Sermon 042196
Phi. 1:1 The Formation of a Church 4/21/96
I. Introduction #517
A. A profile of the city of Philippi
In Macedonia 10 miles inland from Aegean sea, surrounded by mountains, a
strategic city militarily & commercially
B. A profile of the people of Philippi
Domineering Romans, Jews (mostly women), God-fearers
C. A survey of the Epistle to the Philippians
How to pray for other saints, Participation in the gospel ministry, Reasons for joy in
a believer’s life, The meaning of Life & Death, True humility, Human responsibility
in sanctification, Genuine concern for others, Reasons to contend & reconcile, The
value of knowing Christ, Remedy for worry & true Christian contentment
II. God forming the church in Philippi (Ac. 16:6-40)
A. God preparing the messenger of the gospel (everything prior to Ac. 16)
1. Paul’s conversion, preaching & rejection (ch. 9)
2. Ministry with Barnabas & multi-racial leadership at Antioch (ch. 11:19-30; 13:1)
3. First missionary journey (ch. 13-14)
- call of the Holy Spirit, encounter with a false prophet, resolve to include
gentiles in preaching the gospel, stoned by Jews, acceptance by gentiles
The Formation of a Church, pg. 2
4. Doctrinal conflict & contention (15:1-35) = Judaizers & Judaism
5. Second missionary journey involves personal conflict & contention (15:36-41)
6. Different co-laborers in ministry - Silas & Timothy (15:40-16:3)
7. Forbidden by Holy Spirit to enter or preach in Asia (16:6-8)
- through a troubled conscience, counsel from others, circumstances, etc.
8. Convinced of God’s call to preach in Europe (16:9-10)
- discerning God’s will involves conscience, circumstances, counsel & time
9. Went to the place of prayer on the day of worship (16:13)
B. God preparing the recipients of the gospel
1. Lydia & her household (16:14-15)
· business woman, God-fearer, at the place of prayer
· Paul preached, she listened, the Lord opened her heart, she responded
2. A slave girl (16:16-18)
· demon-possessed, employed in fortunetelling, annoyance to Paul
· delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit
2. The jailer & his household (16:19-34)
· loyal employee of the Roman government, gentile
· Paul prevented him from committing suicide, preached, the Lord saved him
This was the beginnings and the makeup of the church at Philippi - a business woman & her household, a slave girl, and a Roman jailer & his household. God used the preaching of the gospel to bring this little diverse group of people together & form this church. The church is sovereignly formed by God, yet involves human responsibility! God initiates, yet you must respond; the Lord opens hearts & gives faith, yet you must listen & act on that faith; the Lord allows & brings opposition, rejection, persecution; He troubles your conscience, closes some doors & opens others; provides wise counsel, yet you must discern HIS WILL! All of this for the progress of the gospel & the building of Christ’s church.