Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
*2 Samuel 18-19:8*
*First Love? **Sun, Feb 18th 2007*
*Doing away with the death penalty?
· *On Monday The New Mexico House of Representatives passed a bill that would abolish the state death penalty*
· *Though NM only carried out one execution since 1976*
· Don’t worry, not going to talk politics today
*Made me think–what if we applied OT capital punishment?*
· Open Bibles to *Deut 21:18-21*
· Imagine….death
penalty for a rebellious child
· Understand – not a one time trouble, but life
· *Kids – understand how serious rebellion is*
o Undercuts main lesson need–honor, obedience
· *Parents – understand how vital this is…yet hard*
o God, righteousness, nation–above parenting
o Imagine how hard would be as a parent?
*Some are thinking – glad that is OT…not for us in NT*
· True…or is it.
O not in practice…but heart
· Turn to *Matt 10:34-39*
· God – our love for God – is to take precedence over all other loves…God is to be our first love
*Think about this a little more – turn to **Matt 6:22-24*
· Jesus gives us clear insight into our makeup
· *We can only have one master – only serve one*
o Enjoy many things…serve only one
· *When that is right, God – clear sight – light*
· *When that is wrong, anything else - darkness*
o Miserable, confusing, wrong decisions
*That is what we are going to see today…in David*
· Open Bibles now to *2 Sam 18*
· Studying David – man after God’s heart
· Yet – real man…faults and all…as we all are
· 55-60 yrs old in this chapter – king for 25-30 yrs
· Season of reaping – consequences of own sin
· Season of reaping–poor parenting–indulgent dad
· Absalom–his son, staged coup–driven David out
· David is on run with loyal men…Absalom is mounting an army to kill David…
\\ *I. **Preparing for the War*
*1. **See David – part of the humility makes him great*
*a. **Willing to go to war – right place, right heart*
i) Has not always been here – *2 Sam 11*
ii) But not asking others to do what he won’t
*b. **Willing to listen to his men, wisdom, guidance*
i) David is not autocrat who is always right
ii) Listens to his men, their wisdom and counsel
iii) Right heart in a leader…even pastor
*c. **Divides into three companies*
i) Not new addition – Ittai…recent loyal man
*d. **Sends them out – standing at the gate*
i) Josephus, a Jewish historian (not bible) – tells us he encouraged and prayed with men
ii) He adds David had 4,000 men…interesting
*2. **See David…inordinate love for son*
*a. **Commands leaders to deal gently with Absalom*
*b. **Without elaborating – we are way past that *
i) For good of nation, God – Absalom needs dealt with.
But David never has
**Can see, perhaps – heart as dad is in 1st place*
i) Again, can only have one master…serve one
ii) Here David’s heart as dad…moves above God, moves above God’s kingdom…serving God
iii) When wrong master – dark, see poorly…
\\ *II.**The
*1. **Picture scene.
If Josephus right – 4,000 at tens of thousands
*2. **David’s men – win the battle*
*3. **More than skill – God is with them*
More killed by land than sword.
Lets us see God at work – fighting for David in unusual ways
*b. **Important note – settles a question*
i) In those days–debate–is God done with David?
ii) God answers…soundly – no, still plan for, still God’s man…wrong to drive him out
*4. **Absalom caught in a tree*
a. Saw in past – his hair was a sign of his pride
b. Pride goes before a fall – *Pro 16:18* *:*
c. Absalom is poster child for …imagine – caught by
*d. **Spiritual pic – Terbinth tree in Bible, foreshadows Cross*
i) Those that humble self before it – saved
ii) Those arrogant against–caught by it *1Co 1:18, 22-24*
*5. **Reported to Joab…he questions*
a. David’s words have stopped this
**Joab kills Absalom….should he have?
*yes & no
Wrong to disobey ….Yet David was wrong to ask
b. Joab serves nation, God in so doing
c. Personally believe is why God delivered to Joab
*7. **Joab puts an end to the war…it is over*
*8. **See the contrasting monuments*
a. What Absalom wanted – set self up
b. God provided…judgment – duet 21 – rocks
c. Which monument is right?
**David hears of war…Absalom*
*1. **Two runners…kind of an odd story*
a. Interesting spiritual pictures–but for David–two messengers
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9