The Caracters of Christmas – Zacarías y Elisabet
The Caracters of Christmas • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsThe birth of Jesus is good news for the elderly Zacarias and Elisabet, who have spent their lives shamefully. The birth of Jesus shows us that no matter what stage of life you are in, it's still good news for you.
Thank you for being here this afternoon. As we approach Christmas I am excited to announce that we will begin a study on Sunday afternoons titled “Los Caracters de Navidad.”
When the angels appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of the Messiah, Jesus, they described his birth in this way: “good news of great joy” for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Why was the birth of Jesus good news of great joy? And how was it for all people? These are the questions we’ll be examining over the next four weeks up to Christmas as we seek to prepare our hearts and minds for the act of remembrance that is Christmas, anticipating that Jesus will one day return. And as we do so, we want to remember that this Jesus brought with him good news of great joy for all people.
The message today will begin prior to the birth of Jesus and deal with another miraculous birth—that of John the Baptist—as we look at the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. The story is found in Luke 1:5-25.
Vamos a leer Lucas 1:5-25
Luk 1:5 Hubo en los días de Herodes, rey de Judea, un sacerdote llamado Zacarías, de la clase de Abías; y su esposa era de las hijas de Aarón, y se llamaba Elisabet.
Luk 1:6 Y ambos eran justos delante de Dios, andando irreprensibles en todos los mandamientos y ordenanzas del Señor.
Luk 1:7 Y no tenían hijo, porque Elisabet era estéril, y ambos eran ya de edad avanzada.
Luk 1:8 Y aconteció que ejerciendo Zacarías el sacerdocio delante de Dios en el orden de su clase,
Luk 1:9 conforme a la costumbre del sacerdocio, le tocó en suerte encender el incienso, entrando en el templo del Señor.
Luk 1:10 Y toda la multitud del pueblo estaba fuera orando a la hora del incienso.
Luk 1:11 Y se le apareció un ángel del Señor puesto en pie a la derecha del altar del incienso.
Luk 1:12 Y viéndole, se turbó Zacarías, y cayó temor sobre él.
Luk 1:13 Mas el ángel le dijo: Zacarías, no temas; porque tu oración ha sido oída, y tu esposa Elisabet te dará a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre Juan.
Luk 1:14 Y tendrás gozo y alegría, y muchos se regocijarán de su nacimiento.
Luk 1:15 Porque será grande delante del Señor; y no beberá vino ni sidra, y será lleno del Espíritu Santo, aun desde el vientre de su madre.
Luk 1:16 Y a muchos de los hijos de Israel convertirá al Señor Dios de ellos.
Luk 1:17 Porque él irá delante de Él en el espíritu y el poder de Elías, para hacer volver los corazones de los padres a los hijos, y los desobedientes a la sabiduría de los justos, para preparar un pueblo dispuesto para el Señor.
Luk 1:18 Y dijo Zacarías al ángel: ¿En qué conoceré esto? Porque yo soy viejo, y mi esposa es de edad avanzada.
Luk 1:19 Y respondiendo el ángel le dijo: Yo soy Gabriel, que estoy delante de Dios; y soy enviado a hablarte y darte estas buenas nuevas.
Luk 1:20 Y he aquí estarás mudo y no podrás hablar, hasta el día que esto sea hecho, por cuanto no creíste mis palabras, las cuales se cumplirán a su tiempo.
Luk 1:21 Y el pueblo estaba esperando a Zacarías, y se maravillaban de que él se demorase en el templo.
Luk 1:22 Y cuando salió, no les podía hablar; y entendieron que había visto visión en el templo, pues les hablaba por señas, y permanecía mudo.
Luk 1:23 Y aconteció que cumpliéndose los días de su ministerio, se fue a su casa.
Luk 1:24 Y después de aquellos días concibió su esposa Elisabet, y se encubrió por cinco meses, diciendo:
Luk 1:25 Así me ha hecho el Señor en los días en que miró para quitar mi afrenta entre los hombres.
We are given some important details about Zechariah and Elizabeth that help us paint a pretty accurate portrait of their life. Now lets take a look at these verses and see what the lord has for us today.
1. The dedicated servants (5-7)
1. The dedicated servants (5-7)
Here in verses 5-7 we find a husband and wife that the bible says that “they were both righteous before God...” These were two people dedicated to the work of the Lord all the way from there relationship with each other, to their job, to their daily lives. They were dedicated to pleasing God with their lives!
Yet, even tho they loved and served God together they had no children. In this time for a woman not to have a baby, especially in her advanced age, was considered a disgrace. But even tho God had not answered their prayers to have a baby they persisted in loving and serving the King of kings!
A hen and a pig approached a church and read the advertised sermon topic: “What can we do to help the poor?” Immediately the hen suggested they feed them bacon and eggs. The pig thought for a moment and said, “There is only one thing wrong with feeding bacon and eggs to the poor. for you it requires only contribution, but for me it requires total commitment!”
I may not know the complete story of everyone here this evening however, I do know, and as we will see later in the message, God answers prayers and blesses the lives of those dedicated to a walk with him and that are totally commited to him!
That very thing of God answering prayer and blessing those who serve him leads us to our next point and verses 8-17.
2. The deliverance of good news (8-17)
2. The deliverance of good news (8-17)
Here, the customs of going into the Holy place and burning incense is an example to us today living in the age of grace of how we must be offering up our prayers and sacrificing our lives to serve the lord.
We notice that when God brings this good news that Zacarías that his wife Elisabet will have a baby (aka receive the blessing) from the Lord. It was when he was doing what he was supposed to be doing in walking and serving God.
There is an imaginative story told of a day when the sun did not rise. Sis o’clock can and there was no sign of dawn. At seven o’clock, there was still no ray of light. at noon, it was as black as midnight. No birds sang and only the sound of an owl broke the silence. Then came the long black hours of the afternoon. Finally evening arrived but no one slept that night. Some cried, some twisted their hands in anguish. Every church was filled with people ion their knees. There they remained the whole night. After that long night of terror and agony, millions of eager, tear filled faces were turned toward the east. When the sky began to grow red and the sun rose, there was a loud shout of joy. Millions of lips said, “Bless the Lord, o my soul,” because the sun had risen after one day of darkness.
God had blessed Zacarías y Elisabet with becoming pregnant with a baby boy. Their dedication to continue to serve him. Even when it seemed he didn’t hear their prayers all these years he did!
Don’t quit walking with God by talking to him in prayer and studying his word daily. If every member of you family does not have a copy of the word of God come talk to me we will get thais fixed!
And Church even when it doesn’t seem like he hears your prayers, he does and he will bless you for your faithfulness and dedication to him!
With knowing all this, I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes it’s easy to doubt God. this bring us to point number three.
3. The doubt the man of God (18-20)
3. The doubt the man of God (18-20)
These verses make me laugh. Some people don’t think there is ever anything funny in the bible. Well, that may be because they don’t ever read the bible.
Here is a man going to offer the incense and pray to God for a son. When God answers his prayer what does he do? he doubts it and asks “How will I know this? I’m afraid that there are a lot of Christians, maybe even some here today, that pray like this, without believing God can do it!
The story is told of a time when a great Preacher prayed in the morning service for rain. As he went to church in the afternoon his daughter, said, “Here is an umbrella, Papi.” “What do we need it for?” he saked.
“You prayed for rain this morning. Don’t you expect God to send it?” his daughter replied. They carried the umbrella, and while they came home they were glade to take shelter under it from the storm.
This should be our type of faith when we pray. Even if it takes years and years for God to answer we must be just like this little child and have no doubt, and just expect an answer, even if the answer is no, yes, or wait a minute!
With all of this in mind I want you to look with me at the next point. Number four.
4. The delay (21-23)
4. The delay (21-23)
Notice the peoples concern for Zacarías when he delayed his coming out of the temple. In this day approaching the Holy place was a big deal and if a priest wasn’t clean or right with God then God could strike him dead! So when he did come out and couldn’t talk the people assumed he saw a vision from God. Remember this was the first time God had spoken to anyone in 400 years!
So you can imagine the people want to know what happened but all Zacarías could do was throw his hands around like a crazy person. when he could explain what happened he humbly went back to work in silent till it was time for him to go home! Imagine a preacher not being able to speak or communicate! Now that is a humbling punishment for not believing the word of God!
H.A. Ironside felt he was not humble enough as he thought he ought to be. Showing concern, he asked an older friend what he could do about it. His friend replied, “Make a sign for your front and back with the plan of salvation in Scripture on it and wear it, then walk through the business and shopping area of Chicago for a who day.”
Ironside followed his friends advice. Upon completion of this humiliating experience, he returned to his apartment. As he took off the signs, he caught himself thinking, “There’s not another person in Chicago that would de willing to do a thing like that.”
Church the best way to serve Christ is in humility. Humbling yourself to do whatever he wants you to do! and for the person that is lost here the only way for you to enter the kingdom of God is if you humble yourself and admit that you have broken the law of God by lying, stealing, dishonoring your parents and humbling yourself enough to repent of your sins and trust in God to save you!
When we are willing to humble our selves that leads us to his gracious deliverance! Look with me at point number 5.
5. The delivery from disgrace (24-25)
5. The delivery from disgrace (24-25)
Here we see the promise from God coming true. Elisabet becomes pregnant. when we becomes pregnant he secludes herself for 5 months. I can imagine Elisabet talking to Zacarías and him not being able to talk back. He was a captive audience! With Elisabet secluding herself, Mary was the first to find out about Elisabet and this was a confirmation of the promise that Mary recieved about her pregnancy with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Elisabet was so happy because now God has “quitar mi afrenta entre los hombres.”
When the great Christian scientist Sir. Michael Faraday was dying, some journalists questioned him about his speculations for life after death. He replied, “Speculations! I know nothing about speculations. I’m resting on certainties. I know that my redeemer lives, and because he lives, I will live also!”
You see we are kind of like Elisabet. We have a horrible reproach before God called sin and it isn’t until we have been born again has that reproach been taken away! It was by Jesus coming to be born of a virgin, living a perfect life, dying and taking the full rath of God on the cross, then raising again the third day conquering death and sin that we can be made whole. and friends this is the good news!
These are individuals who have given their entire lives to God. They have served him faithfully, yet the desire of their hearts has not come to pass. Imagine if you were Zechariah, and your whole adult life you had been praying for a child, only to see, year after year, you and your wife growing older and the prayer going unanswered.
However, God would answer their prayers. It wasn't in the time they wanted but it was in the perfect time of the Lord. Zechariah and Elizabeth will have a child! But not just any child—a very important child in God’s plan of salvation. What is so special about this child? He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, he will help people turn to their Lord, he will be the next Elijah, and he will prepare people for an encounter with their God (vv. 15–17). When it comes to the characters of Christmas, it is important to remember that the first people who were given a glimpse of the coming Messiah were not the young, nor the rich, nor the powerful, but an older, childless couple suffering through the pain of wanting and never having a child.
The birth of Jesus is good news for the elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth, who have spent their lives bearing disgrace. The birth of Jesus shows us that no matter what stage of life you are in, it is still good news for you. This was good news for Zechariah and Elizabeth. They were finally going to have a child! And the reason they were going to have this child was so that a prophet would prepare people to meet the Lord. In the act of giving them a child, God demonstrates his intention to give grace. Elizabeth’s shame is removed, replaced with a demonstration of God’s favor. Her disgrace among the people is replaced with a son who preaches a message of repentance.
That very message John the Baptist preached over 2000 years ago is still the message we all need today. What is that message? It is the message of Repenting of our sins and trusting in Christ alone for salvation. Just like if we just out of a plain we wouldn't trust our selves by moving our arms to save us from the fall but rather we would transfer our trust from ourselves to a parachute to save us! So must we transfer our trust from ourselves and our works to save us and trust in the Savior to save our souls from Hell!
If you are praying and you feel like God isn't answering your prayers let me encourage you to advance in those prayers! Just like in the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth, God will answer our prayers in his timing as well! Sometimes it's a no, sometimes it's a yes, and other times it is God saying "Keep on praying it's not time yet."
May we never forget the birth of Jesus is good news for us!