Sermon 022596
Mat. 22:34-40 The Great and First Commandment - III 2/25/96
I. Review of the Great & 1st Commandment # 513
This is the great & 1st purpose in life. It is more important than any other goal in life: family, financial, educational, ministry, etc.
A. Involves a personal relationship between an individual & the Only True God
B. Involves genuine conversion of a sinner = “ the Lord your God”
C. Involves a radical change in the will, emotions, intellect & attitude = ready to obey
D. Involves ongoing validation or evidence = FRUIT (Lk. 9:23; Jn. 14:15)
Obedience to this command benefits your whole being (body, soul, spirit), assures you the highest quality of life on earth, & secures your destiny w/Christ- “You shall love…”
II. How to Keep the Great & 1st Commandment (Christ is our Example)
A. Consistent & effective prayer life (Lk. 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28; 11:1; 22:41;
23:34, 46) = as He’s being anointed, regular quiet time, before making decisions,
before greater revelation of Himself, publicly, before great temptation, for others
while enduring a great trial Himself, to the end!!!! Do you pray as you begin…?
B. Spirit-inspired Fasting (Lk. 4:1-2; Jn. 4:30-34) Have you fasted for any reason
recently (other than your diet)?
The Great & 1st Commandment - III, Pg. 2
Our Lord indicates that believers will pray & fast!
>> And when you pray….( Mt. 6:5)
>> And when you fast…..(Mt. 6:16)
C. Spirit-controlled thought life (Mk. 2:8; 2Co. 10:4-6)
· Do you think biblically? [Eccl. 3:1-8] Is your discernment accurate? [Ph. 1:9-11;
He. 5:14] >>>>For as you think within your heart, so you are (Pr. 23:7)
What is in your heart & mind this morning? Can you truly say “in God’s law I meditate day & night”? Have you treasured God’s word in your heart….?
D. Spirit-controlled speech
· Our Lord spoke compassionately, authoritatively, sternly with reproof, no response
· Is your speech timely? Filled with bitterness, anger, slander, etc.? or as Col. 4:6?
E. Spirit-controlled deeds (Lk. 4:1, 14; Gal. 5:16-24)
How do you keep this great & 1st commandment? Persevere in prayer with all kinds of prayer & petitions. Memorize & meditate on the word of God; let your mind dwell on whatever is true, honorable, right , pure, lovely & of good repute. Let your speech always be gracious, speak only that which is needful for the moment and carry out the deeds of the Spirit of God!