Sermon 060996
Phi. 1:19-26 What is the Meaning of Life & Living? 6/9/96
Vanita Park
I. Introduction and Review (v. 1-18) 524
A. Life involves adversity even for the most faithful Christians
B. God’s purposes are fulfilled in adverse circumstances [time of trouble]
II. What is Life & Living for the Unbeliever?
Þ “I could not imagine life without _____. Or My ___ means the whole world to me.”
My family, friends, health, education, community involvement, achievements, job, home, religion, religious activity, god, etc.
III. What is Life & Living for the Christian?
A. Life & living is Christ (v. 21; Jn. 11:25; 14:6; 10:10; 1Jn. 5:11-12)
Þ Life may involve the loss of family, home, health, job, religious activity, etc.
Þ The Christian can still have a fulfilling life w/o ____.(Lk. 12:15; Rom. 14:17)
B. It involves a personal relationship with Christ (v. 21) - “For to me”
Þ answers my prayers, comforts me, guides me, my Shepherd, my Lord…
C. A willingness & readiness to die for Christ (v.20) “..whether by life or by death”
[Next week = the meaning of death]
IV. What is the Nature of the Christian Life?
A. Internal joy regardless of personal circumstances (v. 18b)
B. Confidence & hope for the future (v. 19-20, 25-26) “For I know….my
deliverance…” “And convinced of this, I know that I shall remain…”
What is the Meaning of Life & Living?, pg. 2
1. Genuine relationships with other believers - v. 19 “your prayers”
2. Comfort & provision of the Holy Spirit - v.19
3. Christ will bring glory to Himself - v. 20
4. Christ will ensure a good outcome ultimately - v. 20; 1Pe. 5:10
C. Fruitful life for Christ - v.22
· fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23), praise (Heb. 13:15), saved souls (Rom. 1:13), giving financially (Phi. 4:17)
D. Longing to be with Christ in glory - v. 23
E. Longing to faithfully minister to others on earth - v. 24
Þ Life & living for the Christian involves love for God & your neighbor (Mt. 22:34-40)
What is the meaning of life for YOU? Can you imagine life without your job, home, children, spouse, social activities, religious activities, health or pleasant appearance? Could you live a fulfilled life without these things? The only way to truly live life and have good days is thru Christ! Do you know Him? Have your sins been forgiven? Are you still God’s enemy? Are you living under the wrath and anger of God? Are you ready to die & meet God today? If you are not prepared to die, then you are not ready to live! Repent, ask God for forgiveness & come to Christ today! If you already are a Christian, rejoice my brother/sister - live a fulfilled life & have good days regardless of you circumstances!