The Implications of Jesus's Birth

Christmas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:24
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Introduction: Implications

Definition: “An implication is a conclusion that can be drawn from something not explicitly stated. It’s a likely consequence of something.”
Everyday we draw conclusions based upon things we see, hear or experience. If the morning weather report predicts a cold day, that implies you will be uncomfortable if you go out. You may decide to change your plans about going out grocery shopping.
It is the Christmas season and that implies Christmas decorations, eggnog, fruitcakes, presents, and lot’s of good things.
These are the implications for us in the USA with our cultural traditions. There are different implications for other areas of the world. There are no implications for some who are not only not Christian but who reject Christianity.
It’s true as well that the implications about Christmas have also been different over time. Many of our ideas about Christmas and the implications of those ideas are relatively recent when we think about the 2000 plus years since Jesus was born.
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, the Messiah God promised to Israel. As we prepare for Christmas I’d like to focus our thoughts of the implications of the the first Christmas. Those implications weren’t about Christmas as we think about it, but implications about Messiah’s birth. There is no better person to look at to understand those implications than Jesus’s mother Mary.
Mary was a godly young woman who, as we will see, knew her Bible well. She understood what the birth of the Messiah implied. Mary was told she was going to have a baby who would be the Messiah by the angel Gabriel. Luke 1:26-38 Gabriel also told Mary that her older cousin Elizabeth would also be having a son. Mary traveled to the hill country in Judah to visit her cousin Elizabeth. It was at this visit that Mary revealed the implications for the Messiah’s birth as she understood them from what she was taught.
Let’s pick up this story from Luke 1 that tells us what happened when Mary walked in the door of Elizabeth’s house. Luke 1:39-45
Luke 1:39–45 ESV
39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”
This was a wonderful confirmation for Mary of not only what Gabriel told her but also of all she knew about the messiah.
Mary responded to Elizabeth’s prophecy with what is called the Magnificat. . Here’s the first part of what she said.
Luke 1:46–49 ESV
46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
In verse 46-49 Mary praised God for what He did for her and what He will yet do.
She didn’t reply to Mary but reaction with an act of personal worship “my soul magnifies the Lord”. These words came from deep within her soul, her emotions.
Her reaction was to rejoice in the Lord not herself, “my spirit rejoices in God my Savior”. She was certainly overcome with joy but her mind was also fully engaged!
She was amazed that God picked her, a humble young woman. The words “ for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant” reflect how she saw herself. The word servant would better be translated slave. She knew she was of low social status, yet honored and noticed by God.
The words, “from now on all generations will call me blessed” tell us she understood that by giving birth to the Messiah she was going to have the greatest blessing any mother could ever have. She realized that she the birth of the Messiah was the beginning of God’s work. From that moment on everything would be different!
She understood how great it was that she, a virgin, would give birth to the Messiah. “He who is mighty has done great things.” The miracle of the virgin birth was in keeping with other miracles God has done. And God will yet do more miracles.
She worshiped, “holy is His name.” His holiness here is not because of His moral attributes but because of his unique acts of sovereignty.

1. Mary understood the personal implications of Jesus’ birth.

When Jesus ministered, he paid attention to those who normally were pushed to the side. Who were people who benefitted from Jesus during his ministry that are often pushed aside?
tax collectors
Jesus demonstrated His high regard for those the world despised.

God values for everyone.

Mary delighted in seeing how much God valued her. Do you? Do you see how much God values you? It is easy for us to look at ourselves and not think God values us, yet He does.
God values you enough to give His Son Jesus for you, for me, to send Jesus to become a man. While on the earth, Jesus demonstrated our value in many ways. We see this in how He worked for us.
He spent 33+ years on this earth for us.
He walked all over Israel demonstrating God’s love.
He taught time and again so we would know how to live fruitful, abundant lives.
He fasted and prayed for us. How amazing was it that He not only lived on this earth but He also focused His thoughts and prayer on us to the point where He denied Himself food.
He suffered for us. He was arrested, beaten, betrayed for us. He experienced unimaginable pain so we wouldn’t have to experience it.
He died for us. He was crucified for us.
Jesus died for us. I say this a lot and it is easy to not pause and think about the wonder of it. If you were kidnapped today and held for ransom, what would your loved ones be willing to pay? What would they be able to pay? God was willing to pay the highest price ever for you, for me, the life of His Son, Jesus.
We still hold the same value to God today and for all eternity. We have the infinity value of the Son of God. It boggles the mind to think about it, but it is worth trying.
e.g., have you ever had someone work for you, doing something of great value for no payment?
Victor Arnett fixing my car in cold of winter, without asking, without taking payment
Mary understood that what God was doing in bring Jesus into the world through her, a humble young woman showed His regard and work for everyone!

God works for everyone

Even though Mary understood the implications for all people, she understood it most for herself.
What are the personal implications in your life. How have you seen God’s regard for you? How have you seen God at work in your life?
God is constantly good, constantly involved in our lives, constantly working.
Mary experienced the culmination of a promise made thousands of years before, and she got it!
Let’s see what Mary said next in her prayer.
Luke 1:50–53 ESV
50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. 51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; 53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
Having spoken about what God did for her, next we see in verses 50-53 Mary spoke to God’s mighty acts to all. It is like Mary steps out of time and sees the totality of Jesus life, the ultimate result.

2. Mary understood the powerful implications of Jesus’ birth.

We live in constant tension. We know God is in control, but things seem to go against His ideals and values. Mary gives us a glimpse into what Jesus would bring about.
She speaks of the proud, “He has shown his strength with his arm and has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones”
She speaks of the humble, “and exalted those of humble estate”
She speaks of the hungry, “he has filled the hungry with good things”
She speaks of the rich, “and the rich he has sent away empty”
It is amazing how Mary addresses five key categories of types of people throughout time.

God’s mercy overcomes suffering.

God bring encouragement and cheer to those who fear him. Inner strength, stability and joy. God blesses those who fear and seek Him
mercy is a broad term expressing love, compassion and faithfulness. It extends from to generations. She was talking about you!
fearing God is loving Him, keeping His commandments, following His ways. A God-fearer acknowledges God’s sovereignty, His control over our lives.

God’s justice overcomes unfairness.

The proud are scattered, brought down.
Those who are proud, they are all around us. They won’t stand! God knows these are and will punish them.
pride springs from within, from the center of who we are. God’s won’t give the proud a pass.
the mighty are ruler.

God’s compassion overcomes our needs.

The hungry: filled with good things
There are so many who are hungry, who don’t have enough even to eat. God cares for them.

God’s grace overcomes our expectations.

The humble are exalted. None deserve to be exalted yet some are and not those who expect it.
Humility is highly valued by God, so much so that he is keeping score.
these are those who are oppressed by rules. There are many around the world who put down those who are humble Christ followers. In Mary’s day it was the Romans, in our day it is any government that holds Christians in contempt

God’s generosity overcomes our lack.

This is such a contrast with the present reality. The rich, those who trust in their riches and not God seem to have everything. That is not how things are going to end up.
In a sense, this is all about justice. God’s ultimate justice will reward those who fear Him. Life does not seem to be fair, but God is fair.
On one level we want the reward now, because it is what we are experiencing. But what would you really like, some injustice now for an eternity of God’s justice meted out fairly?
There is one more part to her prayer.
Luke 1:54–56 ESV
54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” 56 And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.
Mary understood that God was keeping His word, His promises made long ago to Israel.
All the way back beginning with Abraham God promised about the offspring who would be the source of blessing for all people.

3. Mary understood the predictive implications of Jesus’ birth.

God will help His own.

Those who are part of God’s family are special to Him.

God will be merciful to those in need.

God never forgets his own who are in need.

God will keep His word.

He promised a long time ago and keeps His word. What do you need today? Help? God offers it! Mercy to cheer you up? God will fill give it. God to fulfill a promise from His word? You can count on it.
When Mary said these words none of these things had come true. These were all implications of the Messiah coming. Mary got it! The Messiah came. Do you get it? These are all the things God has done, does and will do for us!
What are the implications of how God has worked in your life?
What has God allowed?
What does that mean for you?
What has he not allowed?
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