Esther 12-13-20
The Persian empire made a claim to having ultimate control in the world.
Challenges to that idea were met with drastic measures (1:19-22, 3:5-6).
Human attempts at control are always fragile at best.
Spiritual Dynamic
Attempts to gain control are ultimately rebellions against God’s authority.
Haman’s plan was a Satanic effort to stop God’s plan of redemption.
With all of their power and efforts, Haman’s plans backfired.
God’s Sovereignty
This story shows us that no matter how it seems, God is in control.
There are no random or insignificant details.
This is a reminder that God holds the power and has the irrevocable Word.
God’s sovereignty gives certainty (4:14).
God’s sovereignty gives our situation meaning (4:14).
God’s sovereignty calls us to act in faith (4:16).