Revelation of the Lord's Glory

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Isaiah  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  30:48
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Morning Service (201213)

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What if we can tend to get there without the guidance of the scriptures now and one small we go to the prophecy of I saw that the Prophet Elijah and I read the first five verses. That's why I pulled you invest one. Comfort Comfort, my people says your God Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and crying to her. That's how a wolf at is ended. Their own Equity is pardon that she has received from the Lord find gobble.

a voice cries in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord by straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every Valley shall be lifted up and every mountain and Hill be made love yet even ground shall become level on the rough places apply. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. At All Flesh shall see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. A man that we pray that God will help us this week. Look together. Versus 325 of that passage Revelation all of the Lord's Glory. And this is what Christmas is what it should be long until we reach out to eat or should we have come to Christmas day. It's really with us but it is going to be totally different all the ramifications of the effect of the coronavirus. I'll still here. I mean have to be doing things in a white that we have not done before we Steve Austin last week if any wanted to hire if I Christmas day service here in this building and let us know the response we have is that you wrote it would be wiser to do a pre-recorded service will be doing that. It will be transmitted to eat on Christmas Day. We normally do other activities at Christmas time, but we can't do those with thankful that more of us can get together over Christmas and we pray. God for that.

Hawaii sign is the reality and the meaning and the whole purpose of what Christmas is the difference. Is there all we might see that again in a fresh and the real why. And this is what he's being presented to us in these verses here in Isaiah. Prophecy of Isaiah chapter 40 through to the end is a very significant but it wasn't actually s*** with Ross the majority of the people at about a hundred fifty years after in Babylon and this prophecy was broke through the wonders of what God is going to do. It says speaks about a wondrous change. The God is going to bring about that. He's going to blast and aren't we have for his people and we see you there tonight cuz text rotation to prepare to get ready. There's a dramatic that is being spoken off and there is a glory to be review in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord in the desert a highway for our God.

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That preparation has to be made Mary. Would it be making that preparation at the Joseph or so many others, but not fully knowing what that was going to be. No, I don't know what's going to happen next. Cuz I said they would have known this prophecy. We hear their voice lines who is but a voice that is being referred to here is not God because it actually speaks about God. And so who is it today is actually speaking here. Is it was speaking in that prophecy was first presented to those people in Exile in Babylon. What is a human voice but is declaring this god-given message, but we can Rejoice that because of the unity of the scriptures that when we come to the New Testament. We see very clearly knew that voice belongs to who is the one who makes this declaration and we find him this that this prophecy as is so often the case finds fulfillment in different ways and that fulfilled mangeshkar greater. So often speak comfortably to Jerusalem.

Who enjoy this is recording forest or the four gospels doesn't happen with all the Prophecies of dog was in Exile in Babylon is speaking of those were in that sent the others were speaking of the Fulfillment of these and many many other prophecies in the Old Testament Matthew when he said the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord make his prostrate. That was John the Baptist that I was speaking of John the Baptist being spoken up, right? Is it written in the prophet behold? I send my messenger before your face will prepare your wife the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way Eva Lord, make his paths straight and speaking of John the Baptist. He says I saw as a profit the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord make his prostrate every Valley shall be filled Every Mountain and Hill shall be made low when the Crooked shopping come straight the rough places shall become level ways and all fresh shall see the salvation of God. And then John when John the Baptist John records was actually challenged the scribes and Pharisees chapter wine and Fest 23. He said all I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness make straight. The way of the Lord as the prophet Isaiah set of the Holy scriptures for the truth that we also listen to these words is one called me today to say to this voice all men must give ear and Hawking answer that same voice that same message of John the Baptist Navarre. We too must give an awesome. We must see what God is actually saying a nice speaking of a y of a white being prepared The Voice crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord is my strength in the desert highway for our god. This is not so much that we to make preparation.

But it is a God is making preparation. God is opening up the wife and that sends that is brought to his hip. It shows the ideal pattern in his side all obstacles everything a raging things in the right order arranging the needs that be that which is straightened out a way that will be the way the God would have us go actually it is the God has prepared. That way he has sent his the Lord opened in the Lord Jesus Christ.

5 + 8i why should we that I should be cool. Why of holding it over it? If you're not belong to those who will a shop along to those who walk on their way, even if they are fools, they should not have a strike. I did Malachi. We find a guy in the measure is being spoken of behold. I need a lover Pat a waiver for me for the Lord whom you seek with something. They come to his Temple of the measures of the Covenant in whom you Delight behold. He is coming says the Lord of hosts of what Christmas is the God has prepared in the beginning of the scriptures of Eden in Genesis when Adam and Eve when they sinned they were punished they rejected from They was fraud out. But God I was so sad that. Ridhima will come the seed of the woman who is the Messiah the promise savior of God and hear a Christmas that is being fulfilled that that way is being around preparation in the sense. We need to be looking at why we need to be walking in that way. We need the god requires all this but let me see secondly is that that white the God is preparing brings about very dramatic and major changes. We read what's full every Valley shall be lifted up every mountain and he'll be made even ground shall become level and the rough places. Applying the prophecy isn't that the God is going to get rid of all that is just a nonsense to think that that is the case but he is using that to illustrate what is going to do some Mendelssohn the mountains and there are deep valleys that prevent going along that it is as it is a rebellion. It is the fact that we respond to God that we can possibly do do the impossible for us to break down those virus. For the Lord and send it Jesus Christ you sending that by born in that actually have those two thousand thousand years is amazing body. And that is what he's opening up the way and that is what this is all about. We say this every year because we do face this tremendous danger that we lose sight of what we are actually celebrated of what we are.

I need to sleep you to pray that I eyes be open in a Deeper Life in a ritual. Why do we might see that which is right and Brendan Rodgers was proclaiming that message he was preaching the need for repentance people trained him around the way he was baptized it. I need baptized baptized the Lord so she is like he was a pain to the people who saw the need to be repented and that we need to see the baptism, but we did that with practice because that's in this car to be cost to buy a Wii conduit. There's no way that we couldn't do.

Pagar con vodka any gifts that sends if his glory and feather on in the read these watching first 15th, I will lay waste bound to Sandhills a dry up all that's a vegetation. I will turn the river into Island the blind in a way, but I do not know how I will die than return the dark into light and the rough places in Battleground. These are the things I do and I do not forsake is what we need to be praying for. We have experience and know that glorious grace of God dealing with forgiveness that we have weenies.

Let others not but that Grace is that the salvation is the means go to set up.

That those mountains those ballots all the obstacles that might be taken away by be dealt with different southcoasttoday it if you turn to Jesus or your brother be going to wife will be totally fine. No problems. Definition for yourself. If you are experiencing difficulty say teaches, it's your face. That's the problem, you know exercising nothing. I totally contrary to what the true Christian message is.

We do have profen we do have to go to this for the comfort is and the strength is that God still makes the way smooth Forest through those difficulties. We pricing for it. He makes those changes some type. Of course in John's gospel Nicodemus. Dramatic change the nice take place in the nucleus of life. He says to Nicodemus. You must be born a guy. For your dad for reminds us in your trespasses and see. And that means you need life. I need someone who gives that line which brings us to the third element here in verse 5, we read and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and All Flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. The glory of the Lord that's being creepy.

Yeah, let me think of Christmas. We have only recently see it on Christmas cards and the Timothy Flyers. No soliciting the sky balloon presents the results of the dismiss those thing. At the stable situation with the birth of Christ did not like the Stables receive today. In fact, it wasn't many centuries ago. But in this country at least and indeed many other people who regularly sharing that homes with Adams

I mean to dismiss that sort of message.

We need to say is what the Shepherds. I want the Wiseman sore, but Mary and Joseph because soaring what Ina Savannah sword, what's Damien's? What's a crow in Elizabeth? Nice or Glory? and not newborn by

and this was no quiet.

This was not hitting from August. Not all the curse or what event? I didn't date today. The glory of the Lord is having it. That glorious always think that it is seen as so many things in this creation Andre crash in the blessings in the Gas City Jail.

It is Manifest to all flat. this work with no down in the corners it was but it was John in the palace and that's saying stay stable is relevant.

What people need? If I tear it was so incensed to what was called. the kill every smile child of two years and under No, just got rid of that one. Who's showing the glory of God?

How did we decide about the Fulfillment of prophecies this there's not a fulfillment still to come with this prophecy when we showed you all see if we truly trusted in him. Glory of God when his grace and his Mercy he calls us to him. And I said before no doubt us a guide. So forgive me for that, but my mother died on Christmas Day. I think the Section 8 how terrible. Is Christmas will never be the same for you. because of that memory garage sales What a glorious Christmas present she had. I'm not J remove the bus of Christ. She in her spirit Soul. Not the bay. But the living resurrected to send it and glorified Jesus Christ. Could that be Antichrist at present but that is it possible. If you be reading the daily devotion was I sent out? I hope people had me reading wasting that time. You will see that I W Tulsa for some days. Now if the glory of worship of what worship actually is, it's not what so many people think worship is singing La Petite Haven enjoying ourselves in that price jumping around and Johnson ramp, whatever it might be.

Is a sense of the True Glory of God?

How we must drive? before him

and that's what we must see. And I saw that. You all this Glory. What is way back at the beginning of the prophecy chapter 6 accounts Forest that amazing Vision does he hides the glory of God?

He saw the Lord. He saw all the temples the message of the Angel to the cherubim. Holy, holy holy.

Is the Lord God of hosts the whole is a true sub new got out of fell before that signed with me or I'm I'm done from a man of unclean lips. And I'll do that in the midst of a people. Avant clean the way you do that we seen the glory and not since you know, that's what we need to look for.

Lights are going in the same prophecy as on 60 and Shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.


We don't have an account if the circumstances attending the birth of Christ in John's gospel. But we do have such a glorious. Enjoy Moana first. We read on the word became flesh and dwelt among us. We have seen his glory glory on tree.

We are. Is Glory have you seen his glory? Call right ingredients in the hole in the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same energy from one degree of Glory to another for this comes from the Lord. Who is those who see that Glory. Those are truly know who Christ is. Those are truly know what Christmas bead know that being shaved ice melt into a greater degree of his glory.

Let me see it. And we know it.

because he Is it with Irish or not glory in aha? 92 Corinthians full size 4 and verse 6 through God who said that light shine out the darkness to shorten our hearts to get the launch of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. the right of the Hebrews in chapter 1 at least lost guys. He has spoken to us by his son. Note that Sunday said she is the radiance of the glory of God and exact imprint of his nature. Upholds the universe by the word of his power off the baking purification decisions. He sat down at the right hand doesn't have very calm is much superior to the angels. That's the name. He has inherited is more excellent than that. I do. I want School 52 bus time. The Lord is bad his holy arm. before the eyes welder Nation and all the ends of the Earth. Shall see the salvation of America. That's what I told him that that's what we celebrate. That's why I give thanks to God for all the trimmings.

Do Presby fall better off? Sunday would lose everything. We know. Glory. Another loud if you know to sing hymns. The moment but had we been singing hymns today. I would have closed with this particular him that the reminds us of the truth of which we have been speaking. Hark the Glad sound the Savior comes the Savior promise long every heart prepare the Frozen and every voice the song. next bus

I could get a glad hosannas has Prince of Peace. You're welcome. Shall Proclaim and having to turn it on to string with your beloved. Do you know that Glory? We're not stalking. He ever things that just nice things to study and to know about. As I remind us a very end of that prophecy of that part of the prophecy that this it will happen. Is that all come about with a mouse that the Lord has spoken? That's what we need to see. The God has spoken. God has shown himself. God has manifested his glory. That we might share in that quarry. I'm at.

Father we do. Thank you and praise you. For the glory you shown us in Christ Jesus.

And that guy even bus again. And that life that he lived.

The cross and which he died?

The crazy couldn't hold. I just wander Ascension. integratori Hello my wiener. On my way to see this maybe rejoice. anole But you have given to us. May this Christmas toy. guitar timer Rich blessed to each one

now let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. All his wondrous compassion and Purity. Oh that's very divine all my nitrifying to the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

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