Sermon 062396
Phi. 1:27-30 A Lifestyle Worthy of the Gospel of Christ 6/23/96
I. Introduction and Review 526
¨ Your perspectives on life & death are interrelated - one is affected by the other.
¨ I am convinced that we must honestly consider dying for Christ to truly serve Him!
¨ I am convinced that you CANNOT know true joy until you have honestly considered dying for Christ in your heart (Rom. 6:2, 11; Col. 3:5; Gal. 6:14; Ac. 21:13)
II. Conduct Worthy of the Gospel
Paul’s charge - “Live as citizens of heaven who are ambassadors of Christ on earth”
¨ We serve Jesus Christ & live by His principles - different from the world!
A. Not dependent upon physical presence of someone in authority (v. 27a)
¨ What is you motivation for obedience to the gospel? LOVE (2Co. 5:14)
¨ What we believe about Christ controls our lifestyle!
B. Christian unity for the faith of the gospel when facing opponents (v. 27b)
1. Standing firm in one spirit - persevere, persist, no compromise toward the LORD
2. Striving together with one mind or soul - harmony toward other BELIEVERS
Þ contend together as one person, engage side by side
3. Not alarmed or surprised by opponents (v. 28a) - courage toward ADVERSARY
III. Opposition and Opponents of the Gospel
Þ Christians must identify real opponents (Ac. 20:28-30; Rom. 16:17-18; Phi. 3:17-19)
A Lifestyle Worthy of the Gospel of Christ, pg. 2
Þ Every Christian has real opposition & opponents (external & internal)
- mockers, blasphemers, hirelings, religionists, internal sin & temptation
Þ Every church has real opposition & opponents (external & internal)
A. Sign of destruction for opponents (v. 28b)
B. Sign of salvation/deliverance/vindication for saints (v. 28b)
IV. Christ’s work of Grace for Saints
A. Faith to believe in Christ (v. 29)
B. Grace to suffer for Christ (v. 29)
C. Grace to see your suffering for Christ as a privilege & duty (v. 30; Ac. 5:40-41)
Every Christian must be prepared to suffer the consequences of obeying the gospel!
(from co-workers, employers, neighbors, relatives, spouse, parents, etc.)
Are you willing to suffer for what you believe? Is Christ worthy of your full identity with Him? Do the people with whom you associate regularly know that you are a Christian? Do they know that you are not a Mormon, Jehovah Witness, part of word of faith movement, Vineyard movement, etc.? Are you willing to suffer for biblical principles, even when they are extremely unpopular? Are you willing to identify with ABCC, leaders, other members when we’re being mocked? Are you standing firm & striving side by side with your brother or sister that lives on the opposite side of town, different views about educating children, holidays, wine, recreation, home, auto, etc.? Are you overlooking their offenses in LOVE in order to live a life worthy of the gospel?