it.
Especially because there are some things that are mentioned here that are worth looking into. Things that can be very difficult to understand.
Read Mark 13:1-4
The question that was posed as they walk out of the building. Imagine being there, seeing this great structure of its day. A marvel to what most people would have. To us, who have seen skyscrapers it might not seem like much. But this building was a Jewel of its time.
Jesus looks around and points at these buildings. None of this will be standing.
Excited, maybe scared, the disciples say: when? how? how will we know?
You see, this was the bedrock of their world. This was the foundation of their faith. This city, this temple, was the place to meet God!
Jesus then tells them of the coming trouble they will face when these things happen.
READ Mark 13:5-9; Mark 13:14-23

Foundations Set in the World (Problem)

The disciples in their understanding actually had a more legitimate concern than we do today about the world that we know.
Their world was centered around the worship of God. Ours isn’t. It wouldn’t just affect the physical then, it would affect their spiritual life as they knew it.
And yet, are we not settled in this world? All too often.
The building of the temple that the disciples were just walking out of was as I said a Jewel of it’s time...
Jerusalem, and the temple within was the pride of the Old Covenant. it was the “Holy City”.
During the time of Christ it was even more so, because during the reign of Herod he had lavished the temple during it’s rebuilding. He did so for 40+ years to try to gain the favor of the Jews. It didn’t work. But it did make the temple the likely the most beautiful building in the world at that time.
Embellished with beautiful art, this white marbled building, made of some of the largest stones at the time would have been amazing.
The saying at the time by many was “He who has not seen Jerusalem in her splendor, has never seen a desirable city in his life. He who has not seen the Temple in its full construction has never seen a glorious building in his life.” (Babylonian Talmud Sukkah 51b)
The comfort for the Jews in being able to see that city and temple is hard to explain.
Because after the destruction of the temple by the Roman Empire in AD 70, think about what the nation would have felt like. Stripped of their honor and glory, the approved places for sacrifices in Israel as well.
Their foundations were shaken.
What about ours? If we woke up tomorrow and panicked because the world as we know it was turned upside down, what would that tell us?
I’m not saying there can be no concern. But what I am saying, is that if we panicked, it would show us that our foundation is set in the world.
But our foundation shouldn’t be in a city. No capital, no building, nothing is our foundation. Our foundation is in CHRIST JESUS! Our faith is in our God.
God is not restricted to buildings, our salvation is not tied to sacrifices made at any place other than the cross in about AD 33. Our worship can be in this comfortable building or in the woods. We can worship anywhere we find ourselves if we are gathered together in the name of the Lord.
So when COVID restrictions may get us, do we panic? No, we have faith in God.
So when the government oversteps their bounds, is our faith shaken? No, the bedrock and chief cornerstone of our faith is in Christ Jesus — who is not dependent on this world and its governments.

The World is Not Permanent…

The Jew’s world as they knew it wasn’t permanent.

For the Jews, their world was turned upside down at the Cross of Christ.
World Changer!
So for the Jews — Spiritually, they became defunct. Their system was done away with for a better one in Christ Jesus.
The need for the buildings, sacrifices, and so much more were completed. They were now fulfilled and no longer needed. Why cling bitterly to the past?
Their culture would need to change then as well, wouldn’t it?
Not only all of that, but think about what Christ is actually talking about here in Mark 13.
Christ cleaned house in his coming judgement of Jerusalem. He not only took away the need for their system, he removed the system.
In the destruction of Jerusalem, the priesthood was destroyed and with it the sacrificial system that was previously set in place.
No need for it anymore.
The genealogies were lost, and the tribal system with it as well (this is why the priesthood was gone).
No need for tribes, because all now had an opportunity to be God’s people in the world — it wasn’t about human blood anymore, it was about Christ’s blood!
No need for priests anymore, because Christ made us all priests of the most Holy God!
No need for sacrifices because Christ is our perfect sacrifice!
The world and everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING, they would have known, believed, practiced, including the temple itself was just as Christ said would be destroyed.
This should not have been a big surprise, for change like this was prophesied about in the OT plenty of times. It may not have come as they expected, but it did.

Our World Isn’t Permanent Either...

During times of great transition such as election years, I know we see the obviousness of flux in our world. But remember it’s not just in flux, it isn’t permanent.
Though we are in a time of Christian worship, we await a time when we will be in our eternal home.
We should recognize that this world is a passing place, and when we do, should that not lessen the burden of uncertainty within the world?
Of course it should. It should be no surprise to us that the world will change, dramatically, as it always has.
As Solomon, the wise man, once said “there is nothing new under the sun.” And one constant in our world is change.
That being said, if our world isn’t permanent, then why put our faith in it’s foundations? Obviously we should not. There will come a time when great changes occur, but for the Christian who is focused on a more permanent dwelling, it will affect us but it will not change our eternal course unless we let it.

Things change, generations end, but it doesn’t mean the end of the world...

So to the Jews, their world, their generation, their time was done. But Jesus doesn’t conflate that with the end of the world though they may have. He explains.
You will see the coming of the end of your time. But there is something that no one will see coming. The end of everything.
Read with me Again: Mark 13:28-37
And so we see a shift. From the destruction of Jerusalem, which would be accompanied with signs. Signs that they could see coming, just like knowing that summer was near because of the leaves on the fig tree.
But then there is something that you won’t see Coming Christ says. The destruction of the world.
“Nobody knows when it will happen! Nobody but God the Father” Jesus says!
Mark 13:32
Mark 13:32 NKJV
32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
So when somebody says “I know the world is going to end here. At this time.” Just say, “Oh, so you know more than the angels do? You know more than even Jesus did during his ministry on earth? You know something that Christ said only the Father knows. Wow!” — or you can be more polite. You probably should do that.
Any way the obvious break here is that Jesus shifts to talk about the end of the world, which they were probably conflating with the end of Jerusalem. It wasn’t. Obviously. But it was a time where Christ was coming in Judgement!

Our Home Will Never Pass Away

The takeaway is this: WE HAVE A HOME, A PERMANENT DWELLING. Now, and Then.
In the Word Now!
Heaven and Earth may pass away, but Christ’s Word does not! And we can be at home with the word of God.
No matter what the world may throw at you, you can rest easy on the Rock of Ages, the Word of God, Jesus Christ.
We may have to pivot our footing in this world from time to time, but we never have to pivot our faith in God.
And the thing that will keep us sane in spite of it all is looking to the cross, and the hope given there of our Heavenly Home
In our heavenly home for eternity.
This is where we belong. And when we get there, there will be no more tribulation. We will have no more worries or concerns. No tears, no pain, no dying. Only permanent joy and service to our Lord!
The old system is done away with, and now you can have that hope that will get you through whatever the world may throw at you if you come to Jesus today.
In the ultimate getting rid of the old system Jesus prophesied about it in John 2:13-21.
We are not at home in Jerusalem. We do not worship in the temple. But we have the temple of the body of Christ today!
Repent of your old life which will not save you from the ever-shifting sands of this world and put your faith in the Rock of Ages!
Be baptized in his Blood the only thing that will forgive your sins and walk on sturdy ground now and for eternity!
Are you ready, be watchful! You never know when your time will come, but have your spot reserved by obeying Christ and being faithful today!
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