But Now But God

Pandemic  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:47
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The struggle

Many times we to look to other things, other people , other stories to inspire us in our lives. You see a heart warming story about someone on television, read a novel or biography about an inspiring life. Know someone who has overcome adversity or hear a story about a person. These examples sometimes are what allow us to overcome adversity in our lives. So today, when there is so much heart ache , heart ache over economic problems, the virus, and the political controversy we need inspiration, we need clarity and we hope.
There are some of us going through. we are going through individual , we are going through collectively. I have been talking to people, who are sick, depressed, scared and heavy hearted.
I can not minimize anybody problems , nor can I minimize any body’s distress. Your reality is your reality and your struggles are your struggles. However, I want to share with a story that can be that story to lift you, that example to change you and that life story to inspire you.
For I want to share with you story of Paul. The Apostle Paul. Paul who was once called Saul.
This Saul who was once a pharisee who was a zealot and a devout Jew.
This Jew who persecuted and hunted the followers of Christ , who then found Jesus on the road to Damascus and had his whole life turned around. When you encounter Jesus , it sometimes turns your life around. For the places you go you don’t go any more ,and the thing you do you don’t do anymore, and the folks you hang with you don’t hang with anymore.
So after Paul encountered Jesus, that religion that he knew just wasn’t good enough. Somebody knows what I am talking about you go to church, and you go through the motions, but one day the spirit of God touches you and something changes.
For Paul it changed. He stopped persecuting the followers of Christ and became a follower of Christ. Stopped going to the places , stop doing the things ,and stop being with the people that he was with before. And because he changed and start doing a new thing. he ran into some problems. Because he choose Jesus , his old friends were gone, Because he started doing a new thing he often found himself at odds with the status quo. Here in the this second letter to Timothy ,Paul finds himself, at what looks like the end.
I want to share with you that Saints sometimes go through, Saints sometimes stumble Saints sometimes fall down.
How did that song go we fall down but we get back up again. by Donnie McClurkin.
Paul in this letter has told Timothy
that timothy should keep the faith
that he has fought a good fight, but he thinks he has finished his race.
I tell you the same thing, keep the faith in your struggles.
fight the good fight don’t give up.
Paul tells timothy to come to him for he has needs.
His friends have left him, Demas deserted him.
he ask him to bring his cloak, and his books. And Alexander did him wrong.
Somebody here knows what Paul is going through., and
Somebody here has left by their friends. Folk will let you down. The same folk who are with you now laughing and joking, and sharing the good times, will be the same folk you can’t find when the party is over and it is time to pay the bill.
The same folk who you though had your back, will be the main ones who become back stabbers.
Somebody here is like Paul
for his was without material things, he had needs.
I know somebody here can understand what it is like to have needs. What it is not to have.
To have to ask somebody for help.
Paul has some stuff going on he is struggling. Anybody here ever had to struggle.
Then he writes to Timothy that Alexander has done hin wrong. Watch out for Alexander. We all have some Alexanders in our life.
A hater trying to bring you down. Paul does not say what Alexander did but he says watch out.
Watch out for Alexander.
But he says let the Lord fight that battle. I am telling you that even in your struggles , you got to let the Lord fight those battles for you. let the Lord deliver justice or mercy. For we mess it up if e try to do it ourselves.
So with all of these problems
Paul tells Timothy that he went in front of the Judge, no one came to his rescue no one came to his aid, no one spoke for him.
but then come the verse that i want you to take with you ,even if you don’t hear anything else I say today.
 But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength

Stand By Me

Now there is a prayer for you.
Lord Stand by me.
Paul said everyone abandoned me. i was alone , no back up ,
all against me , But the Lord stood with me.
I was without material things , I had needs , But the Lord stood with me
I was on trial ,about to be poured out as a drink offering , but the Lord stood with me.
Stand by me Lord.
Stand by me like you stood with Moses at the Red Sea
Stand by me Lord
Like you stood with David in the valley of Elah when he faced a giant named Goliath
Stand by me lord like you stood with Jehoshaphat in the valley of Barak, when the odds were against him.
Stand by me Lord
As i face this virus
Stand by me Lord as I face unemployment
Stand by me Lord as i face .depression, loneliness and desperation.
Stand by me Lord.
And he stood right by my side.
Any body here know that he be right by your side.
Don’t fool me ,do you knew that he be right by your side. That this God we serve will never leave you nor forsake you.


But that not all Paul says he stood right by my side and he gave me strength.
You see my God will not only be with you but he give you something to he will give you strength. he will give you the ability to do what needs to be done . he will give you the ability to do what needs doing.
he just didn’t stand him but he gave him Power to part the red sea, so that the Israelite could walk on dry land
He just didn’t stand with David at the valley of Elah, but he gave him power and rock to kill that giant Goliath.
He just didn’t stand with Jehoshaphat at the valley at barak, but he gave him power to defeat all of his enemies , so that Jehophat could praise him before and after the victory.
He just won’t stand with you during the virus, but he can and will heal you. Somebody better say I know that’s right, because somebody here been healed from the virus. that’s power.
he just want stand with you during your financial hardship, but he will bring you through , he will make a way out of no way. somebody here needs to say I know that right for he did it for me.
And he just want stand with you if you are depressed he will be that balm in Gilead that makes it alright.
And when is with you you can never be lonely
because he is a mother to the motherless and a father to the father less.
And he has power. trust him for he has power.
he gave Paul strength to preach but he can give you strength to do what you need to do. He just that type of God


But the last thing i want to share with you , is that not only will the Lord Stand with you
Not only will the Lord Strengthen you
But the Lord will deliver you.
I read the NLT version but the King version says it like this I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
You see I not worried because the Lord has already delivered me from danger before.
Is there anybody here that the Lord has already delivered.
has he saved you from a storm
has he healed you body
has brought you through.
So Paul says he will delver me from every evil.
I know if he did it before , he will do it again.
Anybody here serve a God like that
You know that he has saved you before. so that he will save you again. Somebody better say something, is he a good God an on time God.
And one day he will take me home, until the crystal river
, to crystal shore, to the heavenly Kingdom.
I got a crown of righteousness waiting for me
A well done
I want to see his glory
I can’t let nothing stop me from getting to my savior, not
not trump
no depression, recession or aggression
I am not worthy but the God I serve is worthy.
The Israelite walked on dry land but i just want to walk worthy’
David had his rock but i too have a rock , On Jesus Christ the rock i stand ,all other ground is sinking sand
Jehoshaphat praised the Lord going to battle and after the battle
I going to praise him
give the Lord glory
Praise ye the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in his mighty heaven
Praise him for his mighty acts:
Praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:
Praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the tambourine and dancing;
Praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals:
Praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD.
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