(Christmas) [Heb 2:14-15] The Reason We Have Christmas
The author of Hebrews introduces us to a message of the prophets now manifested through Jesus Christ. He explains the reason why Jesus took on flesh and added humanity to his being. While this passage does not give us the story of the birth, but it does give us a very clear message why Jesus was born. Why did Jesus need to come in the flesh? For what purpose was he born?
The reason for Christmas is the destruction of Satan and death.
And our passage teaches us why.
Jesus was born, partaking of flesh. (Heb 2:14)
Partaking of flesh = Birth of Christ = Incarnation of Christ
Why did Jesus partake in the flesh?
1) To Destroy Satan’s Power. (Heb 2:14)
2) To Destroy Death. (Heb 2:15)
a) The Fear of Death.
Joseph Addison went to Oxford in the seventeenth century and applied for admission at Magdalen College. He was ushered into a room draped in black and lighted by a single taper. When the president of the college—a gloomy Puritan—appeared, the candidate’s examination related not to Latin, Greek, or literature, as he had thought, but to his personal faith. Suddenly the young man was asked, “Are you prepared for death?” Whereupon Addison fled, never to return.