Christmas Giving

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Christmas is coming!

What are some things you enjoy about Christmas?
What are some of the coolest things you received at Christmas?
I once got a skateboarding video game. There was a really popular skateboarder named Tony Hawk who did a trick were he could jump off a ramp and spin around three times and land. I thought that was so cool, and you could do that trick in this video game.


Christmas is about giving.
John 3:16 says God loved the world so much that he “GAVE” His only Son.
Imagine if Jesus would have had the same attitude that some of us have at thanksgiving and Christmas. “This card ride is long and boring!” “I didn’t want this red gift, I wanted the blue one!”
The world never did anything nice for Jesus, but Jesus instead chose to love and give to the world, so that you and I could be saved!


Christmas should be about thankfulness. We should be thankful that God has given to us!
Some of you have parents, relatives, and friends that think about you maybe on your Birthday and at Christmas, and they think - What does Frederick like? and they go and buy you a present because they like you!
Christmas should be all about showing people what God is like. God gave us the gift of Jesus. Why? Because he loved us. He didn’t want us to try to pay for our own sin, because that’s impossible! We could never do it! So he sent Jesus.

Be Thankful to God and Others

God gave you this life. God gave you the house you are staying in and the food that you ate today. This Christmas, maybe you’ll get a present you don’t like. Does it show people what God is like when we say, “I don’t want this present! This is a dumb present!” Of course not!

Be Giving to others

Take some time to think about what you may be able to give to others! Giving Christmas presents is a great way to remind ourselves and others about the greatest gift God gave to us. It was free. We didn’t work for it. You can show your parents or your friends this year what God is like by getting them a present and reminding them about what God gave you!

The Eternal Gift

God gave us Jesus so that we could have eternal life! A Christmas present is a wonderful illustration of this. Someone buys you a present - but you have to open it! And you decide if you’re going to be thankful for it, or if you’ll say “No I don’t want it!”
Our sins against God and others deserve great punishment - but God’s gift of Jesus will take away that punishment and give us brand new, eternal life! You can receive God’s gift today!
John 1:12 says, “But to all who did receive Him, who believed on His name, he gave the right to be called Children of God!” God is holding out a gift to you - and if you receive it, you will become a part of His family forever! You can receive this gift today! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died, was, buried, and was raised to life so that you could be saved from your sin! Trust in Him as your new Lord and Savior - This is a gift that never breaks! Some gifts are so flimsy, they break on the second day and you’ve forgotten that you even got that present 3 years ago! God’s gift of salvation lasts forever. Trust in Jesus today!
This Christmas, show others what God is like! Be giving! Be thankful for the gifts you receive! Remember God’s gift of eternal life that lasts forever!
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