Pilgrim and Puritan Thanksgiving

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The difference between Pilgrim and Puritan

Both flow out of the reformation (Germany) arrived in England later, primarily 1534 when King Henry 8th wanted a divorce). Led to the break from the RC church and formation of the church of England.
PILGRIMS - rejected the state church (book of common prayer) which was illegal. These separatists initially fled to places like the Netherlands – but they were poor. Also, the parents feared their children were losing their English culture. So they decided that the only way to live as true English Christians was to separate even further and establish a colony in the new world.
Writing years later, William Bradford recounted the tearful farewell – they came from far and wide back to London to board a ship called the Mayflower “They left that goodly and pleasant city which had been their resting place for near twelve years; but they knew they were pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lift up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits.”
Imortant to note: Bradford did not coin that term, did not label them. They considered themselves separatists.
We all know the story – left London on Sep 6, 1620 and landed in cape code two months later. 102 of those Mayflower passengers died the first year before the native americans helped.
PURITANS – They were far more wealthy. Thinking of the picture we have – tall black hat, big white collars, buckles on their shoes. Because the dye and the fashion were so expensive, certainly the pilgrims wouldn’t have been able to afford this look.
They did not desire to separate – they wanted to reform the church of England from within. (Luther’s view). Why they are called the non-separating puritans. PURE – worship according to Biblical principles. Very similar ideas as the separatists – no common prayer book, no formal creeds or belief statements, the head of the church isn’t a pope or a king.
The Non-Separatists (Puritans) would say “It is completely acceptable that this ecclesiatical structure is above us, but we are going to operate as a congregation in this Biblical way” where the Separatists (Pilgrims) would say “No way – we have to completely separate ourselves and have this congregational community separate from the state church.”
So while the separatists end up outside of society, poor, in low paying jobs, the puritans keep their wealth. Once the Pilgrims establish a colony in the new world, the puritans decide to make the journey – why? Investment opportunity. Owning land in America. Also, the primary leader at the time, John Winthrop, spoke about creating a church there that would be a light to the nations (again, English church, but pure).
So it was 1630 when the Puritans arrived in 17 ships carrying over 1000 passengers. They came with money and resources, and a fair amount of arrogance. Just 10 years later, the Mass. Bay Colony was Puritan fortress with over 20,000 people while the poor pilgrims in Plymouth only numbered a little over 2000. What happens – Plymouth is basically swallowed by Mass. Bay and for us, the two groups have historically blended into one.


There is some debate around whether they had anything like the Thanksgiving celebration that our nation has since adopted. Mainly because their views on idolatry – they did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, often working on those days just to make a point. For them, the Sabbath was everything
November 2020 was the 400th year anniversary of the Pilgrim’s first Sabbath day in the new world. They would have undoubtedly opened their Geneva Bible (why?) and proclaimed the word.
Questions that tend to arise – you’ve got these people who are placing a lot of literal interpretation on certain passages in the OT regarding keeping the Sabbath – idolatry (none of their churches had stained glass, or pictures, no hymn singing). A typical sabbath day was 2 hours of preaching in the morning and another 2 hours in the evening. So what about commands like being in prayer and obedient to those whom God places in authority over us? To be salt and light IN the world?
1599 Geneva Bible (2 Corinthians 6) - (16) And what agrement hathe the Temple of God with idoles? for ye are the Temple of the living God: as God hathe said, I wil dwell among them, and walke there; and I wil be their God, and shalbe my people. (17) Wherefore come out from among them, and separate your selves, faith the Lord: and touche none uncleane thing, & I wil receive you. (18) And I wil be a Father unto you, and ye shalbe my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lord almightie.
Clearly – context to that. In fact, if your Bible formatting marks out quotations, you see Paul is quoting Exo 29:45, Isaiah 52:11. All pertaining to God’s instructions to Israel – their struggle with idolatry because the intermingling of Israel with foreign presence. Intermarrying – which, incendentally, is Pauls charge here in verse 14 “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” The Corinthian church struggled with their parishoners shaking off former religious practices, lots of issues around eating food sacrificed to idols, all of this wrapped up here in ch 6.
So – disagreement on making the application that the Puritans did. Israel’s situation relating to Baal worship, very specific situation where worship practices were being blended. This was why Paul used that as a demonstration to the Corinthians.
Could you say the same about the church of England? I think so. When you have a state church – religious practices enforced by rule of law. For us – what is the ultimate arbiter of truth? The word of God. For the Roman Catholic? The church. For the church of England? The archbishop. Had the worship practices been intermingled with idolatry? In a real sense, yes.
However you want to look at it – they determined to leave, they came here, and according to the Lord’s providence, established a colony that eventually led to the founding of our country.
That first Sabbath – no historic records regarding what they did, but undoubtedly they would be proclaiming their thanks to God – what this holiday should be about.
2 Corinthians chapter 9 – Chapters 1-7 really deal with everything Paul heard in the report from Titus. Chapters 8-9 turn to instructions in light of all the issues Paul raises. Before finally in chapter 10 onward are warnings in preparation for Paul coming back to Corinth.
Read vv 1-5 : This is about the giving of the church. Good topic while the Pastor is away. Paul is making reference to some ministry project. He had spoken to them about it before – now Titus is going to take care of any issues before Paul arrives and expects this gift.
Ever heard of a compliment sandwich? Starts with – “superfluous – pointless for me to write about this” but then he goes on in v 5 “never the less, I found it needful to urge you” The bottom half of the compliment sandwich comes starting in v. 6
Read 6-9 : Summarize this in a statement – you cannot outgive God. Lot’s of truth in verse 6 – the person who is miserly, no surprise they don’t receive much. The person who is generous – receives to themselves accordingly. Verse 7 explains why – the person who of their own accord gives, God loves a cheerful giver. Quotes Psalm 112:9 for emphasis: He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever. I think the first line of that Psalm says everything about the point Paul is making here “Hallelujah! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments.”
Even so – this isn’t a recipe for wealth and there are many who think it is. More doing for God = more wealth. But what do you do with the fact that there are many evil people who have great wealth. God blesses me far beyond what little service I perform. Especially when you take this beyond monetary value – God is the source of life, breath, food, clothing, comfort.
Read vv 10-12 : The giving goes to the ministry, God loves to bless the giver and all this lead to what? Thanksgiving to God.
Read v 13 : On multiple fronts. Consider – the person who God blesses with the means to give all the way to the person who hears the gospel and finds peace with God. STORY: Many ministries with a tv or internet presence – stories of people they reach. Even Bro. Bill – his facebook ministry. We gave, people around the world heard the truth, glorifying God. And now, our broadcasting.
The amazing thing Paul brings out here is this isn’t a one way street.
Read v. 14 : The lives we touch – their actions come back to bless us. We may not always know it. STORY: outreach – question often asked “how many were saved” – 9 ¾ times out of 10, I don’t know. I’ve had people come back and tell me. But how many lives we touch go on to people we never see again, yet they are praying for us. They are praising God that we spoke truth to them. STORY: Arguing on social media, what’s the point? God uses it. Maybe in them, maybe in people who read it later.
Verse 15 – Paul seems so worked up, he ends it with a shout of praise. See him sitting, dictating this letter - Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Finish – things we have to be thankful for.
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