The Profile of the Anti-Christ
The Coming Anti-Christ
Revelation 13:1-6
Who is the anti-christ? We don’t know
Where will he come from?
Is he alive today? He could be
Interesting How Christians have speculated over the years as to who it might be
*Often to great embarrassment
*I believe that we need to be careful with that type of thing
-some have speculated when Christ would return
+Billy Graham said when Israel became a nation it would only be a couple of more years
+Others predicting all the time that it is extremely close
-Y2K experience at turn of the millennium
With anti-christ:
Hitler: Number of 666: Assign each letter of alphabet # beginning with 100
A = 100 B = 101 so on: Hitler’s name adds up to 666
John F. Kennedy: Thought he died and rose in WWII
666 votes at 1956 Democratic Presidential convention
He was shot in the head by an assassin: Antichrist will
Wounded in the head
Henry Kissinger: Worked peace between Israel and Arabs in 1973
Some have speculated today that one of our Presidential candidates is the anti-Christ
That is something that you will never hear me do: The Bible does not tell us who he will be so I do not think that it is up to us to try to figure it out, if we do we run the risk of looking foolish and discrediting a more important message: The message of Jesus Christ!!
In Revelation 13 we see the anti-christ’s personality, profile, and program
I. The Personality of the anti-christ
1. A Charismatic leader: His person is charismatic vv. 3-5
He will sway the masses by his words
Early on we saw some great things:
· He will begin by putting down world conflict and creating peace
· He will sign a covenant with Israel for a seven year period which will allow them to rebuild temple and reinstitute religious rituals
One thing said of Hitler was that he was a great orator
Those listening to him speak would be willing to do anything
Numerous Presidents, etc. in this country have had the ability to sway crowds
This man will excite crowds and sway them away from God to follow him
2. Physically Attractive Daniel 7:20
His appearance will be greater than his fellows
3. Cleaver leader: Daniel 7:8, 20
1) Eyes of a man: intellect, wisdom, cunning
2) Subdues 3 other kings
4. Cultic Leader Daniel 7:25
Spoke against true God
Praised himself as God
Persecutes those who follow the Most High God
Rev. 13:8
2 Thess. 2:4 will exalt himself above all that is called God
5. Cruel Leader Dan. 7:23, 25
He will change from being a peace maker
He will also speak blasphemous words (pompous)
Daniel 7:7-8, 20, 25
He will speak pompous words against the Most High
Will devour the whole earth and trample it to pieces
Focus is on the saints of God: to destroy God and all that is His
The world will follow, his oratory ability will enable him to cause the masses to follow: just like Hitler was able to cause people to follow him in killing 100’s of thousands of men, women, and children for a greater cause
Rev. 13 Kills 2/3 of the Jews
Zach. 14 conquers the city of Jerusalem
Rev. 13 Slaughters large number of Gentiles
Dan. 7:25 Persecutes the saints
II. The Profile of the anti-christ
13:1-2 he is the embodiment of Satan: Satan’s version of Jesus Christ
Interesting to compare how man looks at him (point #1) with how God looks at him
V. 2 Like a wild animal from the pit of hell empowered by Satan, the great dragon!!
1. His coming to power: Daniel 7:8 little by little: he is the little horn
Rev. 13:1 rises out of the sea of humanity
2. His spirituality: Rev. 11:7 out of the abyss
Satan incarnate, in the flesh
Sets himself up to be worshipped by the world
3. His power vv. 2, 5, 7
Given unto him by Satan
Controlled by God: God keeps the reigns tight
Illustration of Job in OT
4. He is intimidating
13:1 awesome creature
13:2 Leopard, bear, lion: beautiful, cruel, strong, brutal
anti-christ brings all these together in himself
Bear: say two bear up a tree recently outside of Wysox along the road: beautiful to look at. As I saw I saw several people out of their cars standing under the tree with cameras taking pictures. As I saw it I thought what a beautiful sight, and the it occurred to me that without know it the people caught in the beauty of the moment were putting themselves in great danger: where was mama bear?
Same will be true of the anti-Christ: There will be much about him that is attractive—yet behind all of that will be great danger!!
III. His Program: Great counterfeiter vv. 3-4
1. He appeared to rise from the dead:
He is wounded vv. 3, 12, 14
· Deadly wound: As far as the world was concerned it was a mortal wound, yet John says in verse 3 that “as if it had….”
· Was wounded by a sword
· He appeared to die
· He was miraculously raised from the dead
Imagine him sitting up in the casket and starting to speak: The whole world seems to listen
2. Lesson or challenge:
People believe what they want to believe
Jesus did same thing and yet many won’t accept
When anti-christ does they will fall behind and worship