I'm Still Thankful
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I just want to ask this question. In spite of 2020, is there anyone who is still thankful?
Maintain your Joy
Maintain your Joy
The life of the believer should be one of constant celebration. And whatever that looks like for you is ok because it all works. And that celebration comes from a place of joy which what it means to rejoice. The root word in the original language and in English for rejoice is joy. So, if you have joy the outward expression of that joy is rejoicing. Jesus taught us that and told us that he would give us his joy, not as the world gives. In Thessalonians 1:6 it is said that they received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, letting us know that the source of their joy was not contingent upon things around them, but by someone in them.
Somehow in the midst of their trouble Paul is encouraging them to somehow maintain their joy, and rejoice always.
Be Persistent in Prayer
Be Persistent in Prayer
Prayer is a line of communication between you and God. And it is always true of prayer that anytime you pray it is an exercise in humility. Because in order to pray you must first, even upon the idea, admit that God is greater than you are. (Preach)
Power in your house because of electricity. Invisible power that yields visible privileges. But, you can’t access that power until you flip the switch. God has unlimited power.
• It happens after prayer (Run)
• Without ceasing?-This means a lifestyle of prayer. There is never a time when your heart and mind is not working in devotion to God.
Gas in the Tank.
Give thanks
Give thanks
When you say thank you you acknowledged some things. One that it was the result of someone else. And, often times with God it means God did something you you would not have otherwise been able to do by yourself.
• In everything?
In all circumstances? Matthew Henry the famed classical bible commentator was robbed and he wrote about it in his diary and instead of complaining the gave thanks. He gave four thank yous, first that he it was only his first time, second that although they took my money they didn’t take my life, third, even though they took all of it it wasn’t much, fourth, because it was I who was robbed and not the one doing the robbing.
Pastor Tucker used to always say, “People don’t have to be nice to you so when they do you should say thank you.” God doesn’t have to do anything for you. But since he has.