Sermon 052696
Phi. 1:12-14 God’s Purposes & the Saints’ Adversity 5/26/96
I. Introduction (v. 6) #522
Every individual will experience adversity throughout life (Job 3:26; 5:7); sometimes it’s extremely painful emotionally & physically; it can be humiliating, unfair & appear to be endless - it may even seem that you troubles are worse than anyone else you know! However, the outcome or result of adversity is not the same for everyone - only the Christian can say with Paul “Rejoice in the Lord always…” or “Consider it all joy…” and Rom. 8:28!
A. God’s good work is salvation & the results
B. God’s good work is done in the saints
C. This good work starts on earth & completes in glory (Rom. 8:28-30)
II. Brothers & Sisters - “brethren” (v. 12)
A. Not blood relatives (same mother and/or father)
B. Not of same race = Jews (Lydia, Jailer, slave girl - Ac. 16 = Gentiles)
C. These are saints (believers, Christians, disciples) = CHILDREN (1Jn. 3:2)
Þ The high priority of God’s children (Mk. 12:46-50; Gal. 6:10)
III. Seeing God’s Purposes in Your Adversity
All of Paul’s travel & evangelistic plans have been stopped; he’s in prison chained to two soldiers day & night; discomfort, ill-treatment, vulgarity, grossness, etc.
A. God-centered, not self-center thinking (Is. 46:9-10; 1Co. 10:13)
B. God’s purposes are for His glory & Christian’s ultimate good (Is.48:11; Rom 8:28)
God’s Purposes & the Saints Adversity, pg. 2
C. God’s purposes in your circumstances involves the progress of the gospel (v. 12)
1. Gospel message reaches unbelievers (v. 13) - not in a synagogue or church!
2. Encouragement to believers (v. 14) - not in prison with Paul!
What is your prison or present adversity? Unbelievers are watching you in your marital trials (even children), health, employment, finances, family, etc. Are you using your adversity as an opportunity for witnessing to unbelievers? Believers are also watching & are affected by your response in trials, agony, pain, frustration
IV. Your Desire to Relieve Anxiety or Worry for other Saints - “Now I want you to Know”
A. Others must see God’s purposes in your adversity
B. Others must see the progress of the gospel because of your adversity
Even though Paul’s situation is miserable, there is not one complaint mentioned - Why? Because his thinking is God-centered, he sees God’s purpose & he desires to encourage other believers. Paul’s adversity was intended for evil & hindering his ministry, but it has resulted in the greater progress of the gospel - Why? Because God over-rules the devil & man’s wicked plans! (Gen. 50:20; Job 1:11; 2:5; 42:10; Hannah & Peninnah)