Saints in Christ Jesus
Phi. 1:1-2 Saints in Christ Jesus 4/28/96
I. Introduction #518
A. The church at Philippi was clearly formed by God
· The Holy Spirit would not permit Paul to go anywhere else (Ac. 16:6-7)
· No one in Philippi was planning a church, ONLY GOD WAS PLANNING!
B. God’s sovereign activity does not contradict human responsibility
· The Holy Spirit forbade Paul from entering Asia, yet he had to willingly obey
· God called him to go to Macedonia, yet he had to willingly obey (Ac. 16:9-10)
· Paul had to preach..; Lydia had to respond..; the jailer had to respond..(v. 14-33)
Philippians was written to & can be understood by saints ONLY (Phi. 1:1) - not to liars, fornicators, thieves, covetous, etc. = You must repent & believe in Christ as Lydia & jailer!
- comfort, hope, encouragement, guidance, provisions, wisdom, etc. are for saints
II. What is a Saint?
A. A sinner to whom God has revealed the truth (Rom. 1:16-18; Gal. 3:23)
· Truth about yourself personally (sinfulness, sins, helplessness, danger, need)
· Truth about God Himself (Holiness, wrath, the ONLY way of righteousness thru Christ = Jn. 14:6; Mt. 11:27; love, mercy, compassion, etc.)
Saints in Christ Jesus, pg. 2
B. A sinner whom God has given the desire & power to respond to the gospel
(Phi. 1:29; 2:13)
C. A convert who is experiencing God’s grace & peace - v. 2 (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 5:1)
III. All the Saints in Christ Jesus
A. Sinners converted to saints in Christ Jesus - v. 1
· Lydia, jailer & their households, possibly the slave girl
· Includes Paul, Timothy, overseers, deacons, every believer in Philippi
· Christ provides leaders & submissive followers in His church
B. God converts real sinners, in real places, in His appointed time
· Lydia was an adult, business woman; yet a lost sinner
· The jailer was an adult, government worker; yet a lost sinner
· The slave girl was young, demon-possessed & in ungodly employment
· Younger & older members of Lydia’s & Jailer’s households
This amazing, diverse group of sinners all made saints in Christ Jesus AND given all His promises of comfort, provision, encouragement, guidance, love, etc. - everything necessary for life & godliness! Are you a saint today? If not, come to Christ NOW, believe in Him & trust Him now! If you are, rejoice for you are the object of His love!