Sermon 050596
Phi. 1:3-8 Praying for Other Saints 5/5/96
I. Introduction #519
A. Philippians was written to the saints in Christ Jesus
B. God’s sovereign activity does not counteract human responsibility
II. Remembering other saints in our prayers - v. 3
A. The mind, human spirit, & Holy Spirit must be involved in prayer
(1Co. 14:14-15; Mat. 22:37)
B. Memory must be engaged in prayer
· God, scriptures, yourself, others (individuals & groups), needs, blessings, trials…
C. Memory aids in prayer
· Natural (genuine relationships-v. 7-8, prayer log, directory, notes, newsletters,...)
· Supernatural (Jn. 14:26)
Do you consistently forget to pray for certain believers? Do you constantly have regrets after you’ve prayed because you forgot this person, family or church? Corrective action!
D. Attitude in prayer for other saints
· Thankfulness (v. 3; Rom. 1:8; 1Co. 1:4; Eph. 1:16; Col. 1:3; 1Th. 1:2; Phm. 4)
· Joy (v. 4; gladness or joyfulness) - in spite of circumstances; from the Holy Spirit;
God’s presence & control of all circumstances brings JOY in prayer!
Praying for Other Saints, pg. 2
Aren’t there certain Christians that stir up gratitude & joy in your heart each time you think of them & pray for them? Seek to increase that number - genuine relationships & knowledge!
III. Consistent Prayer for the Saints’ Participation in the Gospel - v. 4-5
A. Participation in the gospel - v. 5
· “koinonia” - partnership, fellowship = sacrificial sharing of yourself &
possessions (2Co. 8:3-5)
· Emphasis on financial participation or fellowship (Phi. 4:15-16)
All saints have fellowship with each other & God as we give financially to support the preaching & ministry of the gospel!
B. Thankfulness for their participation - v. 3
C. Confidence in their life-long participation - v. 6
· God began the work in the saint (conversion, renewing mind, will, desires, etc.)
· God will complete the work in the saint (obedience & Godly character) - GRACE!
This confidence is only for the saints in Christ Jesus. Though God will complete this work, yet we must pray. Though God makes the provision, yet you must give financially & of your time - participation/fellowship in the gospel! GOSPEL PLEA & FINAL EXHORTATION.