Easter Sermon (Easter Changes Everything)
Pastor Greg Henneman
April 8, 2007 (Easter Sunday)
Text: Topical
Key Idea: Easter changes everything.
Goal: To invite people to Easter Faith.
Easter is a special time for me –not just because it’s the time when Jesus rose from the dead, but because of sentimental reasons. Easter takes me back to my childhood. It makes me think of my mother who died suddenly in 1999 of a massive stroke at the age of 60.
My mother loved Easter. My father was not and is not a Christian and so he didn’t go to church. But my mother would buy new dresses for my two sisters and new pants and little shirt and tie for me to go to church on Easter.
Invariably as a little kid I would run around in the church yard with my friends and stain my new pants or rip my new tie. And mom loved me anyway; and it’s awesome to know that because Jesus lives she too lives and one day I’ll see her again.
I encourage you to take your outlines that are in your programs. You may want to fill in the blanks and take some notes as we go along this morning.
I want to talk to you about the Easter Story, about Easter Faith, and about Easter Changes. If the Easter Story is true and if we can believe it –it changes everything! It can change your life! It can change how you face death! It can change where you spend eternity!
First, I want to talk to you about the…
A. Easter Story
Do you know the story?
The Story of Easter
Jesus was crucified on the Passover. The Passover was and still is an annual Jewish celebration. It’s a time when Jews celebrate how God freed them from slavery in Egypt around 1400 BC.
God sent a death angel to the Egyptians to set the Jews free. The Jews were told to kill a lamb and spread its blood on the doorpost of their houses so the angel of death would “pass over” their houses.
Every year after that and even today Jews celebrate the Passover to commemorate how God worked miracles to free them from slavery in Egypt.
In Jesus’ day, about 30AD, the Jews were celebrating the Passover. To us it may seem bloody and gruesome. A lamb was selected for sacrifice. The afternoon sacrifice was always at 3 o’clock (a priest was assigned to watch the sundial to be exact). As the time approached another priest lifted the sacrificial lamb onto the altar and put a knife to its throat. At precisely three o'clock a signal was given and a shofar (a ram's horn used as a trumpet) was sounded – and the priest killed the lamb and its blood atoned for the sins of the people. At least for a moment sins were forgiven.
At Passover time in 30AD Jesus was nailed to a cross. He was called “the lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.” He had been beaten almost to death, nailed to the wood and hung there for hours until almost 3 o’clock on Friday. When the sound of the shofar echoed from the temple grounds to outside the city walls Jesus lifted his head and cried out, "It is finished!" He died a bloody death. Never again would another lamb have to be slaughtered –because Jesus died to take away the sin of the world.
Jewish law required burial the day of death and that meant before sunset at 6 p.m. Within 180 minutes a rich man named Joseph petitioned the Roman authorities for permission to take down Jesus' body from the cross and bury it in Joseph's new family tomb that had been carved out of the rock outside the city wall.
Jesus' body was quickly wrapped up like a mummy and placed on a slab in the crypt. A large rock in the shape of a wheel or millstone (probably weighing more than a ton) was rolled down a grooved incline and over the entrance to the grave.
Jesus was dead and buried! The religious leaders must have given each other high fives and said, “There, we finally got rid of him!” The Roman authorities who feared Jesus as a trouble maker took a deep breath and said, “Whew! Glad that guy is gone!”
Jesus’ followers like Peter and James and John were depressed! They were bewildered and confused and angry! “How could Jesus die! We thought he was the Messiah –the coming King!” They were miserable on Friday and all day Saturday.
But early Sunday morning the dead body of Jesus started to stir. His fingers and toes began to move. His eyes began to blink! He started to breath! He pulled off the burial cloth that was wrapped around his head. He peeled off the strips of linen that were wrapped around his body. He folded them neatly and placed them on the slab! And then he left!
Some women showed up at the tomb with hopes of washing and preparing his body the way it should have been done the previous Friday when they ran out of time. They were worried about how they could get the stone moved so they could enter the tomb. But to their astonishment, the stone was already rolled back and the tomb was open.
Mary Magdalene went running to Peter and John. “Pete! John! They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” Peter and John raced to the tomb but John was faster and he got there first. He stuck his head into the tomb and looked in and saw the strips of linen neatly folded there. Finally Peter caught up and pushed his way into the tomb. Peter too saw the folded up linen and burial cloth. Then John worked up the courage and he too stepped into the tomb and looked around.
Over the next 40 days Jesus appeared many times to the apostles and to over 500 people. And after 40 days they literally saw Jesus ascend up into the sky and disappear!
Where did he go? To Mars? To outer space? Jesus was just making the point that he was leaving them and going back to heaven –wherever heaven is. He said, “One day I’m coming back! And in the meantime I want you to go to the entire world and tell everybody about me. Tell them they can be forgiven of their sins. Tell them I can give them an awesome life. Tell them they don’t have to be afraid of death anymore!”
And they did! They went out who told people who told people…who told us! And here we are today!
That’s the story. Did you know all that? If this story is true, then it changes everything! It changes our life. It changes our death. It changes our destiny!
It’s important to understand that the death of Jesus was NOT an accident or a mistake…
1. The claims of Jesus (Mark 8:31-33; 14:61-62; 15:2)
Jesus claimed all along that he had to die and had to rise again! It wasn’t like Jesus was just a nice teacher who got into some political trouble and was assassinated. He said, “I must suffer and die and I must rise again! This is why I came!”
Now think about this: Either Jesus is true, or he’s a maniac, a mental case! “I’ve got to die to save all of you! And I’m going to rise again to give you all life!” He’s either true, or he’s an idiot! There’s nothing in between!
Likewise, when you look at…
2. The actions of Jesus (Mark 2:7; 4:41; 14:22-24; John 19:30)
He went around forgiving people of their sins, as if they had sinned against him personally. He said, “I am the King! I am the Son of God – when you look at me you see God!” It’s either he’s true, or he’s a nut case!
Which brings us to the second question. I just told you the Easter Story. So now you know the story. But the question is…
B. Easter Faith
Do you believe the story?
It’s one thing to know the Easter Story. It’s another thing to believe the story. Do you believe the story?
Illust: Almost every Easter somebody comes out with some money-making scheme that has to do with Jesus. Last year it was The Da Vinci Code. Remember that? It was a book and a movie that claimed that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had kids.
This year it’s “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” Some guys are claiming that they’ve found a tomb full of caskets; and the names on the caskets are Joseph and Mary and Jesus and Miriam and Judah. They claim that it’s the family of Jesus and he was married to Miraim (Mary Magdalene) and they had a son together named Judah.
Have you heard about this? We could list several reasons why this is a joke –but there’s one huge reason: There are no bones to find! He is risen! You can’t find Jesus’ bones because he didn’t stay buried!
Let me give you…
The Case for Easter
Listen: You do not have to be an idiot to be a Christian! Our faith in Jesus is based upon reasonable evidence! Jesus is not like Zeus or the Easter Bunny. You don’t have to be stupid to be a Christ-follower! Now this guy, on the other hand, is stupid!
Picture #1: Here is this guy standing on this rock in the Grand Canyon. This guy is dumb! (He’s confident! He’s athletic, as you’ll see in a moment. But he’s dumb!) Notice how it’s a lonely rock –not connected to anything. It’s a 1,000 foot drop if he falls!
Now look at this guy in his sandals, with a camera and a tripod. Ask yourself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not take that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which
is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?
Picture #2: This is the point of no return. He’s taken his sunset pictures. He’s packed up his stuff and ready to head home. By now a crowd has gathered to watch this guy.
Picture #3: That is stupid! I’m sorry! (athletic, confident)
Picture #4: He lands, using just one hand and one foot, with sandals on. He’s holding onto his camera and tripod and plastic bag. He doesn’t want to drop those! He waits a few seconds, throws his stuff on the rock, climbs up and walks away
Now that was stupid! But you don’t have to be stupid to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
Let me give you the case for the resurrection. Critics say that maybe Jesus didn’t really die; he was just hurt real bad. Or maybe it was a conspiracy. Maybe the disciples made it up and lied about it.
There are at least a dozen solid reasons to believe that the resurrection actually happened. Let me give you just four…
1. They claimed to see Jesus.
Over 500 people claimed to see Jesus alive after his crucifixion. One attorney put it this way…
What if we had each person that witnessed the resurrected Lord come up here this morning and talk for 15 minutes giving a testimony to what they saw.
If we listened to the testimony of all the people that Jesus appeared to, we would be here all day, and all night, and Monday and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and sometime early Friday morning they would just be wrapping up the testimony.
It would take over 128 straight hours just to hear, for 15 minutes each, the testimony of those that saw the Lord after he rose. That would hold up in any court of law!
2. They changed from fearful to courageous.
After Jesus was crucified the disciples were fearful. They went into hiding because the authorities might arrest and kill them too! They were depressed. They were miserable! Suddenly, three days later, they’re all excited, courageously telling everybody that they had seen Jesus alive and that everybody needed to become a follower of Jesus!
What could make them change like that? A conspiracy? Not likely!
3. They changed their worship habits.
Peter, James, and John (and the rest of them) were strict Jews! You worship on the Sabbath Day (Saturday). You offer sacrifices at the temple. You don’t eat certain kinds of meat. Suddenly, they are worshipping on Sunday! And when they go to the temple, they don’t offer sacrifices, but they sing and pray and worship Jesus! That was unthinkable to any good Jew! What made them change like that? The resurrection is the best explanation!
4. They were willing to die.
Almost every one of the apostles died for their claim that Jesus rose from the dead. You say, “But Greg, lots of people are willing to die for their faith. Look at the suicide bombers who blow themselves up because they believe that Allah will reward them.”
That’s true, but there’s a big difference. The apostles were in a position to know if it was true or not. They knew if they were lying or not! You and I have to take their testimony on faith. We weren’t there. We didn’t see it. But they were –and so they know if they were lying or not! The apostles said, “We saw Jesus alive and well after his crucifixion!” And they were willing to die for that claim.
People may die for something they believe to be true, but nobody knowingly and willingly dies for a lie.
If you’re interested in more evidence for the resurrection, we have available to you Lee Strobel’s book…The Case for Easter. It’s referenced on your outline, and we have lots of these little books at the Men’s Ministry Table for you out in the gym and at the Welcome Center. It’s free; we encourage you to take one as you leave this morning.
So the question is: Do you believe the story? It’s not enough to just know the story. We’ve got to believe the story! And when the Bible talks about belief and faith it’s more than just “Oh yeah, I believe the story.” Faith involves commitment. Belief means that you invite Christ into your life and you experience Him!
So that’s our third question…
C. Easter Changes
Have you experienced the story?
Easter changes everything! Jesus not only died for our sins and rose again to conquer sin and death, but he promises to live within us and…
1. He changes our life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
You say, “Greg, how does Jesus change our life?” I’ve asked SCOTT TONKS to come and talk about how Jesus has changed his life. Scott and his wife Laura are Christ-followers. They’ve been worshipping here for about 5 years; and I’ve asked Scott to tell us the difference Jesus has made in his life. SCOTT.
Has Jesus changed your life? Through his forgiveness and grace and presence he can help you be a better father or mother. He can make your life better!
You’ll see in your announcements that next Sunday I’m starting a new sermon series called…
(The Love You’ve Always Wanted)
It’s a 6-part series on how to experience relationships the way God intended. Easter changes everything! God can improve your…
April 15 Pure Sex - Whether You’re Single or Married
April 22 Can You Hear Me Now? - Learning How to Communicate
April 29 Attraction – Does God Care Who I Date?
May 6 Youth Sunday: “Relationships Are Real with Teenagers”
May 13 The Difference Between Men and Women – Mother’s Day
May 20 Happyness – Raising Your Kids Right
Easter changes everything! It improves our sex life! Our communication! Our relationships! He changes our life and…
2. He helps us face death.
Illust: There’s a story about a Sunday School teacher who was trying to explain to the six-year-olds in his class what you had to do in order to go to heaven. He started off by asking some questions.
“If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would that get me to heaven?” “NO!” the children all answered.
“If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into heaven?” “NO!” the children screamed.
“Well, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children and loved my wife, would that get me into heaven?” Again they all shouted, “NO!”
“Well then, how can I get to heaven?”
A boy in the back row stood up and shouted, “YOU GOTTA BE DEAD!”
Smart kid! We’re all gonna be dead someday.
Hebrews 9:27 “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people.”
We’re all gonna be dead. We’re all going to be judged by God someday. But Christ died to take away our sins. And it’s through faith in him that get to heaven.
There’s another little book that we’re giving you free today. It’s by Andy Stanley and it’s called How Good Is Good Enough? If you struggle with the fairness problem this book is for you. “Is it fair to require faith in Jesus in order to go to heaven? What about those who never have a chance to hear about Jesus? I’m a good person, isn’t that good enough?” If you wonder about those questions, get this book after the service. LET’S PRAY.
Father, don’t let anyone walk out of here today without knowing, believing and experiencing the Easter Story. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Key Idea: Easter changes everything.
Goal: To invite people to Easter Faith.
The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel
How Good is Good Enough by Andy Stanley
Pastor Greg Henneman
April 8, 2007 (Easter Sunday)
Text: John 20:1-9
If Easter hasn’t changed your life, then you really haven’t understood Easter!
A. Easter Story
Do you know the story?
The Story of Easter
1. The claims of Jesus (Mark 8:31-33; 14:61-62; 15:2)
2. The actions of Jesus (Mark 2:7; 4:41; 14:22-24; John 19:30)
B. Easter Faith
Do you believe the story?
The Case for Easter
1. They claimed to see Jesus.
2. They changed from fearful to courageous.
3. They changed their worship habits.
4. They were willing to die.
C. Easter Changes
Have you experienced the story?
1. He changes our life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
2. He helps us face death.
Hebrews 9:27 “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people.”
The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel
How Good is Good Enough? by Andy Stanley