Hidden in Christ
As a kid, what is something you did because of wonder, because of mystery? Did it bring you Joy?
Wonder, Mystery, JOY?
…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge...
Wonder: God is not ashamed of your lowliness. He is near to lowliness! He loves the lost, the neglected, the unseemly, the excluded, the weak and broken.
You Are Special, Max Lucado
Mystery: This Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter, was Himself the Lord of glory! You see, God became poor, lowly and weak out of LOVE for humankind. God became a human like us so we would become divine. He came to us so that we would come to Him!! God who comes low for our sakes, God in Jesus of Nazareth- that is the secret hidden wisdom!
God, who spoke and stars flew from His mouth. Who spoke and mountains rose up from the waters. Who spoke and living, breathing creatures became! This CREATOR GOD became one of us. And here we find the depth of the mystery of Diety. Do you ever just gaze into this? Just fill up with wonder at God’s immeasurable love toward us that He was willing to become us? If you do, if you can, you are re-grasping that childlike attitude He values so much.
and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.