2 Tim 4_1-5 sermon_English_July 24 2005

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Purpose: Challenge the congregation to take “proclaim / sharing the message” as their first priority of their ministry/life.



Now, we have been on the street, we have introduced Jesus, His Love, His Grace, His Salvation, His Peace, to people on the street yesterday.  We have tried to bring them to Christ so they can reconcile with God.  Now, what is next for youu?  Should we go back to our little comfort zone and do whatever we have been doing before?

This morning, lets try to figure it out from “Paul’s last charge to Timothy”.

Read scripture 2Tim 4:1-5

          When we read Paul’s letters to Timothy, many easily have the impression that this is a personal letter to Timothy himself since the first two verse of chapter one reads: “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, for the sake of the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.[1] ”  Cleary, here indicates the addressee is Timothy – “my loyal child in the faith” (1Tim 1:1).  In addition to that, church tradition categorized 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus as “pastoral epistles” which gives us an impression that the teachings in these letters are just for Timothy, or Titus or pastors of these days.

          However, if we understand the function of church letters during the time of the early church, we know that letters were usually sent to churches to address the need, concerns, or issues that they were facing.  Letters represent writer’s personal visit. 

The last verse of this letter reads: “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you” – the “you” here is a plural in Greek which indicate the letter is not just for one person.  Or we can say that Paul expects this letter will be read in public to the congregation.  Therefore, we know this is also a letter to the church.  All the teachings, exhortations and warnings are for the church that includes you and me.

So this last charge is also to you and me.

HBI: With Utmost Patience, and Be A Persistent Evangelist以百般忍耐、專心作傳道功夫


1.    The Last Charge from Paul is: Proclaim the message保羅的遺言: 務要傳道

Most of scholars agree that the second letter of Paul to Timothy was the last letter written by Paul. It was about 65 A.D.  Paul was once again arrested by the Roman government and imprisoned at Rome.  At that time, Timothy was about thirty year old, like a lot of you.

From 2Tim 4:6, “As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come”, we can understand that Paul most properly realized that the chance for him to be released was very slim.   Therefore, when this letter comes to the end, Paul wrote down his last charge to Timothy in the most sincere and solemn manner.

From chapter 4 verse 1, Paul wrote: “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you: PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE” (NRSV)


In fact this is not the first charge from Paul to Timothy.  The first one is in the First letter to Timothy, chapter 4, verse 13:, “Until I arrive, give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhorting, to teaching” where Paul charges Timothy to insist on teaching the Word of God.  The second time is in the first chapter, verse 8 of this letter where Paul encourages Timothy to make testimony about the Lord, even if he has to suffer for the gospel, Paul tells him that: “Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner, but join me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God”.  But here in chapter 4, verse 1 is the most solemn, as well as the very last one. 

In NIV, it translated as “ I give you this charge” , However what Paul giving to Timothy is not any casual exhortation.  It is a (Διαμαρτύρομαι) solemnly urge   It is a serious, important and authoritative declaration.  The original Greek word has the meaning of “to make a solemn declaration about the truth of something, or to testify or bear witness under oath, to something”.  It is just like taking the witness stand in the court room under oath today.  Here is even more serious since the declaration is made before God, and has Christ Jesus as the witness.  This urge is done before the one who is to judge the living and dead, the one who has the utmost authority.


 Scholar Thomas Oden calls this urge as “Imperative from the death cell”

Since Paul realized that he was approaching the very end of his journey on earth, there was not much time left.  Therefore, he gives out his last charge to Timothy in an extremely straight forward and extremely serious tone that he must: 『PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE』- he must be one with utmost patience and be A Persistent Evangelist. 

Some scholars believe that Timothy was a young man of fearful nature, easily being discouraged or frightened, prone to sickness.  Most people believe Timothy would be over thirty year of age (others think he was at his late twenties or mid thirty)at that time even though he was being called as young.  However, it is Jewish culture that they call anyone younger than forty as young man which also has the meaning of inexperience.  May be because of these subjective and objective elements, Paul had to repeatedly exhort, repeatedly urge Timothy to take up his ministry, urge him to make   “PROCLAMATION OF THE MESSAGE” as his first priority.  Here I like the Chinese translation better as it says “務要傳道” – “must proclaim the message” which reflect the imperative form of the word “proclaim”.  It is something Paul expects Timothy to do without fail.

          Brothers and sister, what is the first priority in your life today?  What is the first priority in your ministry today?


What Paul passing down here is a simple urge, but one difficult to be accomplished. 

In verse 2, Paul continues: “be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching.”


“Be persistent” and “with utmost patience”


 “Be Persistent” – Paul emphasizes that the ministry of proclaiming the Word of God is a long term task and one must have persistence.  In addition to persistence, any one who takes evangelism serious must also be prepared for this ministry.  The original Greek word is also used in a military sense – describe soldiers to stay at one’s post, to stand by, to be at hand any time.  The NIV version in fact has this word translated as “be prepared”.  Paul wants Timothy to be persistent and be prepared. 

Today, We are as soldiers of the Gospel, we must also be prepared, and be persistent to proclaim the Word of God whenever the time is favorable or unfavorable


As for myself, I experienced one of the lowest points of my life at the beginning of 2004.  I was depressed and frustrated under the pressure of seminary study, work and many other things.  I was about to give up my study in the seminary, I was about to give up my promise to serve God for the rest of my life.  I was confused, I was not sure whether what I was doing is God’s plan or just my own.  In those days, I felt God was so far away from me.  My relationship with God did not become more intimate as I study in the seminary – as I expected.  Instead, I felt God was moving away from me day by day.  My spirit was so weak that I have never experienced in my life.  I repeatedly prayed to God for His clear direction and help.  Our God is a loving and faithful one, He gave me comfort through one of my fellow classmates, God also answered my questions in some of my later studying, He gave me encouragement through the prayers and love of the brothers and sisters in our church.  Gradually, I rebounded from the bottom.  From this experience, I deeply realize the difficulty of being persistent, and being prepared in Jesus’ ministry.  It surely requires persistent Mercy and Grace from our Lord.


Other than “be persistent”, Paul continue to say in verse 2: “convince, rebuke, and encourage, with utmost patience in teaching”


“Utmost Patience (Longsuffering in KJV)” μακροθυμίᾳ – what Paul means is no ordinary patience, nothing like what you are trying to be right now – try to be patience to listen to me for twenty minutes without making a sound.  It is not neither being forbearance unwillingly, say being patient with your boss even he is unreasonable so that you can keep the job. Or waiting for your date for one hour and still put up a smiling face. 

No! It is not what Paul is talking about here.  Rather, it is a state of being able to bear up under provocation – when you are being criticized or facing groundless accusation. It is no mere endurance, it is a specifically spiritual forces which has its source in God that works itself out in longsuffering.  So within patience, we can expect suffering.  It is one of the fruits of the Spirit:

Gal 5:22-23 “ By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control.”  The “patience” is the “utmost patience” we are talking about here. 

“Patience” is also built on Love.  As in 1 Corin 13:4, the power behind “patience” is Love: “Love is patient”.  Patience without love cannot persist, cannot last for too long.  Patience with love is the “utmost (great) patience” that Paul talks about here.  That is the element that Paul wants Timothy to have.

But why we have to “have utmost patience” to be a evangelist, to be an evangelist? Why we need the gift of endurance longsuffering as an evangelist, as one who shares the Word of God?

Jesus says: “whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mat. 10:38), “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mat 16:24). This cross is the difficulty and longsuffering that comes with following Christ.  The ministry of Christ while he was on earth was a ministry full of challenge, provocation, and suffering.  Jesus himself is the perfect example of “utmost patience”, one endured longsuffering.  As Jesus says: “A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master” (Mat. 10:24).  We, as His followers, as His servants who follow his footstep of ministry – how can we expect not to face challenges, provocations or suffering???

How blessing we are as Christians in North America, in Canada or even in Europe.  We can still worship and serve our Lord in a relatively comfortable and free environment.  However, in this comfortable environment, we easily forget that we have to take up our cross to follow Jesus; we forget that we need to have utmost patience and persistence as an evangelist.     


For those missionaries who work in West African Muslim countries, they always establish vocation training centre, or mid-way house whenever they establish their mission there.  These facilities are not any means of evangelism.  These are not program to attract people to their churches.  These facilities are prepared for those who converted from Muslim to Christ.  In those countries, whoever converted from Muslim to Christ will have to pay big price.  Their family, their parents will kick them out from the home, they will be driven away from their community, loss their job or even their house, sometimes even their lives.  A missionary told me a real story that one morning there was a newly converted Christian showed up at his door with handful of luggage and begged the missionary to take him in as his own blood brothers showed up at this new brother’s house the night before and told him that they were going to kill him since he betrayed Alai.  We need to take up our cross to follow Christ. 


Other than “ be persistent and be prepared” and have “Utmost Patience”, Paul also points out that


we need to depend on the work of the Holy Spirit and the will of God when we convince, rebuke and encourage people with the Word of God:

                                                            i.      In 2 Tim 3:16-17, Paul explains that “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, reproof, for correction, for training righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work”  - the Word of God is to correct as well as to help people to become righteousness.

                                                         ii.      Therefore, when we convince, rebuke or encourage, we must aim at helping others to correct.  Our aim must be helping others return back to God, to repent.  Because it is the will of God, it is the work of the Scripture.  At the same time, we must depend on the Holy Spirit since only the Holy Spirit can guide people to repentance.  In the Gospel of John chapter 16:8, Jesus says when the Holy Spirit comes, John 16:8 “When he (Holy Spirit) comes, he will convict the world of guilt” (NIV)

                                                      iii.      Therefore, what Paul means here is not merely blaming, but a brotherly correction of a fallen brother.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit, it is the work of love. 


But how come Paul has such a sense of urgency and emphasize so much on the work of Proclaiming the Message here??


Because “The time is coming”

Paul says in verse 3: “for the time is coming”.

What is “the time” Paul is talking about?

It is “the last days distressing time” in chapter 3, verse 1 of this letter.  “the last days” are the days close to the seconding coming of Christ.  But how can we know it is near?

b.   Paul carry on to say in v.3, “people will not put up with sound doctrine, but have itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires”

In those days, people will not interest to the truth, but just follow their desires and do whatever they want.

If we look at all kinds of heresy, myths and false teaching around us today, we can easily see that the last days are here: the New Age movement, the thought of using meditation or crystal to boost up your personal power, horoscope, fortune telling… etc. – you name it.


Not too long ago, I read an article written by Eugene Peterson.  Eugene Peterson observed that after the death of Princess Diana of Britain, some schools in Britain offered religious course called “Diana Religion”.  According to Peterson’s observation, people turned Princess Diana into “Goddess” because her legendary life just fit the image of “god” in their own mind.  So, they just suited their own desires and turned a human into “god”.  Needless to say those who support same sex marriage who just determine to follow their own desires instead of the truth.

Aren’t these the signs of “the last days”?

Conclusion & Challenge:

It surely is not an easy task to be a evangelist, to be the messenger of the Good News, to be an evangelist.  It requires persistence; you need to be prepared anytime, anywhere; it requires utmost patience; be able to endurance longsuffering; and be able to use the Word of God and depend on the Holy Spirit to convince, rebuke and encourage people to turn away from false teaching, from myths, from sin and back to Jesus.

As Paul says, “the time is coming”

We don’t have must time to waste nor can’t we wait any longer.  At the time of Paul’s writing, Timothy had already worked with Paul for thirteen years.  You may think that you still have a lot of time, you may have many other things on the top of your priority list, but I would rather you just like Timothy who served our Lord when he was young.

Brothers and sisters, as we move on here from today, are you willing to continue to be the messenger of the Good News as your first priority in life, are you prepared to face and endurance suffering with utmost patience and be a persistent evangelist, be a persistent evangelist?

Are you determined and up to this challenge, and commit to the calling of this ministry? 

Right now, we have a harvest field just within our church – the ESL class.  Every week we have over one hundred students here, most of them are still non-believers.  There are a lot you can do, be a teacher, helper…

Your family and friends is another field close to you.

Be a “Lifestyle Evangelist” – open your life to those around you.  Dr. Haddon Robinson: “outsiders to faith are first drawn to Christians and then Christ”

Will you share the Good News with people with action as well as your words?  By any means, inviting them to the church, to a cell group, or share what God has done for you, on you, witness the blessing that God poured on you. Or are you ashamed of the gospel, of what you believe?

Jesus says (Mat 9:37-38) to His disciples: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Jesus’ disciples did not see the harvest field, lest try not to make the same mistakes.

Lest totally depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, with utmost patience and persistence and work on the field that our Lord has prepared for us.

(John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. ”)[2]


[1]The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 (2 Ti 1:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 10:48:33 -0700 (PDT)
From:  "John Sun" <jcsun500@yahoo.com>   View Contact Details
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more
Subject: Re: Sermon draft for July 24 English service
To: "Gordon Wong" <gdewong@yahoo.ca>

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Hello Gordon,

I've completed reading your sermon and have made some

comments on the copy. However, after saving the file

it becomes unable for me to retrive the file back.

Most probably my computer has been set that way in

order to protect the data and record on the computer.

The major concern of your sermon is an identity

problem. In your sermon, you have been repetingly

introducing Timothy as a preacher and this will

automatically block the identity association among

your listeners. My suggestion to you to bridge the

text and the audience in a way that the English side

congregation can identify themselves with Timothy.

Timothy's youthfulness may match the age of most of

the English side leaders. There is not much life time

that these leaders should continue to waste.

The charge to Timothy is meant to all Christians. The

fact that in the early church, everybody was a

"preacher" may help the congregation to identify with

Timothy as one of the preachers is his days.

I have noticed the consistency in the introduction and

the conclusion and their relationship with the current

event in our church. This is good. However, on the

question of where are we going ahead, there are more

rooms for you to provide some samplings solid enough

that the English side people could follow immediately.

Other than the above, there are only some typos to

correct and I believe you will be able to manage them

while giving the speech.



--- Gordon Wong <gdewong@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Hi Rev. Sun,

> Here is my draft for this Sunday.

> Thank you

> Gordon

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