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An adaptation of Little Snow White by The Grimm Brothers

I’m sure everyone has read the story about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and how she married the Prince and lived happily ever after but there are things you weren’t told.

As you may recall, Snow White grew into a beautiful woman, more beautiful than her step-mother, the queen.  Each time the queen saw her beautiful step-daughter, she was so jealous that Satan entered her and convinced her the only way to solve this problem was to kill her own step-daughter. Indwelled by Satan himself, the queen ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods and kill her. The huntsman took Snow White deep into the woods but the huntsman could see how gentle and kind Snow White was. He began talking to her and Snow White told the huntsman about the love of God and how God would forgive his sins if he only confessed and received Jesus Christ as his Savior. The huntsman repented and released Snow White and sent her on her way.

Snow White walked 40 days in the wilderness until she came upon a small cottage. She went to the door to ask for refuge but found the cottage empty. She entered the cottage and saw a bowl of figs on the table which she ate and fell asleep, exhausted. While sleeping the owners of the cottage returned home from their days work and found her. They had never seen such a person and woke her up to find out why she was there. After much conversation it was decided that Snow White could remain in the cottage, using it as a refuge from her wicked step-mother and living arrangements were made. She quickly learned their names and strange names they were. There was Sleepy, Sneezy, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful and Happy.  As time passed Snow White each day told them a story from the Bible and introduced each dwarf to Jesus. Knowing that Sunday was the day of rest, she held a service for all the dwarfs but each dwarf received the messages in their own way. Sleepy found her sermons boring and slept through them; Sneezy disrupted each service by sneezing through it making it hard for Snow White to be heard. Doc was seldom at service. After all Doc had patients to attend. Dopey was well, dopey and didn’t understand much of what she was saying. Grumpy complained during each service that her sermons were too long or didn’t apply to him. Bashful never spoke up or volunteered for anything because well, he was bashful. On the other hand Happy hung onto every word that Snow White spoke and was the one that learned the most about Christ.  Snow White told the dwarfs, just like she had told the huntsman, about the love of Jesus Christ and that they must repent of their sins to receive their eternal reward in Heaven. Not one dwarf believed they had committed even one sin but they soon saw themselves in a different way. They had sinned against Christ and repented and Snow White baptized each of the dwarfs in a small stream that ran by the cottage. This enraged Satan and once more he possessed the queen and disguised as a peddler woman convinced Snow White to eat part of an apple, an apple that had been poisoned, just like the serpent of long ago had tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Unlike Eve who was banished from the Garden of Eden, Snow White fell to the ground dead. Satan left the queen and the queen returned home to find that once more she was the most beautiful person in the land. Meanwhile, saddened by Snow White’s death, they prayed to God for the return of their beloved Snow White. The dwarfs placed her in a plastic box and there she remained until one day a prince rode by and saw her and stopped. He asked the dwarfs what had happened and they told the story of Snow White and how she had led them to Christ and how they had prayed to God for her return.  The dwarfs told the prince of how Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead and with the belief he could do the same the prince opened the box and kissed Snow White and she rose from her box like she had been sleeping. Overjoyed, the prince took Snow White and the dwarfs to his castle and prepared to marry Snow White. Word spread throughout the land about the upcoming wedding and upon hearing of this, the queen vowed to stop the wedding.  However, just like God had banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, the prince banished the queen from the land and was sent to a far away place.  For many years, until their deaths, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs preached and spread the word of God through many lands, just as Jesus and the disciples did so many years before.  On the Day of Judgment, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs stood before God, and when God saw them He knew they had spent their lives in His service and all He could manage to say was “well done my good and faithful servants” as a tear ran down His cheek.

When it is our day for God to judge us, what will He find?  Did we do all we could for His Kingdom?  Did we truly repent of our sins?  Did we really turn our lives over to God?  Will what we have done be enough?  Did we serve Him as Snow White and the

Dwarfs did?  Did we desire and strive to be “good and faithful servants?”  Should we be afraid to face God to give an accounting as to what we did here in our human forms? I don’t think we should be afraid to face God because we feel we didn’t measure up. My belief is because Jesus died on the cross for us so our sins would be forgiven. I don’t believe God wants even one person to perish but for all to have everlasting life. Some people might ask how I can be so sure. I am sure because I know that by repenting and asking for His forgiveness He will give anyone His grace and mercy but they have to ask for it. Even though we will still sin at some time, He doesn’t take away the grace and mercy He has already shown us. God is not wishy-washy and He isn’t vindictive. He is a God of love and compassion. I also don’t believe that there are different degrees of forgiveness. We are all equal and in God’s eyes, one person is not better than someone else. His grace and mercy isn’t based on what we have or have not done or what we should have done. I believe that the only thing He requires is for us to repent and ask for His forgiveness.  We will still be known as “sinners”  but  I prefer to think we are people trying not to sin. I use the phrase “trying not to” because everyone is going to commit some sin and the closer we become to God the less we will sin. I think God knows our hearts and if we believe that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead, that basic fact is all the hope we need. We will never receive His grace and mercy by “doing” things and following a list of rules and regulations. If a person believes they will be saved by doing things they are wrong. Legalism, the attempt of justify ourselves by virtue of one’s good works, will not get you to Heaven. Christianity on the other hand tells us we receive God’s mercy and grace because of His love for us. We can’t save ourselves. Only through Christ can we be assured of salvation .Have you received Christ as your personal savior?  If not, then I urge you to ask God for His forgiveness so you may receive His grace and mercy and  when you do,  you won’t have to fear any of the questions I asked above.

Submitted by John Bailey

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