The Hope of the Downcast
12 Psalms are ascribed to the Korathites (32, 42, 44, 45, 52-55, 74, 78, 88, 89, 142)
Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cures
One Psalm
Lament about the Happy Days (1-4)
Lament about the Happy Days (1-4)
The Psalmist is Separated from God
He desires God
The imagery is of thirst (we think of a dry an weary land)
God is seen as the source of life - the living God who supplies the living water
Instead the eats his own tears
He is even taunted by enemies
He has a memory of Days of Joy of going into God’s presence
Leading the throng - (not just himself)
He needs to speak to his intermost being-How I feel in the present situtation is lying to me - I need to hear Hope
My Salvation and my God
And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.”
“Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.
Lament about the Present (6-10)
Lament about the Present (6-10)
6-7 address
Beginin of 6 each word from 5
8-10 Reflection
The sought after water has become an overwhelming flood
Hermon and Mount Mizar the souce of the Jodan - Your waterfall - sounds of praising replaced with sounds of water
The waters have become a source of agony - he is engulfed by them
“living God” “the God of my life”
In the prayer he senses being forsaken by God - Not just distance
Not God’s location by the Psalmist’s
8 ab “future”
Day and Night the God commands and I respond
“wait for God”
God is deliverance
“my God” -”your God”
Conviction of Winning (1-4)
Conviction of Winning (1-4)
1- Plea
2- present
3 - Plea
4 - Future
Still arguing