Know God Like Jesus

The Gospel of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus' defense of His work on the Sabbath reveals His true identity and challenges us to know Him better. Eternity depends on this.



Picture this. An unidentified man comes walking in today, dressed like someone who had been out on the street, hadn’t showered in days, and went up to one of you and gave you a huge hug - no mask, no fear, and asked you if you wanted to be healed of whatever you need healed from: illness, doubt, fear, or maybe a personality defect, hatred, or even lust. Then you replied, “Yes, but how?” And then the man simply told you that He could heal you. So, He said, “Go forth and sin no more.” You were healed of your ailment. What would you think if it were you? What if you watched it happen? Would there be a difference? I’ve been a student of humanity for long enough to know there would be.
That’s what happened when Jesus did that for a lame man on the Sabbath. Those who saw it or heard about it didn’t believe it. But Jesus challenged them to change that. They were Jews, and Jews trusted God and Moses very intently. But not Jesus. They didn’t trust Him. Truth be told, many people claiming to be Christians don’t trust Jesus, either. They talk a lot of God-talk, but they skip right over Jesus. Why?
Probably because they don’t know Jesus very well. The whole scene broke every rule the people ever knew - about healing, about religion and worship, and about God. Jesus’ reply to the Jews who charged Him with blasphemy didn’t realize that they were talking to the Son of God, the Messiah. They didn’t understand. Neither do many people today. Jesus' uniqueness lies in his power, knowledge, and judgment from His Father above.
God wants us to know His Son better. He wants us to know Jesus the way God knows Jesus. That’s what John 5:19-27 is about. Do you know Jesus the way God knows Jesus? And do you know God the way Jesus knows God? It makes all the difference in your understanding of the things you face in life. And it will literally change your life!

1. If We Knew God's Power the way Jesus Knows God's Power...

A. We would see that Jesus sees all that the Father Does (v. 19)

God’s power is without end. Our heads know that. But when God’s directions to Jesus led Him to do some pretty bold things, Jesus didn’t hesitate the way we do. He just said, “Okay, Father!” Because He could see the heart of the Father. He could see the works of the Father.
If we knew that Jesus could see all that, we’d be more inclined to trust Him when He works in mysterious ways in our own lives. The 20/20 vision of hindsight wouldn’t be in front of us, but we’d be very confident that it would, soon enough, be behind us. We could trust Him.

B. We would see that Jesus does all that the Father Does (v. 19)

We would also see that Jesus’ works aren’t so miraculous after all - for He only does what He is told of His Father to do! He only mimics His Father in Heaven.
So, when healing happens - or doesn’t; when doors open in our lives - or not; when we pray and get answers - or don’t… we still trust that Jesus’ works or refraining from works are according to what the Father in Heaven does. Remember, Jesus went to the cross because the Father above sacrificed His ONLY Son for our sin; so Jesus sacrificed His life as well, saying, “Not my will be done, but Thine!”

C. We would see all that Jesus does - and marvel! (v. 20)

But what miracles we would see! We would see the miracle of the softening heart of a friend or neighbor. We would see the change in a community. We would see healings from life-threatening illnesses sometimes, and healings from heartbreaking losses at other times. We would see hope begin to glow in the heart of the hopeless, faith grow in the heart of the faithless. We would see true miracles of transformation that pass by the eyes of the unbelieving - and we would see it because we see Jesus who sees what the Father above is able to do and is doing. We would trust Jesus - no matter what!

2. If We Knew What God Knows the way Jesus Knows What God Knows...

A. We would know that Jesus’ knows the father Loves Him dearly (v. 20)

What love does a Father have for His Son when He sacrifices His Son for the downtrodden, broken, and rebellious people next door? God, the Father.
But what love does a Father have for His Son when He shows Himself completely to His Son? That’s what God has done for Jesus. The relationship of the Father in Heaven to the Son below is amazing. And it’s the relationship He wants with you and me through His Son.

B. We would know that Jesus loves us dearly (v. 21)

By Jesus’ obedience to His loving Father above, our sins are washed away, and our spirits redeemed forever. Jesus would have a hard time doing that if He only loved His Father above and not us. His love for us had to be supremely great to overcome the struggle at the cross. “Into your hands, I commit my spirit” is far easier said if Jesus only loved the Father that to say, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing!” He HAD to love us as dearly as the Father above does when He sent Jesus to save us. The love of the Father is in the love of the Son.
Knowing Jesus loves us this dearly should move us to love Him back as dearly as we can.

C. We would know that His love brings us eternal life (v. 21)

Does Jesus want to give you eternal life? “God is not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance.” All who come to the Son will not be turned away. Jesus’ love isn’t just good feelings - it’s eternal life. It’s something that can’t be bought - it can only be received. It’s not based on earthly circumstance, but by the eternal power and promises of God.
TRANSITION: Sometimes we’re sent down a path in this life that involves tremendous sacrifices, heartache, and pain. Our prayers aren’t answered as we wish. And the healings we want to see are withheld. We have to learn to see that Jesus is only doing what God, in His love and perfect understanding is leading Him to do. And it is truly all Good. There IS a plan. And nothing can break it, block it, or move it. The only way to know that plan is to know God; and the only way to know God is to know Jesus!

3. If We Knew Jesus the Way God Knows Jesus...

A. We would honor Him as God honors Him (v. 23)

Jesus, in v. 23, makes it clear that the way to honor the Son is to honor the Father. And in verse 22, God honors the Son by committing all judgment to His Son. More on that in a moment. For now, though, we need to see that those who will honor God but not mention the Son are missing out. There is no honor to God if there is also no honor to the Son. You can’t praise God without also praising Jesus. You would have to honor whom the Father honors - and the Father honors Jesus.
It’s simply not honoring to those you love to dishonor those they love. We must make Jesus our number one honor. But it also means that we honor the Father as we praise the Son. It goes two ways.

B. We would commit to Him all judgment as God does (v. 22, 27)

The story is told of a man, many years ago, driving down the streets of one of the great cities lost control of his horses and was in danger of being dashed to death. Suddenly, there sprang out into the streets a man who, seizing the horses by the bit, stopped them in their mad career and saved the driver’s life.
By a singular coincidence, years afterwards the man whose life was saved was on trial before the one who had stopped the horses, who sat in the judge’s chair. The trial was ended; the lawyers had made the plea and the jury had returned with its verdict, when the judge said, “Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon you?” Then, rising, trembling with great emotion, he said: “Judge, don’t you remember me?” And the judge said once again, “Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced?” And then he said, “Why, Judge, I am the man you saved; have mercy, have mercy.” And with a look full of pity, his honor replied, “I do remember you and I am very sorry for you, but then I was your saviour, and today I am your judge;” and the sentence of death was passed.
Today our Saviour stands waiting to be merciful. With tears in his eyes he stands knocking again and again at the door of our hearts. But one day the picture will change, and he will be our judge to say, “Depart, for I never knew you.” God save us from that day.

C. We will listen intently for His voice in life and in death (v. 25)

This verse, is, perhaps, the most challenging verse in the Bible. Trusting this verse hits us where we are. Our heads want to accept it. Our hearts often question it.
We want to be the person who is certain that when Jesus speaks, we will hear it, believe it, and obey it. But we know often that isn’t true of us. When we die, will we actually live? What hope have we? The hope of v. 24 - the promise of Jesus. Jesus has the authority. Jesus has the mission. Jesus can and will keep His promise to save all who give all to Him - in attention, in devotion, in service, and in obedience.
Will you listen to His Word intently this week? Will you trust His Word this week? Next week and even the next world, are not yet upon us. We have this week to hear His Word and believe. We really only have this hour, and perhaps the next.
While Jane and I were driving up from Arlington to Glen Burnie, MD (a suburb of Baltimore) during a heavy downpour, we got off on the wrong cloverleaf ramp, hydroplaned and spun around at least twice, reversing directions at least once before stopping just inches from a guard-rail. Fortunately, no one else was around, and we hit nothing. But that could have been our final moments on earth. We just never know. It is absolutely imperative that we get to know the Jesus of the Bible as well as we can before He calls us home.


Jesus came to earth for the express purpose of making God known to man. God’s purpose is to be known. That can’t happen if Jesus isn’t known. Jesus said later in the gospel of John, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me.” We have to get to know Jesus better if we hope to know the Father better. Eternal life only comes through Jesus. Jesus has God’s Power, Knowledge, and Authority in Judgment. And the Father has given Him every bit of that. We have to know it more in our experience, not just in our heads.
So, before I close, I want to give you a few practical ideas.
First, strive to see more of Him in every day life. Read His Word. Obey His Word, and speak with Him throughout the day.
Second, copy what He does and marvel!
Thirdly, trust Him when things get challenging as much as you do when things are going well. It’s easy to trust Him when we lose the keys to our car, stop and pray, and then look down to find them. But what about when you catch the COVID, or find your end of the money running out before the end of the month? Can you trust His judgment then? Or when a loved one is diagnosed with a fatal disease - or He doesn’t answer your prayers when or how you want Him to? Can you trust His judgment then?
Finally, look beyond the here and now to see the eternal picture - He is the resurrection and the life. He holds all eternity in His hands. God sees to it that this is how it works. For those who trust Him completely, love Him dearly, and see Him daily, the grave is the portal to seeing Him more truly, loving Him more perfectly, and being with Him more closely than ever before! It’s a jumping off point from this world to the best He has made for us.
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