Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
*Intro*: Video “Genesis: Apollo 8 Creation Story”  If we step back from life for a second we see with wonderment the world around us.
If we could step into outer space we would see with awe the vastness of it and our existence would be questioned.
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
Do I matter at all?
Chapter one will give us an overview of creation.
Chapter 2 will give us an in-depth account of the creation of man.
We are not going to go to in-depth or too slow.
We are going to go through at least one verses today.
Genesis 1:1-5 (NKJV) \\ 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
\\ 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
\\ 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
\\ 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.
So the evening and the morning were the first day.
The Beginning of all things 1:1-2
!! A. In the Beginning (1a)
!!! 1. Christians do not accept the creation story as a Myth
If Jesus is the son of God then He can authenticate the Word of God.
Jesus quotes this
Mark 13:19 (NKJV) \\ 19 For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be
Mark 10:5-6 (NKJV) \\ 5 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.
\\ 6 But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’
*In the beginning*—a period of remote and unknown antiquity, hid in the depths of eternal ages
If there is a beginning there will be an end
God controls the beginning and the end
!!! 2. The universe is not infinite
*1959 survey republished in Scientific American - “no beginning” now “beginning”*
A survey was taken of leading American scientists in 1959, was recently republished in Scientific American -- the most widely read science journal in the world.
Among the many questions asked was, "What is your concept of the age of the universe?"
Now, in 1959, astronomy was popular, but cosmology -- the deep physics of understanding the universe -- was just developing.
The response to that survey Two-thirds of the scientists gave the same answer: "The universe had no beginning”
They reprinted it because virtually all scientists now say the universe had a beginning
*Thermal Decay – heat flows from hot bodies to cold – eternal universe would already be uniform & cold*
Heat always flows from hot bodies to cold bodies.
If the universe was infinitely old, the temperature throughout the universe would be uniform.
It isn’t; therefore, it isn’t infinitely old.
The universe had a beginning.
And it is destined for an ending.
*The most profound discovery of modern physics is that we live in a finite universe*.
Now scientists from all walks say, “*In the beginning*”.
!!! 3. How old is the universe?
*How long ago did the "beginning" occur?
Was it, as the Bible might imply, 6000 to 10,000 years, or was it the 15 billions years that's accepted by most of the secular scientific community?
!!! Old Earth?
*What about carbon-14 dating?*
14 elements can alter the speed of half life – Water, air, pressure, electricity, radioactivity, and Light etc.
It has complete decay in 250,000 years yet many times it shows up beyond the so called ice age of millions of years.
*Radiometric dating?*
Steve Austin, PhD geology, had a rock from the newly formed 1986 lava dome from Mount St. Helens dated.
Using Potassium-Argon dating, the newly formed rock gave ages between 0.5 and 2.8 million years.3
These dates show that significant argon (daughter element) was present when the rock solidified.
*Age seen in strata of earth?*
Petrified tree going through 7 layers of strata supposedly covering millions of years
Numerous eco systems fossilized in the same area
Good explanation is the flood
!!! Young Earth indicators
*Earth’s Magnetic Field:* Earth’s magnetic field half-life is calculated to be 1,400 years.
Based on measurements taken from 1835 to 1965 estimates an age of less than 10,000 years.
If extrapolated back 200,000 years, the joule heat generated would liquefy the earth.
[Thomas G. Barnes, Origin and Destiny of the Earth’s Magnetic Field, Institute for Creation Research, 1983.
After revisions for magnetic reversals, etc., Dr. Russell
Humphreys confirmed these results.
(John D. Morris, The Young Earth, 1994.)]
*Salinity of the Oceans*: The sodium, uranium, nickel, magnesium, silicon, potassium, copper, gold, and bicarbonate concentrations in the oceans are much less than would be expected if these elements and compounds were being added to the oceans at the present rate for thousands of millions of years.
20 billion tons of dirt and rock erode into the oceans each year
Only 1 billion are removed by plate tectonics like subduction – billions of years 14 miles deep with sediment
*Nitrates and uranium do not break down or recycle like salt*.
Implies oceans are a few thousand years old.
(Henry Morris, SA Austin, Dr. Humphreys, et al.)
*Biological material decays too fast - DNA*
Natural radioactivity, mutations, and decay degrade DNA and other biological material rapidly.
17 DNA experts insist that DNA cannot exist in natural environments longer than 10,000 years, yet intact strands of DNA appear to have been recovered from fossils allegedly much older: Neanderthal bones, insects in amber, and even from dinosaur fossils
*ILL* - 2004 Wyoming T-Rex that had spongy bone marrow was said to be 70 million years old
!!! Old Universe
Since the universe must be at least as old as the oldest thing in it, there are a number of observations which put a lower limit on the age of the universe.
These include the temperature of the coolest white dwarfs.
*Stars being billions of light years away*
God could have created universe with age but why?
!!! Speed of light is slowing down
If light were billions of times faster at the beginning, and slowed down in transit, there would be no more problem.
If true, virtually all aspects of traditional physics are affected, including the presumed steady state of radioactive decay used to measure geologic time.
Since most nuclear processes are mathematically related to the speed of light, a faster ‘c’ might well mean a faster rate of radioactive decay
*Barry Setterfield charted all documented measurements of the SoL since the 17th century*
Early in 1979, an Australian undergraduate student named Barry Setterfield, thought it would be interesting to chart all of the measurements of the speed of light since a Dutch astronomer named Olaf Roemer first measured light speed in the late 17th century.
*Setterfield acquired data on over 163 measurements using 16 different methods over 300 years.
Setterfield expected to see the recorded speeds grouped around the accepted value for light speed, roughly 299,792 kilometers ~/second.
In simple terms, half of the historic measurements should have been higher and half should be lower.
What he found defied belief: The derived light speeds from the early measurements were significantly faster than today.
Even more intriguing, the older the observation, the faster the speed of light.
A sampling of these values is listed below:
* In 1738: 303,320 +~/- 310 km~/second
* In 1861: 300,050 +~/- 60 km~/second
* In 1877: 299,921 +~/- 13 km~/second
* In 2004: 299,792 km~/second (accepted constant)
*Others recently propose this theory as well*
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9